” Man will conquer the sky . As long as I work hard enough, one day I will be able to condense a complete formation diagram.”

Yang Xuan secretly gritted his teeth and resolutely started self-harm.

Cutting Divine Soul, most people absolutely can’t do it, and they don’t have the guts.

That kind of pain is beyond description, and it is even more intense than the Eight Sects of cultivation.

A person’s Divine Soul is the most mysterious existence, dominating all actions and thinking of oneself, if there is a slight difference, it can become an idiot, and the soul flew away and scattered.

Even if it is less painful, it will make people feel unhappy.

“Only after bitter hardships, can be better than others, this bit of pain makes me harder.”

Yang Xuan curled up on the ground, his limbs twitching, but Secretly, he did not stop, constantly transporting Divine Refining Technique’s unique mind and cutting Divine Soul.

Strands of soul silk fell off from his Divine Soul, and all merged into the formation diagram below, making the entire formation diagram more subtle, and the whole body is blooming.

The formation diagram of refining the gods can protect the soul and strengthen the soul. It absorbs Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth all the time, and strengthens the strength of Yang Xuan’s Divine Soul, which is extremely mysterious.

Yang Xuan can’t remember how many times Life and Death Tribulation is difficult. It is the soul-protecting effect of the formation diagram that can save his life.

After a painful cultivation, Yang Xuan didn’t know how long it had passed until the soul thread reached two thousand before he slowly stopped.

I checked the fate number at will, and saw that the fate number was down by five thousand points, only to know that the time has passed five days.

In the advanced practice room, one thousand lives a day, five thousand days is exactly five thousand.

“Ai, no matter how many lives, it can’t stand my repeated tossing!”

Yang Xuan lightly sighed, he meditated a little and adjusted his breath, and immediately got up and walked out of the practice. room.

As soon as his front foot came out of the practice room, the back foot of the azure clothed old man came, said solemnly: “You came out at the right time, now go to the river of darkness.”

“The River of Darkness?”

Yang Xuan raised his brow in confusion.

“This is a task, all trialists must go.”

azure clothed old man old man The voice is still there, a loud and vigorous voice suddenly came like Hong Zhong Dalu .

“All the trialists, immediately rush to the river of darkness to stop the dark beasts, and those who violate the order, reset their fate to zero, and wipe out!”

“The fate of resetting to zero is really cruel Yes.”

Yang Xuan took a cold breath.

“This is the order of the Palace Lord of the Temple of Destiny. No one can disobey it.”

azure clothed old man said.

“Senior, what happened to the River of Darkness?”

Yang Xuan understands that this trip to the River of Darkness is by no means as simple as killing some dark beasts alone.

“Not long ago, the spring seal at the bottom of the River of Darkness was loosened on a large scale, attracting a large number of creatures in the dark world.”

“These creatures, except for the dark beasts, Are there any other creatures?”

“Yes, and there are still a lot of them, you can call them Dark Fiend.”

“Dark Fiend?”

“The dark world has existed for a long time, and Yin Qi has been pervading all year round, and many higher creatures have grown. These creatures are strong as an ox and feed on Yin Qi and blood. They are very bloodthirsty and very difficult to deal with.”

“Junior knows, let’s go to the river of darkness.”

“Go, when you encounter the darkness Fiend, you can kill if you can kill, and you can retire if you can’t.”

“Well, Junior will do what he can.”

After that, Yang Xuan quickly walked out of the Temple of Destiny, and saw that on the square outside the Temple, people had already gone to the building, almost everyone Have left here.

Although I don’t know who the voice came from, when the punishment was cleared to zero, no one dared to try the law and rushed to the river of darkness.

“Yang Xuan, you finally came out.”

At this moment, several silhouettes flew over. It was Yan Ruyue and the others.

“The matter is complicated. Let’s talk about it on the road. Everyone will follow me to the river of darkness.”

Yang Xuan said hello, and then led everyone, with the fastest speed , Flew towards the North City.

On the way, Si Kongao, Nangong Bingyue, Tuobayun, Long Yi, Ding Mansha and the others also came to meet Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan saw that the team was in order, so he opened the mouth and said: “Not much to say, this operation is very dangerous. When it comes to the river of darkness, everyone remembers not to be too far away from me.”

“What’s the matter, is the dark beast rioting?”

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