Tuobayun asked with a frown.

Even if he is far away, he can see the black air rising into the sky over the Northern Part of City through the densely packed crowd in front of him.

“I don’t know how many dark beasts are in such a rich Yin Qi?”

“I am afraid there will be no less.”

“The dark beasts are still the second , What we need to guard against is the dark Fiend.”

During the conversation, Yang Xuan interrupted, making everyone stunned. Wu Lingyan asked curiously: “What is the dark Fiend? “

“I don’t know, only one thing is certain. Dark Fiend belongs to a higher creature, and its strength is stronger than any higher-order dark beast.”

hearing this, everyone present is in the bottom of their hearts. It is a sinking, knowing that this behavior is extremely dangerous, a bad one will have violent death.

“Hehe, with me here, you don’t have to worry too much, and if I’m right, the rewards for beheading the beasts or Fiend of Darkness in this collective mission are absolutely huge.”


Yang Xuan slightly smiled, intended to relieve the tension of the crowd.

“No matter how good the reward is, you have to get it. This time I will depend on you. I will go wherever you go.”

Tuo Bayun pouted.

Chapter 986 Generous Reward

The river of darkness, from yin to evil, like a sinister’s black dragon-like, straddles the northern city and is full of dark beasts.

Dark beasts are ferocious and cruel, with varying strengths and weaknesses. The powerful dark beasts can easily shred the body of the supreme, which is prohibitive.

But today, although knowing that the River of Darkness is extremely dangerous and is definitely not a good place, all the testers can only come here by brace oneself.

“Damn it, the entire North City has been sealed, so you can only enter and not exit.”

At this moment, some of the many trialists have discovered something, with an ugly look Up.

And upon hearing this, some people tried to retreat and found that the entire North City was covered by an invisible light curtain. No matter their strength, it would be difficult to break this light curtain.

The light curtain is a ban, and it is also a seal, completely confining them in it, even if they want to leave.

“It’s over, we are dead this time.”

“What’s the fear, I don’t believe that the Temple of Destiny will always seal this place.”

Someone Some people are relatively optimistic about this fear, and believe that the seal will be lifted sooner or later.

But the premise is that all of them must save their lives before the seal is lifted.

This is undoubtedly difficult, after all, what they are facing now is the rioting river of darkness, heaven knows how many dark beasts exist in the madly gushing black air.

Generally, the low-level dark beasts are that’s all. If there are too many high-level dark beasts in it, then the situation is not good.

“Not good, a large number of dark beasts have been killed.”

“Everyone, let’s try to stop the dark beasts.”

“Yes, we There are many people, and one person can drown these monsters with a single spit.”

At this moment, the crowd began to riot, and thousands of monsters rushed out of the black air in the distance. .

Monsters are all dark beasts, surrounded by black aura, and vary in size. The small ones are only the size of a human child, and the big ones are like a hill. The earth shook and the mountain quivered when they are traveling, they make waves. There was a huge sound and the momentum was terrifying.


There is a seal, there is no way for everyone to retreat, but they can unite and do their best to fight against the hordes of dark beasts.

In a short moment, fierce fighting broke out, the sound of human tragic death, the howling of dark beasts, and various energies burst out, and the loud noises were connected together, resounding through the sky…

At the same time, deep in the river of darkness.

There is a dark and dull spring, spring incomparable gigantic, and the black *** is constantly being sprayed out during the rotation, and there are countless dark beasts in the large amount of **.

There are also some faintly on the back grows a pair of wings. The weird humans with the first-born one-horned fly out, with jié jié weird smiles.

Needless to say, this is the Dark Fiend, the strength is very terrifying, no dark beast dared to approach them, all respected them.

“Human World, delicious, delicious…”

“Humans…have always been very capable, we…have to be careful, don’t just come…and die.”


“haha, we…Darkness Fiend strong as an ox, Undying and Inextinguishable, unless one blow is extinguished…our soul, no one can kill us by law.”

In Fiend, a few can actually speak human’s words, but they are a little vague and not so neat.

“Don’t be careless, go out to explore the situation first, and see what kind of land is outside.”

There is also a tall head, within both eyes, a dark Fiend surging with deep magic light. Speaking clearly, he looked around all around and said to many of the same kind.

“Everything but Lord Demon is the master.”

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