Many dark Fiends responded in unison, but these words were very neat, and they were extremely respectful to this dark Fiend.


Flying all the way, Yang Xuan entire group soon came to Beicheng and found that it was chaotic. You could see the testers fighting the dark beasts almost everywhere.

Dark beasts are bloodthirsty, and even if they die tragically, they will pounce on them one after another without any intention of giving up.

“Kill it!”

Without a word, Yang Xuan took out the Purgatory Sword and cleaned out several low-level dark beasts around with a single sword.

Yan Ruyue and the others did not talk nonsense, each wielded their weapons and slaughtered the dark beasts together with Yang Xuan.

Everyone present, except for the weaker tyrants, Li Yunfei and Mu Qingyu, the others have extremely strong individual combat capabilities.

For example, Yan Ruyue, but with a hand at the Divine Item Yuqin obtained from the Thunder Pool of Good Fortune, you can suppress and kill a large group of dark beasts in the air.

This situation and situation also attracted many people who wanted to come to seek asylum.

Yang Xuan didn’t care about this. He just kept swiping his sword to kill the dark beasts, and at the same time led everyone forward slowly toward the river of darkness in the distance.

“The more you go forward, the higher the level of the dark beast, you can’t move forward anymore.”

A group of outsiders complexion greatly changed, scared back and forth again and again, never again Dare to stay with Yang Xuan and the others.

“A group of cowards.”

Wu Lingyan twitched his lips, waving a delicate short blade in her hand, and an extremely hot shadow of the knife passed, and several dark beasts in front of him immediately The head is different.

“Awesome, didn’t expect to see you for many days, you little girl has become so advantageous.”

Yang Xuan laughed, where his figure went, There was a bloody storm.

And every time you kill a dark beast, your own life will be increased accordingly. Everyone has discovered this, so they started ruthless and are working hard to accumulate life.

This trip is dangerous, but it is also an extremely rare occasion. Anyone who can survive can get a lot of lives if they want to.

“So many lives are rewarded!”

“Well, this time I must kill enough.”

all directions, many testers also Killed red eyes, either alone, or gathered together in groups of three or four to jointly deal with the surrounding herd.

“roar roar…”

Dark beasts howled to the sky, under the frenzied attack of the crowd, they were gradually killed back, leaving the floor covered with blood Dead body.


Seeing this scene, some bold people advance instead of retreating, all the way to the river of darkness.

At the same time, the overbearing, You Fen, Yuechan Fairy, the young people covered in mysterious halo, and others who once got a Life Source transported Heavenly Book, all came to the vicinity of the river of darkness. , Started a fierce battle with some high-level dark beasts.

The rewards for killing high-level dark beasts are more generous, as long as the number is sufficient, it is no less than clearing the three halls.

This is very exciting, especially Domineering and Youfen, the two have already formed an alliance in order to accumulate lives, and they must kill the high-level dark beasts as quickly as possible.

“haha, I haven’t seen it for many days, Fairy’s strength seems to have improved again!”

Yang Xuan soon came here, moved towards Yuechan Fairy made a loud noise Laughing, and his arrival made Domineering and You Fen frown.

Both of them understand that with Yang Xuan, the speed at which they can get their lives is bound to drop sharply. With Yang Xuan’s character, even if they don’t do anything with them, they will definitely snatch the dark beast from them. , And then improve their own fate.

Chapter 987 Dark Fiend

“Alright, compared to you, I am far inferior.”

Yuechan Fairy spoke faintly, her voice calm and composed.

She has icy muscles and bones, graceful and graceful. Although she is covered with gauze, it is impossible to see the beauty, but her elegant and ethereal temperament is still difficult to look away.

Even Yan Ruyue, Yi Qingwu, Nangong Bingyue, and Wu Lingyan could not help but look at her a few more times.

This is a woman. When you see a beautiful woman, you will always compare yourself involuntarily.

Si Kongao glanced at Yuechan Fairy, then withdrew his gaze, whispered in Nangong Bingyue’s ear: “Don’t read it, in my heart, you are always the most beautiful.”

Hearing this, Yang Xuan couldn’t help but gave a thumbs up at Sikongao.

“I thought you were an honest person, and didn’t expect to know how to talk.”

Nangong Bingyue gave Sikong a proud glance.

Si Kongao’s expression stiffened, and he cast a look at Yang Xuan for help.

Yang Xuan spreads out, looking helpless.

He raised his head to look at Yuechan Fairy, said with a smile: “Hehe, Fairy is too self-conceited. With the fire on your head, he will never be worse than me.”

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