” Cultivation ?”

Yuechan Fairy was stunned, and asked in a puzzled way: “Isn’t it said that obsidian is so evil, how can it be used for cultivation?”


“You don’t understand this. The so-called heaven and earth have two qi, and the two qi are divided into Yin and Yang. The anode produces Yin, and the cathode produces Yang. In this obsidian, a little true Yang happens to be born. Yang, anyone can absorb refining, or increase cultivation base, or restore their own consumption.”

Yang Xuan paused and continued: “Dark Fiend is just the opposite of us. They don’t absorb true Yang. , It only absorbs the pure yin of obsidian, so Yin Qi is all over you.”

“This way, you know so much.”

“Not too much, at least the body of nothingness I’ve never heard of it.”

“Speaking of the body of nothingness, I don’t know if that person came in?”

“He must be here, but I don’t know where he is. Where.” Purple clothed Hou analyzed, and he was curious about the mysterious person who was the first to break through the Shifang Temple and had a body of nothingness until now.

“The Holy Demon City is here. Looking at this battle, we don’t seem to be welcome.”

As we speak, the Holy Demon City is already in sight, and everyone looks up, even It can be clearly seen that a large number of dark Fiend aggressive rushed out of the city gate, a posture of waiting.

“We are human beings. Fiend will welcome you in the middle of the road. It is strange. I am afraid that there will be a battle.”

“War will fight, I am afraid that these Fiends are not enough for me to kill.”

Leave a sentence, Jian Wuming body moved, carrying the saber, and killing a large group of Fiend not far away alone.

“Let’s do it too, first give these Fiends a little bit of power.”

purple clothed Hou, Liao Junjie, Wei Lihui, and Tan Fei are not soft-hearted people. Past.

In the face of the offensive of the purple clothed hou and the others, the battle at first turned sideways. Fiend’s roar and screams continued to resound.

Here, Yang Xuan walked slowly, without any intention to do anything. Apart from him, Yuechan Fairy did not intend to participate in the war.

Fiend is bloodthirsty, but it is also a kind of life in the world. With Yuechan Fairy’s consistent character of being kind to people, naturally he will not kill.

“Hehe, if everyone in the world is as kind as Fairy, then there are probably no bad people in the world.”

Yang Xuan smiled authentically.

“How many times have you said that, can’t you call me by name?”

Yuechan Fairy glared at Yang Xuan and said, “In addition, I am not kind, But I don’t like killing, but when it’s time to be compelled by circumstances, I will draw my sword and kill.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows slanted and looked at Yuechan Fairy deeply. .

“Don’t look at me that way. Since I am sensible, I have had a lot of lives in my hands, and those people are all people who deserve to be killed.”

Yuechan Fairy said.

Chapter 994 Magic Crystal Cannon

“It’s okay to kill only those who should be killed.”

Yang Xuan smiled at Yuechan Fairy.

In this cruel world, it is really rare for a woman to do this.

Yuechan Fairy’s eyes are like water, each minding their own business authentically: “Innate Dao body is born with the Dao, and the practice goes smoothly. In the eyes of outsiders, this kind of physique ten thousand li pick one. , Good can’t be better.”

Speaking of this, she changed her words and said quietly: “But who knows that people with Innate Dao body can’t easily kill indiscriminately, otherwise there will be The danger of cultivation deviation.”

“There is also this factor…”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes. He never knew that Innate Dao’s body had such side effects.

“Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Besides, I don’t like killing.”

“Is there no solution?”


“Oh, there is a way!”

“Yes, just find the Primal Chaos Stone, and I can use the power of the Primal Chaos Stone to transform my physique.”


“On top of the Innate Dao body, there is a more powerful physique, which is called Primal Chaos Dao Body in the ancient book.”

“I understand, it’s not that you want to come to the dark world, but the dark world has what you need.”

“You’re right, the reason why I came to the dark world , Just to get the Primal Chaos Stone in Heavenspan Pagoda.”

“So, then I will help you out, of course, provided that there is more than one Primal Chaos Stone in Heavenspan Pagoda.”


“You are welcome, we are considered old acquaintances, and you have taken good care of Cher that girl in the Grand Purity Palace, reasonable in every circumstance, I should help you.”

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