Between words, the battle ahead has come to an end, only a dozen dark Fiends are still struggling to support.

These more than a dozen dark Fiends are unusually tall and belong to the level of a demon general. Their strength is comparable to any great power in the world, and they are very powerful.

Now that we join hands and fight to the death, it is not easy for the purple clothed hou and the others to kill them.

“Humans, you are so hateful.”

“Quickly, quickly activate the magic crystal cannon and let these humble creatures go to hell.”

A roar came, Yang Xuan saw a dozen demon generals jumped onto the city wall, and each took out an arm-thick, black tube, aimed at the purple clothed hou and the others.

Obviously, this is the magic crystal cannon.

“Magic crystal cannon!”

Yang Xuan vision freezes, hurriedly shouted: “This thing can’t be hard to regret, everyone quickly retreat,”

“Retreat !”

The purple clothed Hou and the others had already discovered that it was wrong, so they evacuated from the city.

“Go to death!”

At the same time, the magic crystal cannons in the hands of a dozen demon generals were all lit up, and terrifying energy was brewing.

next moment, dozens of magic crystal cannons made deafening rumbling sounds, dozens of pitch-black as ink rays of light, like a dozen black dragon-like, moved towards purple clothed one after another Hou and the others shoot.

Even the place where Yang Xuan and Yuechan Fairy are located is locked by a black light.

Yuechan Fairy complexion changed, and she wants to withdraw.

“It’s too late.”

Yang Xuan shook his head, and while stimulating Profound Truth of Space, he freed a hand and pulled Yuechan Fairy behind him.

boom~ boom~ ……

Almost at the same time Yang Xuan started his action, a huge group of black lights roared, exploding the surrounding world.

Under this violent explosion, the earth of the radius of hundred zhang was corroded by a large amount of black gas in an instant, and Tzzzzzzz was full of black smoke.

As for the purple clothed hou and the others, they are also not immune, each is shrouded in black light, and the loud noise is endless.

“Did you die?”

On the city wall, more than a dozen demon generals gasped, apparently using the magic crystal cannon, which caused him great consumption.

“How could it be possible that none of them died!”

At this moment, a magic general screamed and connected.

“It’s really not dead, it’s so possible!?”

The rest of the demon generals looked intently, with their faces full of disbelief.

These more than a dozen magic crystal cannons are the killer refined by the demon lord of their holy demon city. They are specially used to resist foreign enemies. They are better than they are hit by a blow, and they must be turned into flying ash on the spot. .

But now, as the large-scale explosion ceases, none of those humans have died, and they are still standing there alive.

Especially a white clothed youth and young woman, even the clothes on her body did not show the slightest damage.

Needless to say, the white clothed youth and young women are Yang Xuan and Yuechan Fairy.

With Profound Truth of Space to resist, and Yang Xuan propped up the divine force shield, the power of the magic crystal cannon was less than a single shot. “

“Thank you, Yang Xuan. “

Yuechan Fairy is grateful, looking at the devastated land all around, she also has a lingering fear. To be honest, she is not absolutely sure that she will survive this time without Yang Xuan’s action.

“trivial matter, what feet are hanging. “

Yang Xuan waved his hand and looked at the purple clothed hou and the others not far away. Although several people were still alive, they were all injured. The most severely injured was Tan Fei, one right arm is almost torn and bloody.

“Bastard, you dare to hurt me, I want you to die without a burial site. “

Tan Fei was hit hard and also moved True Fire. He roared like a cannonball on the city wall and fought fiercely with a dozen demons.

” Go, snatch the magic crystal cannon. “

purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Liao Junjie, and Wei Lihui did not think too much, but they also rushed to the city wall one after another, together with Tan Fei to fight against a dozen demon generals.

hong long long ……

At the same time, the entire holy magic city shook, and countless Fiend quickly gathered in the city, swarming like locusts.

“Not good , Fiend army is coming. “

At this moment, even Yang Xuan felt a little scalp numb.

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