Thousands of Fiends were killed in one shell, which scared the rest of Fiend.

The so-called hundred thousand Fiend army, under the fierce power of the magic crystal cannon, it is difficult to maintain the formation.

Fiend heads to head, like a headless fly, fleeing in all directions, unable to form an army.

Very terrifying lethality, but how do you use this stuff? “

Liao Junjie took a deep breath and turned his head to look at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan indifferently said: “There is an obsidian crystal in these magic crystal cannons, enough to make the magic crystal The crystal cannon launched several attacks. “

After getting the magic crystal cannon, Yang Xuan began to research, and soon mastered the use of the magic crystal cannon.

In the dark world, the magic crystal cannon is a cutting-edge The weapon, the destructive power is huge, and it is used to deal with these ordinary Fiends with no difficulty.

“It’s really an obsidian crystal! “

Purple clothed Hou released Divine Consciousness and checked it secretly. He was surprised to find that the magic crystal gun in his hand was inlaid with a fist sized black crystal that shone in the dark.

The black crystal is exactly the obsidian crystal, it is an advanced object of obsidian, and it may not be able to be mined in an obsidian vein. It is extremely precious.

“Well, with this magic gun in hand, it is equal to We have another killing move, even if we go to Heavenspan Pagoda, we can use this to save our lives. “

Tan Fei is very excited.

“Don’t be happy too early, the magic crystal cannon is powerful, but it needs obsidian crystal, and I’m afraid I can’t find it in the entire Holy Demon City. too much. “

purple clothed Hou Dao.

“Well, it is true. “

Yang Xuan nodded.

“There are more magic crystal cannons, how do we divide them next? “

Sword Wuming looked around, his eyes fell on the few magic crystal cannons left by the death of the demon generals at his feet.

“We are one person and two, the rest is What do you think of the three of them belong to me? “

Yang Xuan thought for a while.

“Yes. “

purple clothed Hou readily agreed.

No matter how good the magic crystal cannon, it must have obsidian crystals. In fact, one magic crystal cannon is enough. After all, this thing is sturdy and durable, and it won’t be damaged for a while.

“How do you feel about it? “

Yang Xuan looked towards Jian Wuming, Wei Lihui, Liao Junjie, Tan Fei.

“It is the holy magic city proposed by Brother Yang. I have no opinion. “

Jian Wuming said, Wei Lihui and the three did not speak, which is equivalent to acquiescing Jian Wuming.

“many thanks. “

Yang Xuan hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, and put away some magic crystal cannons on the ground, and the magic crystal cannon in his hand was thrown to the city just arrived Yuechan Fairy on the wall.

“Those who see you have a share, Fairy can keep this thing in case you need it. “

Yang Xuan said.

“Thanks. “

After seeing the formidable power of the magic crystal cannon, Yuechan Fairy was not polite, and thanked Yang Xuan and accepted the magic crystal cannon.

Yang Xuan didn’t talk nonsense, waved his hand, and said: “Let’s go, go to City Lord Mansion. “

“City Lord Mansion? “

Purple clothed Hou raised his eyebrows.

“City Lord Mansion is the mansion of the demon lord. The obsidian or obsidian crystals mined in various veins in the city are all Stored in the warehouse of City Lord Mansion. “

Yang Xuan explained.

“so that’s how it is. “

Everyone suddenly started, without delay, they all started their exercises together and flew to the central area of ​​the Holy Magic City with Yang Xuan.

Along the way, Fiend hid in Tibet, I didn’t dare to show my head at all, seeing Yang Xuan and the others as scourges.

“I was a Fiend fierce and unafraid of death, didn’t expect still a group of timid people. “

Liao Junjie face revealed disdain.

“Fiend is also a human being, no matter how vicious, in the face of absolute strength, the first thing he thinks of is to save his life. ”

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