purple clothed Hou Dao.

“The City Lord Mansion is here.”

At this moment, Yang Xuan opened the mouth and said.

hearing this, purple clothed Hou and the others looked up and saw that not far away, an ancient and austere mansion rose from the ground, imposing manner magnificent.

“Dignified City Lord Mansion, there must be treasure in it.”

Tan Fei be eager to have a try for a while.

“Treasure can live there, whoever finds it first.”

Leave a sentence, Yang Xuan swept over Yuechan Fairy and rushed into City Lord in a blink of an eye. Mansion.

“Let’s go, let’s go hunting for treasure.”

purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, and the others froze for a moment, and also increased their speed, and entered the City Lord Mansion.

“Yang Xuan, what are you doing, don’t you let me go?”

Inside the City Lord Mansion, Yuechan Fairy is ashamed and angry, a pretty face with a veil Covered up, Yang Xuan can still see two charming blushes.

He sneered and let go, “Sorry, when I think of treasure, there are some impatients. I definitely don’t want to take advantage of you.”


Yuechan Fairy was so angry that she said: “If you want to hunt for treasure, just go by yourself, what will you do with me?”

“Are we old acquaintances, I will naturally take you , Don’t tell me, you will benefit from following me.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile on his face.

Yuechan Fairy’s eyes flickered, and he blurted out and asked, “Do you know what treasures are in this Inside the City Lord Mansion?”

“I don’t know, but I have a Great Destiny, I want to find a lot of good things.”

“You can really put gold on your face.”

“I’m telling the truth.”

“You are good enough, but you can tell, where should we go now?”

“Go to the inner palace first. Even if you have something good, you should be there.”

Chapter 996 Yin Wind

As the core of the Holy Magic City, Inside the City Lord Mansion originally had a large number of Fiend guards.

But now, inside and outside the entire mansion, people have already gone to the building, and there is no sign of Fiend.

When Yang Xuan and Yuechan Fairy walked along the road to the inner palace, purple clothed Hou and the others also came here one after another, and began to search carefully in the surrounding buildings.

After 5 minutes of effort, everyone gathered in the main hall of the Inner Palace, and none of them found anything valuable.

Of course, this is what was said, only everyone knows whether they have found good things.

For example, Yang Xuan found a mysterious black cauldron, the size of a black cauldron millstone, three legs and two ears, and the style is very simple. Yang Xuan didn’t see the material of this cauldron for a while. effect.

Liao Junjie scolded: “I tried a lot of effort, but I didn’t find anything. I knew I should catch a Fiend outside the house and be forced to ask him severely.”

” Now, Fiend’s things may not be useful if we get them, so we should look for obsidian first.”

Yang Xuan is not depressed. For him, the purpose of this trip is obsidian.

Obsidian is second. After seeing the formidable power of the magic crystal cannon, he now only wants to get the obsidian crystal.

Only obsidian crystals can maximize the formidable power of the magic crystal cannon.

Magic crystal cannon, ordinary obsidian can also be activated, but the formidable power is greatly reduced, far inferior to obsidian.

“The inner palace is not small. It is not easy to find the place where the obsidian is stored.”

purple clothed hou frowns saying.

Yang Xuan did not speak any more, just inspired Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, and soon discovered something, said with a smile: “Let’s go, I already know where the obsidian warehouse is.”

“How did Brother Yang know? Huh, you are Martial Dao Heavenly Eye!”

Purple clothed Hou was taken aback for a moment, and then he noticed that Yang Xuan’s eyes were not right, and he could tell at a glance Yang Xuan owns the legendary Martial Dao Heavenly Eye.

“It is Martial Dao Heavenly Eye.”

Yang Xuan nodded with a smile.

“Brother Yang is really deeply hidden!”

Jian Wuming sighed with emotion.

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