“What’s going on!?”

At this time, let alone Zhou Biao and the others were surprised, even Jiang Chengfeng was very puzzled.

It stands to reason that Yang Xuan should have been struggling, and even the dead body was on the spot, but he has been away for so long, but it happened to be fine, and he is still alive.

Yuechan Fairy was also shocked, and looked at Yang Xuan curiously, “How did you do it!?”

“I don’t know, maybe I got it. Blessed by God, these bloodthirsty bees are very afraid of me.”

Yang Xuan shrugged, and smiled at Yuechan Fairy.


Yuechan Fairy was speechless, she didn’t believe Yang Xuan’s nonsense, she knew that Yang Xuan had something on her body that could restrain the bloodthirsty bee .

“I’m telling the truth, you see, these small insects are afraid of me.”

Yang Xuan spreads out a hand, and there are many small invisible small insects in the palm. Red dot.

These little red dots are exactly the bloodthirsty bees, if you enlarge them, every bloodthirsty bee is sharp-tongued, hideous and terrifying.

But now, all the bloodthirsty bees are shiver coldly, and they seem to have encountered something terrible.

“Brother Yang boldness of execution stems from superb skill, it is admirable.”

Jiang Chengfeng came forward with a very ugly face. He originally wanted to murder a person with a Borrowed knife, but now it seems that the bloodthirsty bee can’t help Yang Xuan at all.

“If I didn’t have some ability, I wouldn’t know where I died.”

Yang Xuan didn’t even look at Jiang Chengfeng, and suddenly said to Yuechan Fairy: “You first Let’s go, I’ll take a look below.”

tone barely fell, he ran the divine force, forcibly broke the ground, and plunged.

“Yang Xuan.”

Yuechan Fairy startled, hardly thinking about it, and rushing down after Yang Xuan.

“It’s dangerous below, Miss Ji absolutely can’t…”

Jiang Chengfeng was anxious and angry, but he knew that the blood demons were suppressed under the Blood Soul Valley. If it is not good, it will end in a tragic death.

“Young Master, let’s go, there is no need to accompany an unrelated woman to death.”

Zhou Biao hesitated.

“You just wait here, and you will come when you go.”

Leave a message, Jiang Chengfeng also got into the ground. He was never a timid person, let alone Defending the pagoda, he has several points of confidence in his heart, thinking that he can save his life even in danger.

All the way down, Yang Xuan was thinking. Not long ago, he detected inexplicable fluctuations in the depths of the earth.

That kind of fluctuation is like a summon, and it seems that someone has sent a thought to him.

“Yang Xuan, did you find something?”

Yuechan Fairy caught up with Yang Xuan and asked with a look of uncertainty.

“There is someone underneath.”

Hearing Yang Xuan’s words, Yuechan Fairy can’t help being emotional, and then Jiang Chengfeng screamed, “Definitely It’s a blood demon, we can’t go anymore.”

“Aren’t you a blood demon already dead? How come you are alive now?”

Yuechan Fairy brows tightly frowns.

“Blood demon is a taboo. It should not be mentioned easily, especially in the Blood Soul Valley. You cannot talk about the word blood demon.”

Both Jiang Chengfeng spoke, suddenly below There was a roar that shook the sky, and the whole Blood Soul Valley was shaking.

“Not good, the blood demon is watching us.”

Jiang Chengfeng complexion greatly changed, and said to Yuechan Fairy hurriedly: “Ms. Ji, please follow me up quickly. It is unimaginable.”

“Go up by yourself, I will protect Miss Ji.” Yang Xuan said indifferently.

“Only you? What do you use to protect Miss Ji?”

Jiang Chengfeng broke out into laughter caused by anger.


Yang Xuan hasn’t answered yet, yet another roar is heard.

At the same time, the rock under the three of them collapsed, exposing a bottomless hole.

At the lowest point of the big hole, a terrifying suction surged, and the three of them were torn down uncontrollably, and came to an underground cavity.

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