Here, blood- colored rivers crisscross, rushing endlessly, full of an extremely depressing atmosphere.

“It’s over, even if there is a seal of the fairy formation, it is difficult for us to escape alive today.”

Jiang Chengfeng’s face is gray and his eyes are full of deep fear.

“You mean the blood demon was sealed by a fairy formation?” Yuechan Fairy asked.

“Yes, the blood demon did not die back then, but was suppressed deep in the blood soul valley, and it was a powerful fairy formation that suppressed this demon.”

Up to now, Jiang Chengfeng has nothing to hide, he just wants to leave here alive.

Chapter 1010 The Chain of Souls

“The blood demon… is really not dead!”

Yang Xuan and Yuechan Fairy looked at each other, each All revealed a touch of grave expression.

Blood Demon Art is a deep learning, a half immortal, and its strength is much higher than that of Dao Realm powerhouse.

These experts, even if they are trapped now, are by no means able to contend with such a small divine force martial artist. The gap between the two parties is too big, and there is no comparability at all.

“According to legend, in order to maintain life, the blood demon would ingest a lot of fresh blood every once in a while. It delivers fresh blood.”

Jiang Chengfeng browses tightly frowns, holding the pagoda tightly in his hand, looking like an enemy, ready to guard.

The pagoda can exorcise evil and avoid evil, and it also has a certain effect on the blood demons. Jiang Chengfeng can only rely on this pagoda at the moment to save his life.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier.”

Yuechan Fairy glanced at Jiang Chengfeng and scolded.

Jiang Chengfeng knows that Blood Soul Valley is dangerous, but insists on going through here. This is not a lamb in a tiger’s den and what is it?


Jiang Chengfeng was speechless, he could never say that he chose to cross the Blood Soul Valley just to get rid of Yang Xuan.

In a short silence, he explained: “Gorefiend rarely wakes up and sleeps most of the time. I also didn’t expect that we will just hit the gunpoint this time.”

“Hehe, the heart of Sima Zhao is well known to everyone, but it is a pity that stealing a chicken will not erode a handful of rice, and you will also come in.”

Yang Xuan coldly smiled, full of mockery.


Jiang Chengfeng glared at Yang Xuan, his face very ugly.

“Don’t you, mine, I know what your calculations are in your heart, you just look at the relationship between me and Miss Ji, and want me to stay in the Blood Soul Valley forever.”

Yang Xuan curl one’s lip.

“hmph, yes, I just see you not pleasing to your eyes, what do you want?”

Jiang Chengfeng simply cast aside all considerations for face with Yang Xuan.

“A villain, how can you be worthy of Miss Ji with your virtue?” Yang Xuan said with disdain.

“You are courting death.”

Jiang Chengfeng is so angry that he must do something.

“Well, now is not the time for infighting, let’s think of a way to see if we can get out from here.”

Yuechan Fairy shouted.

“There are restrictions here, I am afraid it will be difficult.”

Yang Xuan tone barely fell, a weak voice of Dao Void suddenly came from a distance, “Help me…”

“Someone here!?”

Yuechan Fairy startled.

“There are indeed people. The other party gave me sound transmission just now, otherwise I won’t come down to check.”

Yang Xuan said.

“Who is it?”

Neither Yuechan Fairy nor Jiang Chengfeng know that the person who makes the sound is definitely not a blood demon.

“I, I am here…”

Soon, the weak voice sounded again.

“Go, let’s go and take a look.”

Yang Xuan listened to the sound and flew forward.

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