“I cut off my arm, not for the beast, but for the love of Luo Family. No matter what Luo Shaobao is , Luo Family is kind to me, my father and grandfather. “

“Grace is gratitude, resentment is resentment, you are very good, but Luo Family may not let you go when Luo Shaobao dies. You’d better leave immediately, and flee as far as you can.”

Chapter 1019 Killing another person

Luo Cheng bowed and gave a salute with a solemn expression on his face: “Young Master, great kindness, Luo Cheng remembers it in his heart. If he has a chance in the future, he will repay him. “

As soon as this statement came out, Yang Xuan could clearly feel that a strange Spiritual Fluctuation came from Luo Cheng’s body, and it quietly sank into the Destiny Stone, making the Destiny Stone slightly There was a slight tremor.

Just like a pool of stagnant water, a little ripple suddenly appeared, and it had a somewhat “live” taste.

“Sure enough, doing good deeds is conducive to refining the Destiny Stone!”

Yang Xuan secretly delighted, but did not show it on his face.

He waved his hand and said: “Just go with it, you can get back, let’s go, and live well.”


Luo Cheng embraced cup one fist in the other hand and left.

Yang Xuan watched Luo Chengyuan go, his eyes turned to a few of Luo Shaobao’s entourage, indifferently said: “I am not a bloodthirsty person, while I haven’t changed my mind, how far do you go. “


Several people, such as the amnesty, evacuated from here one after another, it looked like a group of stray dogs.

They didn’t dare to return to Luo Family, or even to the Wild World. After all, Luo Shaobao died in front of them, and Luo Family couldn’t spare them first.

“Ai, Luo Family is really bloody mold this time.”

“Yes, Luo Family Young Master died in battle, even Divine Sword of the town clan was killed. Taken away, it can be called an extraordinary shame and humiliation.”

All around, people are heads to ears, one by one looking towards Yang Xuan, their eyes are full of shock and fear.

A young man who is not afraid of the mighty Luo Family and kills Luo Family Young Master Luo Shaobao forcefully. This is a shocking thing. Just thinking about it makes people feel trembling in fear.

Under the focal point of ten thousands, Yang Xuan’s face remained unchanged, his eyes swept around, expressionless authentically: “The play is almost done, everyone is gone.”

The crowd didn’t dare to stay for a long time, and they retreated, but everyone knew in their hearts that this matter was not over yet. When Luo Family got the news, they would definitely do their best to kill Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan killed Luo Shaobao, Luo Family must be furious, and it is absolutely impossible to let Yang Xuan survive.

It can be said that Yang Xuan has caused big trouble. Unless he stays in Heavenspan Pagoda and cannot come out, he is destined to be killed by Luo Family experts.

“Wait, did I let you go?”

As the crowd left one after another, Yang Xuan suddenly spoke with a cold and merciless voice, and when he heard his words, Everyone immediately looked at Hou Feiyu.

“No way, this child is it possible that I have to kill Hou Feiyu as well!?”

Someone sucked in cold air, and everyone felt Yang Xuan’s body The killing intent, this killing intent is completely aimed at Hou Feiyu.

“What do you want?”

Hou Feiyu looked at Yang Xuan with a gloomy expression.

Yang Xuan left him in front of everyone, making him both shocked and angry, knowing that today’s things may not be good.

Even Luo Shaobao was easily beheaded by Yang Xuan. Hou Feiyu didn’t think he could beat Yang Xuan. In fact, in the divine force realm Peak, his strength and Luo Shaobao were almost on par.

Seeing Yang Xuan staring at Hou Feiyu, Wen Tao’s heart was filled with secret joy, and he stood up righteously and said: “This person is polite, with a knife hidden in his smile, Brother Yang must not let him leave alive, Otherwise, he might be stabbed in the back at any time.”

“Yes, then I really can’t keep him.”

Yang Xuan said calmly.

“You, really want to kill me!?”

Hou Feiyu’s eyebrows are vertical, and his face can no longer be described as ugly.

“No, I will not kill you, I will only abolish your cultivation base.”

Yang Xuan shook the head, in the words that seem to be serene, it is clear A bit very ruthless.

“haha, you might as well kill me.”

Hou Feiyu laughed extremely angry and burst his lungs on the spot.

If a martial artist loses its cultivation base, it is no different from a waste person. From now on, it will be ridiculed and bullied, and it will be worse than death.

Hou Feiyu would rather die than be a useless person.

“Kill you, why should I do it myself? I just need to destroy you, and some people will kill you.”

Yang Xuan said, scornful of those not far away Wen Tao glanced, not to mention other people, just being a Wen Tao would not let Hou Feiyu go.

“murder a person with a borrowed knife, you have a good calculation, but unfortunately, he doesn’t dare to kill me yet.”

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