Hou Feiyu coldly said.

“With me, he has no choice.”

Yang Xuan looked at Hou Feiyu, then at Wen Tao on the right, “You said I was wrong?”


Wen Tao looked uncertain and did not know how to answer.

“There is still time, you can think about it slowly.”

Yang Xuan raised his brows and strode towards Hou Feiyu, “Are you coming by yourself or wanting me to do it myself?” “

“Leave a thread in everything, do you really want to do it this way?”

Hou Feiyu breathed fire in his eyes, almost roaring.

“Everyone who harms others will always harm them.”

Yang Xuan said.

“This time I’ll admit it, I will apologize to you, right?”

After Hou Feiyu said this, he wanted to find a place to sew in.

What a shame!

Dignified Hou Family Young Master, Heaven’s Chosen, a generation of young Tian City in Tian City, would actually make amends in such a low voice. Once the news spreads, how will the world view him?

“I don’t think it’s worth it!”

Yuechan Fairy hesitated and stepped forward to Yang Xuan.

“Many thanks, Miss Ji.”

Hou Feiyu gave Yuechan Fairy a grateful look.

“Don’t be too busy to thank her. I didn’t promise to accept your apology. Remember, some things are done, and apologies are useless. You should never plot against me. People are good in everything, but they have a bad temper. Anyone who wants my life, I will pay him back ten times and I will never make him feel better.”

Yang Xuan said with a sneer.

“bully intolerably, if I don’t die today, I will make you regret coming to this world.”

Hou Feiyu roared and walked away. He was extremely fast, almost the most The powerful body magic secret technique was displayed.

“Want to go?”

Yang Xuan raised his hand and grabbed it with his big hand. The space around Hou Feiyu suddenly fluctuated sharply. Hou Feiyu did not come back to his senses. Suppressed by the air, unable to move even a little bit.

“What is this!?”

Many people exclaimed, as if they had seen something incredible. No one didn’t expect that Yang Xuan could do it with bare hands. Hou Feiyu was imprisoned.

“This child… is so terrible…”

Wen Tao was also shocked at this moment, seeing Yang Xuan as Demon.

“Boy, let me go quickly. If you really kill me, there will be no place for you above heaven under earth.” Hou Feiyu exclaimed in fear.

“Dare to threaten me when I die.”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted, waving sword energy across the air, instantly makes Hou Feiyu head in a different place, and he can’t die again. .

This situation and this scene makes people feel terrified. Who can imagine that Yang Xuan actually killed Luo Shaobao and Hou Feiyu.

“After offending Luo Family and Hou Family one after another, this child is dead.”

Someone whispered, completely shocked by Yang Xuan’s very ruthless style.


Wen Tao took a long breath. Although he has an enemy with Hou Feiyu, he never thought of killing Hou Feiyu. Fortunately, Yang Xuan killed Hou Feiyu today. , Otherwise the Hou Family will definitely fight their Wen Family.

Chapter 1020 Two Great Heaven’s Chosen

“Yang Xuan, you are too reckless.”

Yuechan Fairy walked over and whispered.

“People of my generation, kill when you kill, do whatever you want.”

Yang Xuan paused, saying: “By the way, even if I let them go today, two People will never feel grateful, not only that, they will hold grudges, if so, why should I be merciful?”

Whether it is Luo Shaobao or Hou Feiyu, both are the ones to be killed. Yang Xuan didn’t think there was anything wrong.

“Ai, we are here for the first time and we are not familiar with our lives. If the experts of Luo Family and Hou Family come out, how should you respond?”

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