“Could it be that the owner of Heavenspan Pagoda has also mastered a kind of Heavenly Dao!?”

Aside, Yuechan Fairy was surprised and authentic.

“It shouldn’t be wrong.”

Yang Xuan nodded, did not feel any discomfort, in fact, he was carrying the Destiny Stone, and he did not feel at all. The oppression of Heavenly Might.

It’s Yuechan Fairy, it won’t work for a short time, and she has to perform a meditation technique.

She clasped her hands together, her solemn appearance, and her whole body was shining.

This is the case, there are still fine beads of sweat on the forehead, which is not easy.

“Come, grab my hand.”

As Yang Xuan said, regardless of whether Yuechan Fairy agreed or not, he grabbed a jade hand of Yuechan Fairy and the two of them Holding hands together, each other can feel the fluctuations from the Destiny Stone.

“You, let go.”

Men and women should not touch hands when they give or receive things, Yuechan Fairy feels more comfortable while she is angry.

Obviously, as long as she is attached to the Destiny Stone, she is not being oppressed by Heavenly Might.

“Heavenly Might will disperse soon, and Fairy Qing forgive me.” Yang Xuan did not let go. Not only that, but he also grasped tighter, secretly enjoying the softness like jade-like The wonderful touch.

“You shameless.”

Yuechan Fairy’s eyes are red with anger. Of course she knows that Yang Xuan is helping herself, but she can think of her clear as ice and clean as jade hands Just being held by Yang Xuan, I felt extremely angry.


Yang Xuan turned his head and pretended not to hear. There is a saying that says that if it is cheap, it is bastard, not to mention Yuechan Fairy is still a devastatingly A beautiful beauty, he wants to take advantage of it even more.

“Don’t pretend to be deaf and dumb, will you let go?”

“Don’t let go.”

Yang Xuan looked at Yuechan Fairy, A word by word: “Unless Heavenly Might disappears, otherwise you don’t want to break free from my hands.”

Yuechan Fairy stopped speaking, just glared at Yang Xuan with cannibal eyes.

Time just passed by every minute and every second. After 5 minutes of effort, Heavenly Might gradually weakened and finally disappeared completely.

“Very good, we will be able to enter Heavenspan Pagoda soon!”

At this moment, all the people who remain are excited. After all, they have resisted Heavenly Might. Next I think I can pass the gate of Heavenspan Pagoda smoothly.

“Heavenspan Pagoda 81, the higher it is, the more dangerous it becomes. Once you step into it, life and death will be your fate.”

Suddenly, a faintly discernible silhouette appeared in Heavenspan out of thin air. Above the Pagoda, there was a loud sound.

That is a majestic middle age person, there is a kind of shelter between the hands and feet, overlooking the temperament of the common people, it seems that you can step on the wasteland and dominate the world.

In him, although there is no strong imposing manner at all, everyone’s heart beats uncontrollably when he sees this person.

“pay respects to Immortal King.”

No one in the crowd yelled respectfully, and immediately everyone including Yang Xuan and Yuechan Fairy were all directed at The upper middle age person bowed and gave a salute.

The body of the middle age person is between the real and the virtual, obviously not the real body, but even an afterimage of will, or a Strands of Divine Sense Avatar, cannot be contended by everyone present.

Above high above the sky, the middle age person pupil light is like a torch, muttering to himself: “Heavenspan Pagoda is what I have left. I intend to select some good descendants to inherit my Legacy. If you can reach the top Heavenspan Pagoda, you can successfully embark on the road of kings and choose one of my inheritance.”

Everyone was very excited when they heard this. After all, the middle age person is the owner of Heavenspan Pagoda. A Supreme Immortal King who is capable of connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, and the inheritance of Immortal King, even if it is any of them, is a Supreme Treasure that can be met but not sought.

Chapter 1023, pass the battle

“Since ancient times, crisis and opportunity coexist. It can be said that the test of Heavenspan Pagoda 81 can not only let people defying heaven changing fate, but also let people. Flying ash annihilation, therefore, you still need to be aware of death.”

The middle age person, as the peerless Immortal King and the owner of Heavenspan Pagoda, is by no means casual.

From his words, we can see that Heavenspan Pagoda is full of crises, and if one is not good, it must be consigned to eternal damnation.

“What do we do, do we want to go in?”

“Danger lurks within the riches and honour, fight it!”

“Well, at most it’s just a death , Why are you afraid of it?”

Who can come here, who is the cowardly generation?

What’s more, they have persisted under Heavenly Might. They have the strength and confidence to make a difference in Heavenspan Pagoda.

According to legend, as long as you can live out of Heavenspan Pagoda, your strength will have a qualitative leap.

Strength is the root of martial artist. In order to improve their strength, most people are willing to take risks.

“Very well, you are all pretty good. I announce that Heavenspan Pagoda is now officially open.”

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