middle age person nodded, with a big wave of his hand, a huge light door appeared under the Heavenspan Pagoda.

The Light Gate is the entrance of Heavenspan Pagoda. Everyone only needs to pass through the Light Gate to enter the Heavenspan Pagoda.

“Heavenspan Pagoda is already open, are you sure that Yang Xuan will go in?”

Han Shixiong looked at Guangmen, then looked at the overbearing man on the other side.

In this world outside Heavenspan Pagoda, Divine Consciousness and perception are completely imprisoned. Unless you see him in person, it is difficult to find such a person from the crowd.

“He will, he will.”

The Tyrant knows that Yang Xuan will not leave here, now he must be somewhere and may show up at any time .

“Well, I am also very curious about that kid, this time I will see if he is as good as you said.”

Han Shixiong has been a rare one in his generation since his debut. The opponent does not think that he is inferior to anyone.

Even if Shen Changfeng, who is equally famous with him and also an ancient Aristocratic Family Young Master, is almost on par with him, and it is difficult to distinguish between the higher and the lower.

The two have fought against each other for hundreds of rounds, and there is no victory or defeat.

“Heavenspan Pagoda has a limited number of places, you wait to seize the time to enter the tower.”

At this moment, the middle age person disappeared, leaving only a voice whirling between Heaven and Earth , Has not dispersed for a long time.

“Walk around, hurry into the tower.”

“It is said that Heavenspan Pagoda has only 10,000 places, and I don’t know whether it is true or false?”

” Whether it’s true or not, we all have to seize the opportunity. If we go too late, we will be turned away if we are not sure.”

At this time, no one wants to fall behind. Scrambling to get into the light.


Far away, Yang Xuan and Yuechan Fairy also moved. The two Handsome Men and Beautiful Women broke through the air, which also aroused everyone present. Human attention.

“haha, I knew Brother Yang didn’t leave.”

purple clothed Hou laughed and saw Yang Xuan at a glance, Jian Wuming saw that Yang Xuan did not speak, but Also lightly nodded.

“If you enter Debaoshan, how can you leave empty-handed? You two might as well enter the tower with me.”


purple clothed Hou With Jian Wuming not even think, Qi Qi stood up and entered the gate of light with Yang Xuan.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Xuan did not look at Tyrant and You Fen, as if the two did not exist at all, and the contempt for them made the two of them angry.

“Damn it!”

The overbearing gloomy face scolded.

“Is it him?”

Although it was confirmed, Han Shixiong couldn’t help but ask.

Only a glance, Han Shixiong can see that Yang Xuan is out of the ordinary, and this young man has reached an extremely terrifying state by being a fleshy body alone.

“blood energy is like the sea. This child most likely is a cultivated ancient technique of body refinement. Its fleshy body is so strong that it can be called deep and unmeasurable.”

Shen Changfeng picked On the brow, he also saw Yang Xuan not simple.

“No matter how strong the Fleshy body is, it is absolutely impossible to be my opponent. If you wait for a while, follow me into the tower.”

Han Shixiong gritted his teeth and brought a group of young people. The entourage flew into the light gate with great momentum.

“Follow me.”

Shen Changfeng didn’t delay, and surrounded by a group of young guards, he entered Guangmen.

“This child must die, and he must not be allowed to walk out of Heavenspan Pagoda alive.”

Bao Wudao and You Fen looked at each other, and rushed into the light gate without saying a word. Heavenspan Pagoda.


Heavenspan Pagoda 81 layer, the first 36th-layer is an independent space, everyone entering it will be divided.

In other words, in the previous 36th-layer, everyone can only rely on their own strength to break through the level alone.

Yang Xuan stepped into the light gate, and the space suddenly began to twist.

When he came back to his senses, people have come to a dim and depressing space.

The space is very large, and it is full of awe-inspiring murderous aura. Murderous aura is like a blade. When an ordinary person comes here, he will have violent death.


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