For Yang Xuan, if you don’t do it, you don’t do it. If you do it, you will do your best. Even in the supreme field, he wants to be different.

“There are things that you can do as you think about it, instead of coowering and worry about success.”

While Yang Xuan was thinking, Zhou Lao’s voice suddenly entered Yang Xuan’s mind.

“Lao Zhou is right. Junior thinks too much. No matter whether this matter is successful or not, I should try it boldly.”

Yang Xuan opened his eyes, The eyes were determined.

“Very well, old man wait and see.”

Lao Zhou wants to see what the young man wants to do.

Yang Xuan did not say a word, directly inspiring the six martial dao deep meanings of wind, fire, force, sword dao, killing and space.

“You can master the six martial dao deep meanings at a young age. This child is really a genius.”

Lao Zhou narrowed his eyes and looked at Yang Xuan again. A bit.

In the beginning, he only regarded Yang Xuan as a genius, but now it seems that Yang Xuan is not only a genius, but also a genius among geniuses. Talent is rare in ancient and modern times.


Yang Xuan didn’t know what Zhou was thinking in his heart, suddenly opened his mouth and issued a light shout, ready to forcibly merge the six Profound Truths into one.

“Absolutely not possible.”

Lao Zhou complexion changed and hurriedly shouted.

“What advice does Mr. Zhou have?”

“Do you want to condense the supreme realm?”


“In this case, you must never integrate many Profound Truths, because you can do it at all, and you will even pay for it for nothing.”

“Junior also knows that this is a dangerous move, but it can be changed. To be stronger, I can’t help but want to try.”

“No, old man dare to assert that when your six Profound Truths merge, your Divine Soul will be the first to bear it. Live and collapse instantly.”

“So terrifying!”

“Of course, each kind of Profound Truth represents one kind of power, and the six kinds of Profound Truth are six kinds of power. It’s nothing if the six powers are separated. Once fuse together, a destructive power will erupt, enough to defeat your fleshy body and even Divine Soul in one blow.”

“Is there really no way?”

“Yes, maybe you can use the power of the Palm Destiny Stone.”

“Oh, what does Junior need to do?”

“Six Profound Truths Inject it into the Destiny Stone and let the Destiny Stone carry the power of the six Profound Truth fusion.”

“It’s that simple?”

“Is it simple, in fact it is not Easy, even if you really infuse the power of the six Profound Truths into the Destiny Stone, it is difficult to master this stone in a short time. If you can’t master this stone, you can’t build the supreme realm based on this stone.”

“What, can the Destiny Stone be the core of the Supreme Realm!?”

Yang Xuan startled, he never thought that the Destiny Stone could also be used to build the Supreme Supreme Realm.

Chapter 1026 Immortal Techniques of Big Dreams

“Heavenly Dao, that is, Grand Dao Law, natural magic is endless.”

“Junior is very curious, Heavenly Dao Where did it come from?”

“Heavenly Dao is divided into innate and nurture. For example, your Dao of God is formed since the birth of heaven and earth, and there is only one in the world.”

” so that’s how it is, I don’t know whether the Thunder Tribulation Dao of Heavenspan Pagoda is congenital or nurture?”

“Zixiao Thunder Tribulation Dao is the master of Heavenspan Pagoda, Zixiao Immortal King, who came to understand it, so It is the acquired Grand Dao Law. Let’s put it this way, Heavenly Dao is just a title that’s all. As long as you can comprehend any kind of avenue to the extreme, you can call it the law, or Heavenly Dao.”

“I understand, the law is Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao is the law.”

“Well, you can say that.”

Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books. In the conversation of Mr. Zhou, Yang Xuan’s understanding of Heavenly Dao has deepened a lot.

“The so-called Heavenly Dao impermanence refers to the innate Grand Dao Law, generally speaking, no one can override this Grand Dao Law.”

Old Zhou Paused, staring Yang Xuan said: “And you, it is a miracle to be recognized by God.”

“Maybe I am a little different?”

Yang Xuan touched his nose.

Speak frankly, he doesn’t know what is going on.

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