“You are indeed a little bit different, not to mention that you have a Demon Race bloodline, just a talent, it is the only thing in the life of an old man.”

Old man gaze as if a Torch, experienced and knowledgeable, obviously has already seen that Yang Xuan is a Demon Race, and not an ordinary Demon Race, within the body is dormant with a very terrifying demonic energy.

“Old man Zhou praised him highly, Junior is too embarrassed to be.”

“No, I’m telling the truth, old man cultivation. So far, I have seen many young talents with great talents, but Compared with you, they are all not worth mentioning, and there is no comparability.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan smiled and did not speak, but Zhou Lao continued: “The God of Heaven represents good and evil, you need to Accumulate a lot of merit. Once you have enough merit, you can refining the Stone of Destiny in one fell swoop, and finally use this stone to become the supreme.”

“Ai, this is probably not easy.”

Yang Xuan sighed.

“It’s difficult.”

Lao Zhou was slightly nodded, flashes through a bright light in his eyes, and said: “You and I are predestined, and old man may be able to give you a suggestion.”

“Lao Zhou, please speak, Junior has a good ears.”

Yang Xuan said resolutely.

“Heavenspan Pagoda is from top to bottom, each Great World has many people who have been oppressed for many years. If you can save these people, it will be a great merit, enough to make you refining the destiny stone.”

“People who have been oppressed all the year round?”

“In Heavenspan Pagoda, there is a force that has been turned into the Ancient Celestial Court by the world. This force has existed since ancient times and is huge, until now Enslaving countless humans living at the lowest level, making the world miserable.”

“If this happened, the Immortal King of Zixiao would not care?”

“In fact Ancient Celestial Court was built by the Immortal King of Zixiao in the early years. Today, Ancient Celestial Court is also under the banner of Immortal King of Zixiao, recruiting troops and expanding its strength.”

“Where is the Immortal King of Zixiao, is it true? Is already not in?”

“This is not known. Some people say that the Zixiao Immortal King has gone to Immortal World, and some people say that the Zixiao Immortal King has passed away.”

“Who controls the Ancient Celestial Court now?”

“The ancient emperor!”

“The ancient emperor?”

“The ancient emperor is just one The title, no one knows who this person is and how high the cultivation base is. Only one thing is certain, the ancient emperor is the number one expert in Heavenspan Pagoda.”

“Then Zhou Lao compared with this ancient emperor Get up stronger and weaker?”

“I have never played against each other, so it’s hard to say who is better.”

Hearing this, Yang Xuan fell silent, thinking in his heart, he If you stand up and confront Ancient Celestial Court, it will definitely arouse the anger of the ancient emperor.

And the ancient emperor was angry, how can he resist this little divine force martial artist?

Lao Zhou observes his words and looks, said with a smile: “Don’t worry, do it boldly. There is an old man behind to help you. It is as strong as the ancient emperor, and it is difficult to kill you.”

“Hehe, with Zhou Lao backing up, Junior will go all out and return Heavenspan Pagoda to each Great World in a peaceful world.”

“Very well, as expected to be selected by the Destiny Stone. Old man is optimistic. You.”

Yang Xuan smiled without saying a word, and didn’t rush to leave. Instead, he closed his eyes and began to comprehend the Immortal Technique taught by Lu Wenbo and the big one he got from Longevity Tree. Life technique.

Two major secret techniques, the former is the Immortal Technique, which has extremely strong formidable power, and the latter is the long-lost divine technique of All Heavens Myriad Realms, which can be used to save lives, and each has a great use.

“Also, the old man will help you, the Immortal Technique of the Big Dream.”

The Immortal Technique of the Big Dream, Zhou Lao’s strongest supernatural power, can make oneself and others fall into dreams. During the cultivation in the dream, the speed of time passing will become very slow.

It can be said that the Immortal Technique of Big Dream is an inverse heavenly technique, otherwise Zhou Lao would also be impossible to have such a high cultivation base.

In a trance, Yang Xuan fell into a long period of concentration. He hardly felt the passage of time, and there was no more distractions in his heart.

In this state, he continued to comprehend Fei Immortal Technique and the Great Life Technique, and his understanding of the two great treasure techniques became deeper.

Flying Immortal Technique is a treasure technique that stimulates one’s own potential. This technique requires extremely high talent and a strong fleshy body, both of which Yang Xuan possesses.

The great life technique is the study of life, and only the Profound Truth who truly understands life can practice this technique in one fell swoop.

One day, two days, three days…I don’t know how long it has been before, Yang Xuan finally practiced the Immortal Technique and the Big Life Technique, and slowly woke up from the concentration.


a sword light flashed past, he took out Purgatory Sword and cut a hole in his arm, and the bloody mouth healed instantly.

It almost doesn’t need him to do anything. The Big Life Art urges it on its own, absorbing the vitality of between Heaven and Earth, allowing his injured arm to recover and become intact.

Soon, Yang Xuan inspired Fei Immortal Technique again and slapped it out casually.


Under a palm, without much effort, he smashed the sea of ​​clouds in front of him, fiercely smashed a huge mountain in the distance, and turned it into powder. .

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