With this outstanding discipline, even if you fail to go to Immortal World in this life, you will have no regrets.

“Did the big brother succeed?”

At this moment, Yang Xinyi didn’t care about being cultivated, and jumped directly from the ground, exhibiting one’s feelings in one’s speech.

“It’s finished.”

Yang Xuan nodded, jumped up from the Spirit Transformation pool and stood in the air.

He looked up at the sky, his face was unemotional, in fact, he is still one step away from comprehending thunder’s deep meaning.

This step is not difficult to say, but not easy to say, it is nothing more than drawing thunder into the body, allowing the body to be recognized by Thunder Element, so that you can truly master thunder and lightning.

“Lei Lai!”

Hardly thought, Yang Xuan opened his mouth to be shouting loudly.

next moment, the dark clouds gathered above, lightning and thunder, exuding an extremely violent breath.

In this situation, Yang Xinyi was frightened, and she looked at Tianjizi anxiously, “Master, my big brother is not in danger, right?”

“It’s okay, yes. If he is a teacher, nothing will happen to him.”

Tianjizi is very calm. Even if there is an emergency, he is confident to save Yang Xuan. Besides, he doesn’t think Yang Xuan will really do it. Something happened.

With Yang Xuan’s talent, trifling some thunder and lightning will not kill him.


At this moment, a thunderstorm is like a huge unrolled bolt of white silk, from the sky, it strikes Yang Xuan impartially. Body.

Yang Xuan was forced to endure this thunder and lightning, and his whole person was motionless like a rock.

“Demon Race, really is a terrifying race!”

Tenjizi whispered, he has not seen the demon clansman, but compared to the demon clansman he has seen before , Yang Xuan, the fleshy body of the Demon Race teenager, is stronger than one.

“ka-cha, ka-cha…”

The rumbling sound is endless, and soon there are several thunder and lightning falling, and without exception, all strikes on Yang Xuan, crazy The fierce Thunder Strength burst out, illuminating the whole world.

Yang Xuan’s body was continuously torn apart due to lightning strikes one after another. Although the pain was unbearable, he did not yell out.

The body torn that’s all, with his fleshy body restorative power, and supplemented by the big life technique, the injury can be healed in an instant.

He only needs to endure the pain and madly absorb the little real Yin and True Yang from the violent thunder and lightning.

Thunder and lightning have yin and yang, yang is rigid, and yin is soft. As long as refining the true yang and true yin in a large number of thunder and lightning, he can control the spirituality of thunder and understand thunder’s deep meaning.

As time passed, thunder and lightning came down from time to time, as if to blast Yang Xuan into ashes.

In the end, Yang Xuan had to use the big life technique so as not to be destroyed by lightning.

“Big Life Art!”

Tenjizi was experienced and knowledgeable, and couldn’t help being shocked again, but he absolutely didn’t expect, Yang Xuan also cultivated the Big Life Art. The divine technique of masterpiece.

For a long time, the dark clouds disappeared, and the clothes on Yang Xuan’s body were also completely disappeared, revealing a strong body.

The bronze skin, the slender and straight body, and the masculine symbol are so majestic and huge that Yang Xinyi couldn’t help but look at it a few more times, and then lowered her head in shame. go with.

“haha, you brat the cost is not small.”

Tenjiko laughed.

“Of course, otherwise, how can the disciple be able to cope with the many beautiful wives in the family?”

Yang Xuan smiled and didn’t feel sorry at all.

“You can be romantic, but remember not to be sentimental. If you let me know that you are doing anything wrong, you will be the first one to be a teacher.”

Tianjizi said.

Yang Xuan took out the clothes and put them on, and said with a serious face: “You must keep the discipline in your heart.”

After that, raise the right hand, and the lightning surges in his palm .


But with a wave of his hand, the group of lightning shot out in an instant, blasting the distant rock wall to smash, and soot skyrocketed.

“The formidable power is not bad.”

Yang Xuan’s mouth is curved, and his body is surrounded by thunderbolt, and his figure disappears instantly, and he comes to Tianjizi like a teleport. .

“Thunder and lightning are the fastest natural element in the world. You can master thunder’s deep meaning. In the future, you will be invincible in battle with people by relying on speed.”

Tianjizi said with a smile.

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