“disciple has just learned a little bit about thunder’s deep meaning, and there will be more insights in the future, striving to understand the law of thunder one day.”

Yang Xuan said.

“Well, you can feel relieved if you want to be a teacher like this.”

Tenjizi looked towards Yang Xuan’s gaze more kindly, even if a young man is extremely talented, he will never Don’t lose your enterprising spirit, otherwise your achievements will be limited.

Yang Xuan smiled without saying a word, turned his head to look at Yang Xinyi, and asked: “How is the girl’s cultivation?”

“Master said…I have been successfully practiced. Tian Yanshu.” Yang Xinyi lifts the head, looking at Yang Xuan shyly in a low voice.

“So fast!”

Yang Xuan startled.

“This girl is the best candidate for cultivation Tian Xingshu. Naturally, it progresses very quickly. It can take as little as six months to as long as two years to fully master Tian Xingshu.”

Ji Zi smiled.

“This also benefits from Master’s careful teaching.” Yang Xuan complimented.

“In terms of cultivation, if she has no talent, it will be useless to teach her as a teacher.”

Tenjizi waved her hand and said: “Let’s go, just as a teacher Go to the Tianji Palace Mountain Sect station and walk around.”

“The time has passed, I don’t know the Tianji Palace Mountain Sect station……” Yang Xuan hesitated.

“I’m afraid it’s already deserted. As a teacher, I just want to revisit the old place and walk around.”

Tenjizi was lightly sighed, and he left Tianji Palace in the past. , Tianji Palace is left with a descendant and many handymen. Now that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, their descendants and those handymen have already dust returns to dust earth returns to earth.

“Master, don’t have to be sad, after all, you are still alive, and one day, one day, you will be able to reshape the glory of Tianji Palace.”

Yang Xuan comforted.

“Tianji Palace has always been hidden in the world, never caring about the chaos of the world. It was so in the past, and it will be the same in the future.”

“This is good, Master can also concentrate on cultivation, as soon as possible Climb to Immortal World.”

hearing this, Tianjizi didn’t say a word, he rolled up with Yang Xuan and Yang Xinyi, shuttling through the void all the way, and came to the depths of a big mountain.

Here is where the mountain gate of Tianji Palace is located. It is located in the depths of an isolated lake, which is unknown to the world.

Chapter 1043 Heavenly Prediction Plate

Since ancient times, Tianji Palace is the most mysterious and respected Sect in the Heavenspan world, sacred and inviolable.

Every generation of Tianji Palace descendants will be respected by all parties.

Because of being good at Deducing Heaven’s Mystery and being able to predict good and bad luck in advance, the descendants of the Tianji Palace will be tried hard to draw them wherever they go, and he will be regarded as a guest of honor.

“After many years of walking, the old man finally came back…”

Beside the big mountain lake, Tianjizi stopped and stood with emotion.

In the past years, he ran away from the mountains in search of opportunity, struggle against the Heavens, who knew that this trip was almost a farewell.

If Yang Xuan had to help him, he would only turn into a pile of dust.


Yang Xuan shouted.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine for the teacher.”

Tianjizi shook his head, rolled up Yang Xuan and Yang Xinyi to the bottom of the lake, and opened a long dusty Transmission Formation. .

The location of Transmission Formation is hidden, without the slightest breath leaking out. It is difficult for ordinary people to find it even if they go deep into the bottom of the lake.

“Let’s join the battle as a teacher.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan, Yang Xinyi, busy following Tianjizi to the Transmission Formation, came to an isolated secret place. Ground.

Here, there are mountains and water, lush vegetation, Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth is extremely abundant.

Needless to say, this is where Tianji Palace Mountain Sect is located. Although long years have passed, the entire mountain gate station has not been abandoned.

“Is there someone taking care of this place until now!?”

Yang Xuan raised his brows and heard a great shout suddenly came out from the distant mountains, “Who dares to Break into my heavenly secret Palace Mountain Sect!?”

“But the heir of Master?”

Yang Xuan looked astonished and looked at Tianjizi. He thought that Tianji Palace might have been long since. No one is gone, who knows that I heard the human voice when I first arrived, and through this loud voice, it can be judged that the other party’s cultivation base is not low, it is definitely an expert.

At this moment, a silhouette broke through the air. It was an old man with white head and burlap.

The old man looked old, but his eyes were not muddy. He looked up and down the Dimensity, Yang Xuan and Yang Xinyi, his eyes finally fixed on Dimensity.

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