“hmph, the old man is here, no one can step on the Heavenspan Ladder for half a step.”

Xue Rengui was coldly snorted, suddenly exuding a terrifying pressure, In an instant, those who wanted to rush to the Heavenspan Ladder were suppressed.

Under the imposing manner of the powerful Xue Rengui, all those who yearned to go to the upper realm were planted from in midair. Falling, battered and exhausted.

“Old Guy is so majestic, Young Master will step on the Heavenspan Ladder to show you.”

However, not long after Xue Rengui was prestigious, there was a lazily voice. The sound came up.

At the same time, at some point, a silhouette has already appeared on the Heavenspan Ladder.

No, it should mean that one foot has stepped on the Heavenspan Ladder.

Chapter 1047 The Name of the Rogue

On the Heavenspan Ladder, a silhouette turned from virtual to real, clearly emerging in the eyes of everyone.

It was a young man with a white robe like snow, deep eyes, black hair all over his head, and a slender and tall body. Anyone who saw it would have to praise a majestic appearance.

Needless to say, the boy is Yang Xuan.

“Damn it, how did this child do it? It’s like a ghost, coming out without warning.”

“No matter who it is, it’s all fighting the holy The face of Great Elder Xue Rengui, this old fogey just boasted about going to Haikou, saying that no one can step on the Heavenspan Ladder for half a step if he is there, but now, someone has already got on the Heavenspan Ladder with one foot.”

“This old dog is reap what you have sown. It deserves to be slapped in the face.”

At this moment, the whole audience exploded.

The appearance of Yang Xuan is like a huge boulder falling into a big lake, immediately set off a series of turbulent waves, various sounds one after another.

“It’s extremely hateful.”

“Go on, take down this bastard.”

Compared to many small Heaven Realm martial artists, the Holy Court In addition to shock, people also have strong anger.

Yes, they are angry.

Because someone unexpectedly broke through their layers of blockade, with no difficulty boarded the Heavenspan Ladder.

If this matter is publicized, they will be destined to be ridiculed by the world. In fact, it is trivial to be ridiculed by others. The most disturbing thing for them is the punishment from within the holy court.

Holy Son Jiang Mingyue is notoriously ruthless and domineering. They were sent here to stop outsiders Scaling Heaven Stairs.

This is where the responsibility lies.

But now, so many of them can’t stand alone, and they slipped onto the Heavenspan Ladder like they were walking in the garden.

In a clearing, Xue Rengui’s face was also extremely ugly, and a wave of anger surged in his heart. As the Great Elder of the holy court, he hadn’t been as angry as he is today for many years.

“Little devil, get the old man down and die quickly.”

“hehe, you need to know how to cultivate your body when you are old, and you can’t control emotions like you. Sooner or later, cultivation deviation, consigned to eternal damnation.”

Yang Xuan looked at Xue Rengui and said with a faint smile.

“Who are you?”

This sentence was forcibly squeezed from between the teeth by Xue Rengui. For some reason, the more Xue Rengui looked at Yang Xuan, the more he felt a little bit Familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

“haha, don’t you really know who I am?”

Yang Xuan couldn’t help laughing, now he has restored his original appearance and has no hidden identity at all Meaning, Xue Rengui would definitely recognize him as long as he was not an idiot or had eye problems.

“It’s you…”

Xue Rengui’s reaction was not unpleasant. After a brief search in his mind, he finally remembered something, and he couldn’t help but burst out into a murderous burst. aura.

“Bastard, there’s a road to Heaven yet you don’t walk it, Hell has no door yet you are bent on entering. Come in, today is your time to die.”

” Funny, since I dared to show up, I am not afraid of your holy court. Do you think you alone and a bunch of wine skin and rice bags under your hand can kill me?”

Yang Xuan hearing this I couldn’t help laughing, laughing so carelessly, but it was this serene-like words that deeply angered Xue Rengui and a large number of martial artists in the holy court.

In the eyes of Yang Xuan, none of them, the elite martial artists of the holy court, are not enough to look at. Yang Xuan even dares to call them wine skin and rice bag in front of the world.

This is humiliation, a great humiliation, whether it is tolerable or unbearable.

“A madman, you are dead, and you provoke our holy court, and your end is destined to be extremely miserable.”

“What nonsense with him, take him directly and prosecute Tejin and hamstrings, and then cut off his tongue to see if he can be so arrogant.”

“Stop it.”

There are many martial artists in the holy court. When Yang Xuan fought, Xue Rengui stopped it, and when Xue Rengui spoke, many martial artists in the holy court did not dare to act blindly without thinking.

However, everyone is glaring at Yang Xuan with cannibal eyes. If the divine ability kills, Yang Xuan might not know how many times he has died.

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