Yang Xuan looked indifferent, ignoring these fire-breathing gazes, and said to Xue Rengui: “old bastard is pretty shrewd, knowing that these people under his hand are not my opponents, and coming up to catch me will only be for nothing. Lost his life.”

“Great Elder, who the hell is this child? Regardless of the law and of natural morality, is he really invincible in the whole world?”

Someone asked aloud, the origin of Yang Xuan has not been figured out yet.

Xue Rengui hasn’t answered yet, the crowd in the distance suddenly exclaimed, “I know, he, he is the rumored thief. I have seen his portrait a few days ago. They look exactly the same.”

“What, he is a thief!”

Many little Heaven Realm martial artists are all unmoved, and no one didn’t expect to be wanted by the Holy Court everywhere. The young thieves dare to break into the Heavenspan Ladder alone.

The Heavenspan Ladder of Little Heaven Realm, until now, is firmly controlled by the holy court. Yang Xuan is no different from jumping into the fire pit. It is hard to say whether he can leave alive.

“What shit thief, after today, there will be no more you in the world.”

Xue Rengui was coldly snorted, suddenly opened his big hand, and grabbed Yang Xuan from the air.


A tyrannical imposing manner broke out and turned into an invisible cage, instantly covering Yang Xuan’s whole person, Yang Xuan only felt that his body had become abnormal It was heavy and couldn’t stop flying towards Xue Rengui.

“In front of absolute power, if you Three Heads Six Arms, you only have to wait for death.” Xue Rengui sneered, as if he was sure of Yang Xuan.

“With this little method, I can’t help it.”

Yang Xuan remain unmoved, a layer of invisible ripples appeared around the body, this is the violent fluctuation of space. All of a sudden, the invisible cage surrounding the body becomes invisible.

“Profound Truth of Space!”

Xue Rengui’s sinister vision, he saw something at a glance, his face involuntarily showed a touch of surprise.

A young man who can comprehend the Profound Truth of Space has such a high talent that is rare in the past and present. No wonder he dared to oppose their holy court.

“If you want to catch me, you have to come personally. I don’t mind fighting with you on the Heavenspan Ladder.”

Yang Xuan said with a sneer.

“Beast, don’t think that you will be safe when you go to the Heavenspan Ladder. Tell you, the Heavenspan Ladder just can’t kill people, and the old man never thought about making you die so easily.”


“It seems that your holy court Holy Son Jiang Mingyue is also very curious about me!”

“You are not stupid. If Holy Son hadn’t said it first, the old man would definitely make you blood on the spot. , How can you allow you to jump up to now?”

“nonsense, come up for a fight.”

“You bastard things, you better not fall into the hands of the old man, otherwise you will Teach you not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death.”

Xue Rengui shouted violently and rushed up like lightning to capture Yang Xuan alive.

“Old Tortoise, you are too slow.”

Yang Xuan moved up to hundreds of stairs in an instant, leaving Xue Rengui’s aggressive pounce completely empty.

Chapter 1048 Kneeling

“Fast speed!”

“It is a thief, it is as powerful as the rumors.”

“Yes, even in a head-on fight, Xue Rengui may not be his opponent. Not to mention, this child’s speed alone can make Xue old fogey useless.”

Heavenspan Ladder , An uproar.

Yang Xuan is known as the thief, and he does have extraordinary abilities, otherwise he would not be able to use the banner of enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven to even end the Great Sect under the court.

Several Great Sects have been famous for a long time, and they have a solid foundation, and they cannot be said to be not strong. There is an expert in the world.

As a result, almost all of them were killed by Yang Xuan.

A teenager in the Divine Force Realm Peak can skip grades to kill the Divine Realm Expert. This is something that can be recorded in history.

Not to mention Yang Xuan when the next person is still Xue Rengui.

Who is Xue Rengui?

That is the Great Elder of the Holy Court, the super power of the Heavenly Realm Peak. It is famous throughout the small Heaven Realm. Never before has that young man teased him like this.

However, Yang Xuan did it, first quietly boarded the Heavenspan Ladder, fiercely slapped Xue Rengui in the face, and now avoided Xue Rengui’s fierce pounce.

Old strongmen like Xue Rengui, it is not as easy as pie with no difficulty to catch individuals, but he just missed, even the corner of Yang Xuan’s clothes didn’t touch.

“How is it possible that the strength of this child is so strong!”

“Great Elder has retained it. With Great Elder’s ability, how can it be impossible to get another one Young boy? It’s impossible.”

The martial artists of the holy court were surprised, and they all thought Xue Rengui hadn’t gotten real yet. Otherwise, no matter how fast Yang Xuan was, it would never be possible from Xue Rengui’s hands. Escape.

“Animal, I want you to die without a burial site.”

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