With one blow, Xue Rengui was really angry this time. He was covered in white hair and stood upright, and his eyes shot out with a light beam.

“The grandfather is standing here, waiting for you to kill me.”

Yang Xuan put his arms around his chest, and looked down at Xue Rengui condescendingly.

There are restrictions on the Heavenspan Ladder, which not only can’t spatial flight, but also confines all energy. In other words, a martial artist can only climb upwards with fleshly body strength.

Of course, the same is true for combat.

In the competition of fleshy body, Yang Xuan is not afraid of anyone, even if Xue Rengui has been cultivating for many years, fleshy body is not weak.

After all, it is the mighty power of the Peak, the fleshy body undergoes Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth baptism all the year round, how can it be weak? Xue Rengui’s fleshy body is not weak, even compared to Yang Xuan Not much difference.

“Go to death.”

Xue Rengui hurriedly attacked his heart, and instantly slammed in front of Yang Xuan, punching out without saying a word.

With a punch in the powerhouse, even if you can’t use external force, a punch is enough to destroy a big mountain.

“Under Heavenspan Ladder, you may still be able to fight with me, but when you reach Heavenspan Ladder, you are no longer my opponent. I will roll it down.”

Yang Xuan did not dodge or dodge, but also punched Xue Rengui.


A dull sound came out, Yang Xuan was like a mountain, completely motionless, but Xue Rengui couldn’t stop retreating.

Only in this scene, the judgement is made.


“This child is not a human being. Its fleshy body is stronger than Xue Rengui.”

When Heaven Realm martial artist exclaimed, Yang Xuan moved, swooping down like a big Peng spreading his wings and directly attacked Xue Rengui.

He was like a gust of wind, and his speed was unbelievably fast. He continuously waved his fists and feet to greet Xue Rengui, without giving Xue Rengui a chance to dodge.

“The arrogant child, the old man is bound to kill you today, slaying the dragon!”

Xue Rengui shouted and performed a holy technique of fighting.

Slaying Dragon Technique!

This is the killing move he is proud of. Once he uses this technique, his hands are comparable to Divine Weapon. Even a giant dragon must be torn apart by his two sharp claws.

I have to say that this dragon slaying technique is indeed out of the ordinary. It is the Great Killing Attack Technique inherited from the Ancient Celestial Court. In short, the stronger the fleshy body, the more the formidable power of this technique can be exerted.

Although he can see that Yang Xuan’s fleshy body is better than himself, Xue Rengui will not be afraid of Yang Xuan if it is supplemented by the dragon slaying technique. He is confident that he can suppress Yang Xuan.

whiz whiz whiz! ! !

both of his hands became claws, and kept grabbing Yang Xuan, and every hit attacked Yang Xuan’s vital part, without any mercy.

Martial artist fights, not tolerate the slightest sloppy, besides, Yang Xuan is still a rare teenager Heaven’s Chosen.

Fighting against this kind of genius, if you don’t get 100% energetic, you might not know how you died.

The crackle sounded endlessly. Yang Xuan’s fists and feet collided with Xue Rengui’s claws, and gradually felt the pressure.

This kind of dragon slaying technique can compete with real dragon meat. It is indeed very scary. It is bound to suffer a big loss if you only use the fleshy body to compete.

“How long do I think you can resist?”

Xue Rengui’s expression is cold and severe, and his shots become more fierce. He firmly believes that if the battle continues, Yang Xuan will lose.

“Do you really think you can attack and kill the Fleshy body technique?”

Yang Xuan not even think, directly start flying Immortal Technique.


In an instant, his strength surged and he punched out with one punch, full of an unmatched imposing manner.

“What secret technique is this!?”

Xue Rengui was moved. If he said that he had a winning ticket just now, then it is hard to say now, because Yang Xuan’s power is gradually overwhelming. he.

Strength is still second, the imposing manner that bursts out of fists and feet makes his mind tremble even more.

“This is not the power that human beings should have. Say, what kind of treasure do you cultivate?”

Xue Rengui yelled and furiously confronted Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan didn’t say a word, he only attacked but not defended. With his powerful fleshy body and life skills, he was not afraid of injury.

In this battle, neither of them kept their hands, and even forgot that there is no way to kill on the Heavenspan Ladder, and each wanted to put the other to death.

They fought wildly, and the surrounding world was boiling.

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