This is Jiang Mingyue’s strength. His Thunder Palm shines and is full of destructive power. The Divine Sword Qi sent by Yang Xuan fell into it and he was Thousands of thunder and lightning collapsed.

“What a Purple Heaven Divine Thunder tactic, really amazing!” Yang Xuan said indifferently.

“Under Divine Thunder, everything can be destroyed, and you, a small divine force martial artist, have no right to challenge me at all. I can suppress and kill you when I raise my hand! “

Jiang Mingyue said in a cold tone.

“The tone is not small, I’m afraid you can’t do it.” Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows.

“Come up to a battle.”

Jiang Mingyue is a rare nonsense, so he rushes to the sky to fight Yang Xuan on it.

“Haha, I will fight with you to see who is the best.”

Yang Xuan flew up with a big laugh.

“Ten strokes, within ten strokes, it is bound to kill you.”

Jiang Mingyue is very arrogant by nature, even if she knows that Yang Xuan possesses special skills, it is not so easy to deal with, words However, Yang Xuan did not take seriously at all.

“Don’t be too full of words, or you won’t be able to get off the stage after a while.”

Yang Xuan stood holding a sword with a smile at the corner of his mouth, so that he could look at Jiang Mingyue in his spare time.


Jiang Mingyue violently mobilized the terrifying god Thunder Force, and his body was full of a violent destruction aura.

Purple Heaven Divine Thunder is the Ancient Celestial Court unspread secret. When it comes to destructive power, the entire Heavenspan world cannot find a more powerful cultivation technique than it.

At this time, Jiang Mingyue’s body is full of lightning, as if he is a son of Thor, giving people an invincible feeling between every gesture.

Chapter 1052: Reincarnation VS Sky Thunder

“Heir of Ancient Celestial Court, Jiang Mingyue is going to be real!”

“This is Jiang Mingyue, all year round. Occupying the top of the Heavenspan list, I have never tasted defeat so far. The sturdy battle strength is beyond my imagination.”

“Ai, against Heaven Ranking Number One Person, this child has nothing to do. The odds of winning, a bad one has to pay for it, die an untimely death.”

Since ancient times, Heavenspan has a big list.

This list is called the Heavenspan list, which was set by the Immortal King of Zixiao in the past and covers the entire Heavenspan world.

It can be said that as long as you are in the Heavenspan world, everyone’s information will be entered into the list, and at the same time, according to their respective strengths, they will also be ranked.

Since Jiang Mingyue became famous, it has been a rare rival among the younger generation and has never been defeated. Therefore, the ranking on the list has remained high so far.

However, when I know that Gui knows, not many people in Little Heaven Realm have seen Jiang Mingyue make a move, and it is not clear to what extent the strength of this young Heaven’s Chosen is.

Therefore, at this moment, it can be called a focal point of ten thousands. Many people, especially the small Heaven Realm martial artists present, all focused on Jiang Mingyue.

As the descendant of Ancient Celestial Court, Jiang Mingyue has made limitless achievements. As long as he does not die early, he is destined to inherit the rule and become the youngest Supreme Holy Lord in the history of Ancient Celestial Court.

Even, I don’t know where the news came from. Jiang Mingyue and the ancient emperor of Ancient Celestial Court still have some unexplainable relationships.

Between the two, both the master and the father, and some people even said bluntly that Jiang Mingyue is the ancient emperor’s illegal child, otherwise the ancient emperor would also impossible to teach his Ancient Celestial Court unspread secret ―Purple Heaven Divine Thunder.

Purple Heaven Divine Thunder Technique, also known as the Thunder Emperor’s Treasure Art, is a great skill of the Deceptive Danger Land. For so many years, there are very few people who can learn this skill in Ancient Celestial Court. , As rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Let’s put it this way, the person who can cultivation Purple Heaven Divine Thunder is the successor of Ancient Celestial Court.

“Holy Son is brave and invincible, longevity with the sky…”

Looking at aloof and remote, the whole body shines with lightning, like a thunder god Jiang Mingyue, all the martial The artists all shouted in unison, with great momentum.

This is their Lord of Sacred Court, who will dominate the Ancient Celestial Court in the near future, everything is perfect.

“there is always someone who is better than us, who can stay invincible in the world.”

Yang Xuan looked at Jiang Mingyue, with a faint smile on his mouth, “Come on, let me break your undefeated myth.”

“I admit that you are very difficult to deal with, better than the young geniuses I have defeated, but want It’s not enough to defeat me with a mouth.”

Jiang Mingyue’s black hair flew up and the sound was like thunder, “This battle, I represent the entire Ancient Celestial Court, and you, dare to one after another. Challenge the authority of my Ancient Celestial Court. I must die today, and no one can save you.”

As soon as I said this, the whole world was silent and killed.

He, Jiang Mingyue, the person who wants to kill, has never lost his hand, and Yang Xuan is no exception.

Jiang Mingyue is confident that only Yang Xuan will be defeated in this battle.

Yang Xuan’s face remained unchanged, and his voice was unemotional, “Just do it, if you can kill me, then my skills are not as good as people.”

“As you wish.”


Jiang Mingyue no longer talks nonsense, one-handed to the sky, rising winds, scudding clouds in the sky instantly, thunder and thunder, depending on the situation, a terrible thunderstorm is coming.

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