A thundercloud is in the air between raising your hands.

Its prestige rose to the extreme at this moment.

This is Jiang Mingyue. He never shows mercy when he makes a shot. He is bound to suppress and kill all enemies with absolute strength.

“This is…”

Yang Xuan looked up at the sky and frowned slightly.

“Thunder Tribulation, Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation, under my Purple Heaven Divine Thunder tactic, Heavenly Dao of Little Heaven Realm has to for me to use.”

Jiang Mingyue The long-established plan was to provoke the Heavenly Dao tribulation thunder to kill Yang Xuan. Although Yang Xuan had just launched a Heavenly Dao tribulation thunder not long ago, if there were dozens of hundreds of tribulation thunders, it would fall together.

Jiang Mingyue doesn’t think that Yang Xuan is already strong enough to fight against Heavenly Dao of the little Heaven Realm, that is impossible.

“Human power can actually attract Heavenly Dao to punishing thunder. This Purple Heaven Divine Thunder technique really terrifying!”

“Yes, it’s invincible.”

At this moment, not to mention those little Heaven Realm martial artists, even the purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Yuechan Fairy, Wei Lihui, Liao Junjie, Tan Fei, Domineering, You Fen and other outsiders are deeply affected. Shocked.

Just this method of attracting Heavenly Dao to defend against the enemy makes people afraid to underestimate it.

“Heavenly Dao is nothing more than one Law that’s all. It is a law, and it will be broken by others.”

Yang Xuan said with a sneer, his face was not revealed The slightest color of fear.

“haha, if you want to be an emperor, that’s all, you may be able to resist it, but now you only have the cultivation base of Divine Force Peak, so how can you talk about inverse with this cultivation base? God, that is absolutely impossible, you will end up with the soul flew away and scattered under Heavenly Dao tribulation thunder.”

Jiang Mingyue couldn’t stop laughing, looking towards Yang Xuan, looking towards Yang Xuan as if looking at one dead.

“nonsense, I am waiting for you to kill me.”

Yang Xuan said.

“Since you are eager to die, then I will fulfill you.”

Jiang Mingyue shouted, the whole person seems to be a Thunderbolt Treasure Item.

He opened his mouth and inhaled, swallowing hundreds of millions of lightning from the thundercloud above, swallowing almost all the lightning on the sky.

At the same time, his whole body suddenly exploded with tens of thousands of bright lights, and the brilliance of brilliance brightened the sky and the ground.

“What is this guy doing, he actually sucked all the thunder into the body within the body.”

At this time, countless people felt inexplicable fear. It stands to reason that Jiang Mingyue Just draw Heavenly Dao to deal with Yang Xuan, but he didn’t do that. Instead, he first draws thunder into his body, making himself dangerous.

Attracting the sky and thunder into the body, this is definitely an extremely terrifying thing, it will explode and die at every turn, consigned to eternal damnation.

“Purple Heaven Divine Thunder tactics can draw thousands of thunders into the body, and with my body, it can withstand a certain amount of thunder.”

one after another Down, Jiang Mingyue moved, and both of his hands suddenly lifted up, sending out two Thunder Strength of destroying heaven extinguishing earth from it.

That is the power of the sky thunder. After Jiang Mingyue’s compression, this power is full of incomparable destructive power.


Yang Xuan’s face looked calm from beginning to end. He didn’t use Purgatory Sword to defend, but secretly inspired the Martial Spirit of reincarnation to fight against these two Tao is enough to open up Thunder Strength.

Heavenly Dao is Heavenly Dao after all. It is by no means what ordinary artifacts can contend. Yang Xuan now relies on Martial Spirit only.

Samsara Power is above all power, and only the legendary destiny Martial Spirit can surrender this power.

With a brush, a huge round of white discs flashed out of thin air like a mountain, hovering in front of Yang Xuan.

This is the disk of reincarnation, condensed by Samsara Power. As soon as this disk is released, the world is trembling violently, and the mysterious power escapes, as if to give World’s All Living Things Drag into reincarnate, forever unable to reincarnate.

Chapter 1053 Peak Battle

“Is this!?”

Jiang Mingyue’s eyes shrank, staring at the disc of reincarnation, a pair Looks like a big enemy.

Although he didn’t know what this was, he felt a strong threat.

This kind of threat, hit in the depth of one’s soul, can never be erased, and a trace of fear arose in his heart.

Yes, he is as proud as him, and I feel a little jealous. This is something that I have never seen before.


Yang Xuan didn’t say anything. He just spit out a word of Mie from his mouth. Then he saw the disc of reincarnation spinning extremely fast, turning the two Thunder Strength Pulled into it instantly, forcibly hanged out.

pu’ sound, the two Heavenly Dao Thunder Strength disappeared, as if they had never appeared before, and did not pose the slightest threat to Yang Xuan.

Under Samsara, everything can be destroyed, even the Heavenly Dao tribulation thunder can’t escape Six Roads of Samsara.

“How is this possible!”

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