“Oh my god, there is something in the world that can swallow the Thunder of Heavenly Dao.”

At this moment, no one remains unmoved, and Celestial Court martial artists can’t stop them. Screamed.

This situation is too weird and unbelievable.

“What Heavenly Dao tribulation thunder, what Purple Heaven Divine Thunder tactic, formidable power is nothing more than that, even if I can’t touch the corners of my clothes, how can you talk about killing me?”

Yang Xuan spoke lightly, full of mockery in his words, and he stood in place, with the ups and downs of reincarnation in front of him, especially dazzling.

“Reincarnation Martial Spirit, you actually got the reincarnation Martial Spirit!”

Finally, Jiang Mingyue recognized something, and her expression became extra serious.

“What, that is the Martial Spirit of reincarnation!”

“You evil evildoer, no wonder you dare to fight Jiang Mingyue.”

“With this card in your body First of all, you can be invincible. Unless the emperor personally takes action, it is difficult for anyone to kill him.”

People are in an uproar, even Xu Yang, who has met Yang Xuan not long ago, also I was deeply shocked.

Yang Xuan is pregnant with Martial Spirit of reincarnation, which Xu Yang absolutely didn’t expect.


Compared with Xu Yang, in addition to shock, Tyrant Wudao and You Fen also had a deep fear in their hearts.

For them, the stronger Yang Xuan’s strength is, the more dangerous they will become, and there is even a retreat in their hearts.

“What about the Martial Spirit of Samsara, it’s difficult to maintain it for a long time with your cultivation base, I don’t believe that I can’t kill you.”

Jiang Mingyue yelled and jumped up. After the monstrous fighting intent, he hasn’t tried his best to fight people for a long time, and Yang Xuan is guarded by the reincarnation Martial Spirit, which is also worth his all-out effort.


Yang Xuan killing intent skyrocketed, with no sign of weakness at all, within the body bursting out of thousands of flames, Sun God hiding the sky and covering The earth struck out with a punch and hit Jiang Mingyue on the opposite side.


Jiang Mingyue came back to his senses, and lightning burst in front of him, forming a huge sea of ​​thunder to defend against Yang Xuan’s blow.

Yang Xuan this fist is a fist of crushing bones. This fist with strong Sun God power is enough to destroy a big mountain.


The loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, Lei Hai first shook, and then burst open, and was blown by Yang Xuan with a punch.

But, that’s all, Jiang Mingyue is Jiang Mingyue after all, she is extremely domineering with the power of Purple Heaven Divine Thunder, unless the power reaches a certain level, otherwise it is difficult to really hurt him.


The violent Thunder Strength burst out, Jiang Mingyue did not retreat but instead moved forward, directly turned on the speed, hit Yang Xuan in front of him, and wanted to fight Yang Xuan close.

“Fight with me, you will only lose faster!”

Yang Xuan is not angry but laughs, and when it comes to Fleshy body, he doesn’t think there is anyone in the same generation Can beat yourself.


Jiang Mingyue killed her with thunder, waved her palms first, and culled.


The wind is moving with thunder, Jiang Mingyue’s hands are like two terrifying thunder mountains, his palms slapped out, the void is full of ripples, and the grass and sand on the ground fly around like waves. , One after another.

“quickly retreat!”

Under the Heavenspan Ladder, many people are retreating and dare not leave the battlefield for too long.

The two great Heaven’s Chosen went to war, and the damage caused can be imagined. If they are too close, I am afraid that they will die.

At this moment, whether it is a little Heaven Realm martial artist or an Ancient Celestial Court martial artist, or Yuechan Fairy, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Xu Yang, domineering, You Fen and the The others also stepped back.

“This battle is definitely the Peak Battle of the same generation. After this battle, the Heaven Ranking may also change.”

Heavenspan ranked first, until Now is occupied by Jiang Mingyue, but if Jiang Mingyue loses in today’s battle, then the top position of Heaven Ranking should be replaced by Yang Xuan.

According to legend, the top ten in the Heaven Ranking have rewards, but no one knows what the rewards are.

But what about it, it can attract the world to fight for it.

Imagine Zixiao Immortal King set up the Heavenspan list, how can the rewards left be ordinary.

“hong long long……”

Just as the crowd moved by hearing the wind and Qi Qi evacuated the battlefield, Jiang Mingyue and Yang Xuan were already fighting together.

Two of them, one is the descendant of Ancient Celestial Court, cultivated the powerful Purple Heaven Divine Thunder tactics, there are thousands of electric riots in every move.

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