The other one, from the outside world, made a big name in the little Heaven Realm, known as the Young Thief.

The name of the thief is not just talking, and the strength is by no means inferior to Jiang Mingyue.

“haha, happy!”

“hmph, yet dare to be arrogant, but dare to be arrogant, I want to see how long you can resist?”

“It’s ridiculous, didn’t you claim to kill me within ten strokes? It seems that you failed to fulfill your promise.”

On the nine days above, the two of you come and go, and you sometimes use words to attack each other, and When Jiang Mingyue heard Yang Xuan’s words, the killing intent was as materialized, showing how angry he was.

“Boy, the Holy Son is bound to kill you today.”

“Don’t bark, grandson, your grandfather is alive.”

“You… “

On the lips, the ten Jiang Mingyue are not Yang Xuan’s opponents. Soon after the battle, Jiang Mingyue became angry and the offensive became more and more violent.


Yang Xuan was indifferent. He faced the sky full of Divine Thunder, like a Sun God Child, fighting against Jiang Mingyue, and his eyes grew hotter.

Jiang Mingyue is worthy of being the descendant of Ancient Celestial Court. His strength is indeed sturdy. Instead, before entering Heavenspan Pagoda, Yang Xuan may not be his opponent.

“Thunder Emperor’s Sorrow-Wind and Thunder Change!”

For a long time, Jiang Mingyue displayed his magical powers, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a shocking lightning, at an incomparable speed, straight Shoot at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan face doesn’t change, even the disc of reincarnation in front of him has disappeared.

Since the fight, he has always used the disc of reincarnation to protect his body, but now, he has withdrawn this power, obviously to use his own strength to resist Jiang Mingyue.

“courting death.”

Jiang Mingyue’s eyes were cold. If Yang Xuan didn’t remove the disk of reincarnation, he really had nothing to do with Yang Xuan in a short time, but now it’s different Without the defense of the Reincarnation Disk, Yang Xuan is an undefended person who will die in his hands sooner or later.

“Ai, Martial Spirit of Reincarnation is strong but strong, but it cannot be sustained. This child seems to have reached the limit.”

Some people sigh lightly, Yang Xuan is ultimately a cultivation base A little bit lower, Jiang Mingyue, facing the Supreme Realm Peak, may be able to compete with him for a short time, but that’s all, sooner or later Jiang Mingyue will be consumed to death.

Chapter 1054 Striving for the Frontier

“This Holy Son has a unique talent, in ten-thousand does not have one. He is born with a legendary immortal body, and is destined to be the best in the world. , The name goes down in history.”

“What about the immortal body? In this battle, you will die.”

“The same generation is fighting, no one is my opponent, so this battle is dead It will only be you.”

Jiang Mingyue, the more fights the more brave is, the more fights the more brave is, the murderous heart is boiling, his hands are playing the world-killing lightning, if a splendid firework blooms, Yang Xuan will be enveloped in it.

Indestructible thunder body, can refining the world’s thunder for his own use, not to mention Jiang Mingyue also cultivation Purple Heaven Divine Thunder, a thunderbolt divine force almost comparable to the Heavenly Dao tribulation thunder of Little Heaven Realm.

“The formidable power is good, but it was a waste of effort.”

Yang Xuan moved his feet and moved out first.

“This child can be avoided at such a close distance, and this child is really too strong.”

“Peak of the division force environment can have this battle strength, if it is cultivation The base is equivalent to Jiang Mingyue, and Jiang Mingyue may not be able to beat it.”

The power of Yang Xuan is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which shocked countless people watching the battle.

This young man came from the outside world. Like a comet, he rises up in Little Heaven Realm. He is famous, fast and powerful. It is simply unsurpassable. If he can really defeat Jiang Mingyue today, he can also be recorded in history. .

Even if they were defeated and even killed by Jiang Mingyue, the name of the young thieves was enough to pass on and be remembered by future generations.

“Brother Yang…It turned out to be so powerful.”

“He is more than powerful, he is invincible at all. In our continent, he is the Number One Person in the younger generation. Since his debut It’s not a defeat, and the record is very brilliant.”

Listening to Yuechan Fairy’s words, Xu Yang couldn’t help being surprised. Although he had known Yuechan Fairy for a short time, Xu Yang could also see this mysterious woman. He is cold and arrogant and would not easily praise a person like this.

“It is true that out of the ordinary. In this generation, it is estimated that it is difficult for someone to mention on equal terms with him.”

purple clothed Hou Yujian Wuming also sighed, they It can be seen that Yang Xuan is stronger than in the City of Destiny. The speed of this cultivation alone is beyond the reach.

Although he is young, he is enough to outsmart the contemporary.

“This child must die. If he does not die, my heart will be uneasy!”

You Fen was so frightened and terrified that he could not wait to rush forward and join forces with Jiang Mingyue to punish Yang Xuan. kill.

“Be ready to do it at any time, even if it is despised by the world, even if he is ruined, I must not let this kid walk out of the Heavenspan Pagoda alive.”

Domineering gnashing teeth authentically, kill Yang Xuan The heart has risen to the extreme.

Yang Xuan is too evil, let it grow up, it will cause no end of trouble.

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