Chapter 1068 Zhentian Sacred Beast

” Mysterious sword is a masterpiece from my family. Its formidable power is pretty good, but it really has to be compared with Brother Yang’s unique sword skills. , But far from it.”

Jian Wuming whispered.

“Oh, I don’t know what kind of sword skill Brother Yang cultivated?”

Xu Yang’s eyes are bright, and the sword skill that can make Jian Wuming admire is absolutely out of the ordinary.

Yang Xuan laughed, and said: “My nameless brother praised, my sword skill is not so much a sword skill as a sword array.”

“Yes What is the sword array?”

Purple clothed Hou obviously has some understanding of the sword array.

Sword array has existed since ancient times. Every sword array has its own uniqueness. In fact, some Ancient Sect Mountain Protecting Great Array is a kind of sword array.

Once a strong enemy strikes, the sword array can burst out the terrorist sword energy, even if the enemy escapes to the sky, it can take the first level.

It can be said that the lethality of sword array is much more powerful than most sword skills in the world, and it is very rare.

“In this array, the name is called Punishing God Sword Array, and everything is destroyed with one sword.”

Yang Xuan took out Purgatory Sword with one hand, and Sky Piercing Slash with one sword, instantly It broke through a huge gap in Chaos Qi that was permeating above.

“The sword of terrifying.”

Xu Yang took a deep breath and said: “According to legend, before hundreds of thousands of years, we had a sword in Heavenspan. The Sword Dao Sect faction of the array. Unfortunately, this faction has been destroyed for a long time, and its Sect Guarding Absolute Art has also been completely lost.”

“This faction was destroyed by the Ancient Celestial Court?”

Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows Pick slightly.

“Exactly, since the ancient emperor took over the Ancient Celestial Court, the Ancient Celestial Court will never allow people or forces to threaten itself.”

Xu Yang nodded.

“So arrogant, sooner or later, it was taken away by someone, this Ancient Celestial Court seems to be coming to an end.”

purple clothed Hou shook the head.

“Ai, Ancient Celestial Court is so powerful and expert that it is as strong as the organization of heavenly punishment. I dare not fight it head-on.”

Xu Yang sighed softly, Heavenspan World There are people and forces who want to destroy Ancient Celestial Court, but the existence that can really compete with Ancient Celestial Court has not yet appeared.

“Isn’t there still a way to the king?”

Yuechan Fairy suddenly said: “The way to the king was built by the Immortal King of Zixiao, which is intended to find descendants, and The heir of the Immortal King of Zixiao, that is, the heir of Ancient Celestial Court, wants to come as long as someone gets the Immortal King inheritance, they can control the Ancient Celestial Court in one fell swoop.”

“Miss Ji said yes, but it is extremely difficult. , Let’s not say whether the ancient emperor would abdicate and let the virtuous, just say this king’s road, since ancient times, no one has successfully made it past.”

Xu Yang smiled bitterly.

“Nothing in the past does not mean there will be no in the future.” Yang Xuan said indifferently.

“haha, I have forgotten Brother Yang. With Brother Yang’s ability, it is entirely possible to pass the way of the king and get the inheritance of the Immortal King of Zixiao.”

Xu Yang With a big laugh, he said: “Immortal King inheritance is the second best thing. If Yang Xuan can really break through the way of the king this time, remember to find the Immortal King order from it.”

“Immortal King order?”


Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered.

“This order is cast by the Immortal King of Zixiao. If you see the order, you can see the Immortal King. No matter how high the cultivation base of the ancient emperor is, you will not dare to be disrespectful to the Immortal King. As long as Brother Yang can obtain the Immortal King order, he can successfully take over the Ancient Celestial Court. At that time, no matter how unwilling the ancient emperor is, he will have to obey you.”

Xu Yangdao.

“This happened. It seems that I really got this Immortal King order.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes shot sharply, screaming at Immortal King. In a must.

“It’s not too late for you to board the Heavenspan Ladder of the Great Heaven Realm, and then talk big.” Yuechan Fairy gave Yang Xuan a white look.

“I never speak big words. If Fairy doesn’t believe it, let’s make a bet.” Yang Xuan turned his head and looked at Yuechan Fairy, with a wicked smile on his mouth.

“What do you want to bet on?”

For some reason, seeing Yang Xuan smiling so wretchedly, Yuechan Fairy’s heart raised a very bad kind for no reason. Hunch.

Sure enough, I heard Yang Xuan say: “The bet is very simple. If I can’t find the Immortal King order, I will be Fairy from now on. On the contrary, if I can get the Immortal King order, Fairy will I have to marry me and become my woman.”

“Wishful thinking, I won’t make this bet with you.”

This bet, no matter how you look at it, is Yang Xuan’s With a big deal, Yuechan Fairy won’t let him do what he wants.

“Don’t think about it anymore? You should know that my kind of long handsome like a jade tree, and strong personal guards, can’t be found everywhere.”

“get lost! ”

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