“Hehe, just kidding, Fairy don’t be angry.”

Yuechan Fairy was so angry that she didn’t pay attention to Yang Xuan anymore, and walked up quickly each minding their own business.

“It’s dangerous above, Fairy go slowly.”

Yang Xuan yelled and hurriedly followed up, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Xu Yang and the others see here , Also followed up with a smile.

Along the way, Chaos Qi became stronger and stronger, and the force field formed became more powerful. Everyone gradually slowed down and was ready to guard against Chaos Beast’s attacks.

Chaos Beast was born in Chaos Qi. This is a strange creature. Although it has no flesh and blood, it is strong as an ox and is extremely thick and difficult to deal with.

“bang! ”

At this moment, a large swath of Chaos Qi surging from above, the vigorous mist hiding the sky and covering the earth, turning into thick clouds. Covering everyone, the breath is majestic, and the souls of the oppressors are trembling.

“Not good, it’s Zhentian Sacred Beast, we are in big trouble.”

Xuyang complexion greatly changed.

“What is Zhentian Sacred Beast?” purple clothed Hou asked.

“This beast, until now, is the most powerful existence on the Heavenspan Pagoda in the heavens, and it will not appear easily, and every time it appears, it means that an incredible figure has appeared on the ladder.”

As soon as Xu Yang said this, almost everyone looked towards Yang Xuan beside him.

The incredible character obviously refers to Yang Xuan. After all, Yang Xuan is the strongest among them.

“Why are you looking at me?”

Yang Xuan touched his nose, did’t know whether to cry or laugh for a while.

“It’s the trouble you have caused, you solve it yourself.”

Yuechan Fairy hummed softly, looking on the sidelines.

“Okay, I will come when I come, but it is a Chaos Beast that’s all, no matter how strong I am, I can kill it with one sword.”

Yang Xuan tone barely fell , The chaotic cloud above suddenly turned into a gray giant.

The giant is as big as a mountain, full of breath, stepped down with one foot and directly stepped on Yang Xuan.

This kick, with the power of chaos, is so powerful that Yang Xuan couldn’t help but narrow his eyes.

If you step on it like this, you can easily crush a mountain. It is difficult to survive because of his tyrannical fleshy body.

“It is worthy of being an invincible existence on the ladder. It really has its strength.”

Yang Xuan was not surprised, and immediately launched the Martial Spirit of reincarnation to suppress the giant with the disc of reincarnation.

“roar! ”

The giant roared, the big foot that was howling down suddenly freezes in the air, but that’s all, Yang Xuan’s disc of reincarnation is fundamentally Can’t hurt it at all.

This was in Yang Xuan’s expectation. He raised his hand with a sword and fiercely slashed towards the giant.

Chapter 1069 The Abyss of Chaos


With a loud noise, Zhentian Sacred Beast collapsed, all in tatters.

Yang Xuan is a sword that must kill. It is as strong as the Sacred Beast. He was forced to suffer a Divine Sword anger and was killed on the spot.

“Is it dead?”

Purple clothed Hou pondered, his eyes flickering, and he always felt that things might not be so simple.

How can he be killed by someone so easily, Sacred Beast, the guardian of the Sky Ladder?

“It’s not dead, it seems to be absorbing Chaos Qi and repairing the wounded fleshy body.”

Jian Wuming said suddenly.

“This beast…really strong resilience!”

Yang Xuan stared attentively, only to see Sacred Beast that was supposed to die here, but he regained it in a short moment. Condensed a complete body, it looked almost as if it had not been injured except for a slight weakness.

“Undying Body!”

purple clothed Hou took a cold breath.

“You can say so.”

Xu Yang nodded, said: “At least, on this Primal Chaos Heaven ladder, Zhentian Sacred Beast cannot be killed, even if Severely injured and dying, you can also use Chaos Qi to heal the wound.”

After saying this, he said to Yang Xuan: “This beast can’t be regretted, Brother Yang only needs to trap it.”

“My reincarnation Martial Spirit can’t stay with it for too long.”

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