Unfortunately, even one hour passed, he didn’t find any treasure in it.

“Strange, isn’t the Primal Chaos Stone here?”

Yang Xuan frowned, but after a while, his eyes lit up again, and he saw the fog of Chaos Energy in the distance, faintly visible A strange rays of light.


Yang Xuan let out a cry of surprise, and before thinking about it, he quickly moved forward, and soon came to a strange stone.

This strange stone, the size of a baby’s fist, gleams with splendid brilliance, and you can see that it is not ordinary.

“Primal Chaos Stone! It’s really Primal Chaos Stone.”

Although I have never seen the Primal Chaos Stone, Yang Xuan knows that this strange stone is What he was looking for, immediately reached out and grabbed it.

“Humans, stop now.”

Almost when Yang Xuan’s big hand touched the Primal Chaos Stone, Zhentian Sacred Beast’s furious voice came immediately .

“I will definitely get this Primal Chaos Stone. If you are willing to give it to me, I can promise to spare you not to die.”

“The Primal Chaos Stone is the source of my strength. Impossible to you, you really want Primal Chaos Stone, I can take you to a place.”


“Chaos Abyss, there is still there There are a lot of Primal Chaos Stones, but they are also extremely dangerous, so I am afraid that you will not dare to go.”

“haha, your radical approach is useless to me, but well, I really want to decide on this chaotic abyss. Now.”

“So, I will send you there.”

The voice of the chaotic Sacred Beast is still there, Yang Xuan sees the chaotic fog above it disappears, and there is a huge deep The vast void.

Chapter 1070 Conquer

“The passage of the Chaos Abyss has been opened. You have the courage to pass now. As for whether you can come out alive, it all depends on your ability.”

“Let’s make a bet.”

“What are you going to bet with me?”

“It’s very simple, if I can survive, Just recognize me as your Lord.”

“hmph, I refuse.”

“Tsk, dignified Sacred Beast, don’t you even have the courage to gamble with me?”

“Humans, do you dare to humiliate me.”

“In a word, dare you?”

“Okay, I will bet with you .”

“haha, refreshing enough.”

Yang Xuan couldn’t help laughing out loud when the trickery succeeded.

This is the overlord on the sky ladder, a terrifying chaos Sacred Beast, if it can be used for its own use, it will undoubtedly be a big good thing.

“Human, you are too proud of yourself, everything has to wait for you to come out alive.”

Sacred Beast roared.

“Then you just wait. Also, the few humans outside are my friends. You can’t hurt them until I die.”

Leave a sentence Then, Yang Xuan didn’t hesitate anymore, and rushed into the hole above and came to another strange space.

Here, the earth is cracked and lifeless, it is like a dead place isolated from the world, Chaos Aura is everywhere, and you can’t feel the passage of time.

“The Abyss of Chaos is the primordial ancestral land of my Primal Chaos Giant clan. There are countless ancestral spirits of my Primal Chaos Giant clan buried in it. You humble and bold blasphemer are destined to be buried here. “

In the darkness, the icy voice of Chaos Sacred Beast sounded.

“The primordial ancestral land of the Primal Chaos Giant clan…”

Yang Xuan whispered, but there was no fear on his face. He picked a direction at will and strode forward with the meteor go with.

Along the way, there was silence, extinction of life, and various broken walls and ruins everywhere. Obviously, there were many giant cities and buildings here, which were very brilliant.

Unfortunately, it has become history.

Prosperity and decline are also the inevitable law of the development of things.

Perhaps there was a great war, or a disaster from the sky. One after another giant cities have long been destroyed and turned into fragments of ruins. On some nearly weathered boulders, there can be faint Seeing some brown-red blood stains is really a horrible to see.

“What happened to the ancestral land of your Primal Chaos Giant clan?” Yang Xuan asked loudly.

“It was the Dark Fiend clan who did it. They attacked and destroyed the home of the Primal Chaos Giant clan.”

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