The chaotic Sacred Beast gnashing teeth is authentic, and it is furious to mention it.

“It turned out to be the work of Dark Fiend.”

Yang Xuan suddenly appeared.

“You humans also know Dark Fiend?”

“Not only do I know, but I have killed many Dark Fiends. Those bloodthirsty guys are born to die.”

hearing this, Chaos Sacred Beast was silent, and after a long time he said: “You are very good, and you did not lie. I did smell a little dark Fiend blood from you.”

” Your nose is very good.”

“Stop talking about these useless nonsense, don’t think you kill some dark Fiend, I will help you.”

“No need for you Help, I can go out by myself after I find the Primal Chaos Stone.”

Yang Xuan shrugged and continued to think about flying away, and as he went deeper, Chaos Qi from Between Heaven and Earth became more and more serious. Rich.

The richer the Chaos Qi, the more likely it is to find the Primal Chaos Stone. Yang Xuan is very clear about this.

After 5 minutes of effort, Yang Xuan went thousands of miles away, but he didn’t even see an ant.

On the whole broken ground, there is only dried blood.

“Hey, that’s a huge footprint!”

Suddenly, Yang Xuan’s mouth lightly exclaimed, he is now in the sky, and he turned on Martial Dao Heavenly Eye again , You can see from a distance, there is a footprint as big as a mountain on the ground in the distance, which makes people shocking.

One foot is so big, you can imagine what destructive power will erupt if you step on it.

Continue to fly forward, the footprints gradually become clear, Yang Xuan can even see, there are several huge bones under the footprints.

Although these skeletons are tattered and broken, the skeleton of the main body is still extremely hard, and there is a faint black light through the body.

“Dark Fiend!”

Yang Xuan understands that those are the bones left by the dead Dark Fiend, and these dark Fiends are obviously caused by a huge Primal Chaos Giant. Run to death with one foot.

Only in this scene, you know how fierce the fighting here was.

“The Dark Demon traitor is extremely deceitful. If our race is not prepared, how can we allow them to be fierce here.” Sacred Beast of Chaos roared.

“Are those invading dark Fiend all dead?” Yang Xuan asked.

“Of course, none of them left alive. Even the strongest ones were suppressed by our ancestors.”

“Is it just suppression?”

“The distance of that battle has now been millions of years. No matter how strong those dark Fiends are, they are absolutely impossible to live.”

After all, Sacred Beast of Chaos added, “Humans, There is something that must be made clear to you.”

“What’s the matter?”

“At the far end of the earth, there is a huge Primal Chaos Stone. If you go wherever you go, you can’t Move that piece of Primal Chaos Stone.”

“I see, under that piece of Primal Chaos Stone, suppress those dark Fiends.”

Yang Xuan laughed and said: “You too Don’t be too nervous, I can promise you that you will never touch the Primal Chaos Stone. Of course, the premise is that I can find other Primal Chaos Stones. I don’t want too much, just a few pieces of the big fist.”

“Don’t you think you are a little greedy?”

“Primal Chaos Stone is of great use to me, and I will definitely get it.”

“That’s all, If you go further, there is an altar, and there are some Primal Chaos Stone scattered around the altar. You can only take a few pieces from it.”

“many thanks.”

Yang Xuan thanked him, and immediately started to speed up and flew forward.

It is the ancestor of the Primal Chaos Giant clan, and the whole world is full of rich Chaos Aura.

These Chaos Auras came under pressure like a mountain, and Yang Xuan gradually felt overwhelmed. He had to inspire the Profound Truth of Space-Time and the Martial Spirit of reincarnation, so that he felt better.

Chaos Sacred Beast didn’t lie to him either, about Mozhancha Kungfu, a huge altar appeared in front of him.

The altar is square and square, with the size of a hundred zhang, constructed by countless Primal Chaos Stones, solemn and solemn.

Small pieces of Primal Chaos Stone were scattered around the altar.

Yang Xuan’s eyes shined straight, and he resisted the urge to sweep away, but chose a few larger ones.

“Enough, enough.”

Sacred Beast of Chaos yelled, dropping from the sky with a big hand, and picked up Yang Xuan, and caught him forcibly Get out.

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