See Yang Xuan nodded, purple clothed Hou, Xu Yang, Jian Wuming is a daze, if you don’t see it with your own eyes, they will not believe that the chaotic Sacred Beast will be Yang Xuan. Take it for your own use.

Yang Xuan smiled without saying a word, turned his head and said to Chaos Sacred Beast: “Big man, what is your name?”


Sacred Beast in a low, muffled voice authentic.

“Nice name, but you can’t make it smaller. I watch your neck hurt like this.”

Yang Xuan said.

Juman said nothing, his tall body became the size of a normal person in a blink of an eye,

“Hehe, it looks more comfortable now.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“Brother Yang is going to take him to the Great Heaven Realm?” Xu Yang asked.


Yang Xuan nodded, said: “Well, we also delayed a lot of time, now go to the Great Heaven Realm, and strive to set foot on the King as soon as possible Road.”

Between words, strode upwards.

Seeing this, Xu Yang, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Yuechan Fairy, and Chaos Sacred Beast giant barbarian, also followed along.

Perhaps there is a huge relationship, Chaos Qi disperses on its own along the way, without causing any obstacle to everyone.


The Great Heaven Realm was built by the Immortal King of Zixiao. How long it has existed is no way to know.

However, everyone in the Heavenspan world wants to come to this world. For nothing else, the Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth of this realm is richer than the lower world.

Even the eightieth floor of the sky realm is slightly inferior to the big Heaven Realm.

It can be said that this is a cultivation Holy Land. Anyone who cultivation here will double the results for half the effort.

“Is this the Great Heaven Realm!?”

The sky is blue and the mountains are continuous. Looking up, all kinds of rare and exotic animals can be seen everywhere, just like a hidden land of peace and prosperity.

At the foot of a large mountain, Yang Xuan and the others appeared out of thin air on a huge array, and were shocked by the sight in front of them.

This is not so much a hidden land of peace and prosperity, it is better to say that this is an Immortal Realm.

“No wonder the people below want to come up…”

Yuechan Fairy whispered.

“Juman, do you know where this is?” Yang Xuan asked.

“I don’t know, I have never left the primordial ancestral land since I was born.”

The primordial ancestral land in the giant man’s mouth is obviously the abyss of chaos, in the abyss of chaos. Energetic chaos is also conducive to giant cultivation.

“Would you like to ask someone to ask?”

purple clothed Hou tone barely fell, a group of more than a dozen people flew over from a distance, and only listened to the loud voice of a Mai old man headed by him Said: “This is the upper stage of the Great Heaven Realm. People from the lower realms will appear here when they come to the Great Heaven Realm.”

After saying that, he looked at Yang Xuan with a smile on his face. This must be Yang Xuan Young Master Yang, who is known as the Young Thief, I’ll wait for a long time.”

“Senior is…heavenly punished…” Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes.

“haha, you deserve to be the descendant of the daoist of the big dream, Young Master Yang is really brilliant and brilliant, yes, the old man comes from heavenly punishment.”

Mai old man burst into laughter .

“I don’t know what Senior is doing here?” Yang Xuan asked calmly.

“Naturally, there is something important to discuss with Young Master Yang.”

“Senior, please speak.”

“This place is not a place to talk, Young Master Yang If you don’t want to bother to come, please follow the old man to the main department of my heavenly punishment for a few days.”

“Okay, Junior will go with Senior.”

Yang Xuan We have to look at what the so-called heavenly punishment is.

Thinking like this, he pointed at Xu Yang and the others beside him, “These are my friends, can you go with me?”

“No problem, Young Master Yang’s friends are our heavenly punishment friends, please.”

Mai old man made an inviting gesture and immediately took Yang Xuan and the others and flew westward.

On the way, the Mai old man also looked at Juman a few more times, and an incredible color flashed in his eyes.

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