Chapter 1072 Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm

“This is…?”

Ma Yi’s old man pupil light flickers, facing the sturdy giant Quite very curious, this person seems to be a person, but there is no human breath in him.

Even the Mai old man still felt an unusually powerful Chaos Qi from the giant man.

Chaos Qi, extremely heavy, suppresses all souls.

Most people don’t talk about refining, they don’t even dare to get close.

But now, a robust man can actually issue Chaos Qi, which is really puzzling and shocking.

Yang Xuan pointed at the giant man and said casually: “He is called the giant man, and he is my friend.”

“The old man asked too much, he was from the Primal Chaos Giant clan People?” Mai old man asked musingly.


“Young Master Yang has good ability.”

“hehe, you will become friends just by hitting, can’t be What ability is considered.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

The Mai old man was speechless for a while, and the heavenly punishment martial artists who followed him were also stunned. Everyone knows that there is a chaotic Sacred Beast on the sky ladder, but since ancient times, but also I have never heard of anyone who can be friends with him.

“Where are these young Master Yang, how about introducing Young Master Yang?”

Mai old man looked towards Xu Yang, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Yuechan Fairy at this moment. .

Yang Xuan, with a smile on his face, introduced Xu Yang and the others respectively, and Xu Yang and the others also greeted Mai old man one after another.

Mai old man is a supernatural power after all, and it’s worth it.

Yang Xuan saw all this in his eyes, with an undiminished smile on his face, opened the mouth and said: “I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t consulted Senior’s name yet?”

” Old man Fu Tianyun, heavenly punishment Inner Palace Elder.”

Mai old man declared his name and was very polite.

I came to the rooftop to invite Yang Xuan to be a guest at the main ministry of heavenly punishment. Fu Tianyun already knew that Yang Xuan had an expert behind him who could challenge the ancient emperor of Ancient Celestial Court.

Da Meng Daoist, a character who belongs to the same era as the ancient emperor, not to mention how high his current cultivation base is, he is a mythical character alone, even if they are heavenly. The leader of punishment Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail must also give 30% courtesy to the Damen daoist.

“It turned out to be Fu Lao.”

Yang Xuan nodded, said: “Junior came here for the first time, and I am not familiar with the place of my life. I wonder if Fu Lao can talk to Junior about your organization, and Junior treats you The organization is very curious!”

“We are heavenly punishment. To put it bluntly, it is an Assassin Organization, which specializes in various killing tasks, but most of the people killed are those who commit crimes and commit crimes. .”

“enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven, yes, yes.”

“haha, when it comes to enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven, our heavenly punishment is beyond reach Young Master Yang, Young Master dared to stand up and contend with Ancient Celestial Court at a young age. It is really admirable.”

“Fu Lao praised, Junior is just relying on someone behind him, otherwise he dare not challenge The authority of Ancient Celestial Court is that your organization has always been fighting against Ancient Celestial Court. That is really admirable.”

As we speak, everyone is getting faster and faster, and they will come soon. Arrived in a small town.

The town is built on the hillside, and the location is quite remote. The people living in it are all heavenly punishments.

Heavenly punishment is divided into inner sanctuary and outer sanctuary. Among them, the inner sanctuary and the cultivation base have at least reached the divine force state.

As for the outer hall, the cultivation base of each assassin is uneven. In this small town called “Waishan”, the heavenly punishment of the assassin’s cultivation base is no more than death. Peak.

“Fu Elder, why are you here?”

No, as soon as everyone enters Woshan Town, there are a lot of heavenly punishments. The killers are about to come up, with an incomparable attitude. Respectful.

“The old man came here only to borrow Transmission Array.”

Fu Tianyun thought for a while and asked, “By the way, how is the development of Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm? “

“Ai, let’s not hide from Fu Elder, we have already died in Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm in the past six months.”

Peak, The old man sighed in grey clothes over the past few years. His name is Li Dashan. He is the mayor of Woshan Town. Until now, he handles all the affairs of Woshan Town.

Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm, discovered more than half a year ago, was managed by him alone. Every ten and a half years, many people will be sent into Secret Realm for exploration and treasure hunting.

Unfortunately, the baby didn’t find much, but countless lives got in.

“What is this Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm?” Yang Xuan looked at Fu Tianyun.

“Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm is an ancient Secret Realm in Heaven Realm. According to legend, this Secret Realm is a cave mansion of a world-famous expert, and this expert fairy also left many treasures after his death. “

Hearing this, Jian Wuming blurted out: “Treasure can live there, can we let us in for a look?”

“Young Master Yang thinks so too Yes?” Fu Tianyun didn’t mean to blame Jian Wuming, turning his head and staring at Yang Xuan beside him and asked.

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