“I have a destiny stone, and this destiny stone is evolved from the heavenly Dao, and naturally has the breath of Heavenly Dao.”

“What, you are recognized by the heavenly Dao? “

“Uh, you seem surprised. Could it be that you have seen the former owner of this Destiny Stone?”

“Of course, the other party is my Mistress.”

Speaking of this, Tianyuan Boy’s voice became extremely sharp, “Quickly, where did you humans find this destiny stone?”

“Heavenspan outside.”

Yang Xuan’s tone was calm, but he was shocked in his heart. He did not expect that Dao Companion of Master Tianyuan was the former owner of the Destiny Stone.

“The Destiny Stone is Mistress’s most precious thing. If the Destiny Stone has changed hands today, isn’t Mistress already…”

There are tears floating in the eyes of Tianyuan Boy.

“What happened back then? Why did your master Tianyuan and your Mistress part ways?”

Yang Xuan asked curiously.

“There was a great war in the Heavenspan world. In that battle, immortals participated in the war. Those immortals, without exception, came from Immortal World. If you want to seize the divine object-the heavenly ingot wheel from my lord, my lord is to protect Mistress finally had to perish together with the great enemies, and Mistress was seriously injured, whereabouts unknown.”

Tianyuan boy burst into tears and became more sad.

“The Tianyuanbao wheel actually attracted the immortal of Immortal World…”

Yang Xuan whispered, saying that Heavenspan is the closest to Immortal World, and this seems to be true.

As powerful as an immortal, it can also come across borders.

“Human, you have my Mistress Destiny Stone, I can recognize you as the master, but you also need to promise me one condition.”

“What condition?”

“Help me kill someone.”


“A fairy, this person did not die back then, and may not die now, maybe in Immortal World A world has already been created, and it’s not easy to deal with anyway.”

“Well, I promise you, no matter how high the person’s cultivation base is, I will kill him one day.”


“Well, I believe in you.”

Tianyuan boy was nodded and soon signed a contract with Yang Xuan. However, due to the low cultivation base, Yang Xuan is still unable to motivate Tianyuanbao. wheel.

But it’s okay. After all, there is a Tianyuan boy who is really in danger. Tianyuan boy will take action by himself, and he can also exert the formidable power of Tianyuanbao round.

“The recognizing Master contract has consumed a lot of energy, and I am about to fall into a deep sleep. You should be careful during the next period of time.”

Tianyuan Boy waved his hand. , Very weak and authentic.

“How long are you going to sleep?” Yang Xuan asked.

“At least half a year, as long as two years, you are not sure.”

Leave a sentence, Tianyuan boy disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared before.

Yang Xuan stood there in silence for a long time before leaving. He conquered the Tianyuan boy and mastered the Tianyuanbao wheel. A single thought flashed by, and people appeared outside.

“Brother Yang, are you okay?”

“I came out so soon, what happened inside?”

Seeing that Yang Xuan is safe and sound Coming out, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Xu Yang, and even Yuechan Fairy, all surrounded them.

“Don’t worry, everyone, I’m fine, not only is it fine, but I have successfully obtained the approval of the Spirit of Baolun, and the other party has already submitted to me and regards me as the Lord.”

Yang Xuan laughed and waved to a short distance. The huge light azure wheel suddenly shrank and moved towards him and flew towards him. It was tightly wrapped around his right hand wrist, which looked like a slight A very peculiar bracelet.


purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Xu Yang was stunned, and he couldn’t even think that it was true.

“You this bastard is really amazing. I don’t know what shameful means I used to deceive the Artifact Spirit of the Tianyuanbao wheel.”

Yuechan Fairy curled his lips. .

“What is coaxing, I have always convinced people with virtue, and the spirit of Tianyuanbao Wheel is deeply convinced by my virtue.”

After coming out, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, and Xu Yang were all speechless. They had known Yang Xuan for a long time, but they didn’t believe him at all.

Chapter 1080 Heavenly Punishment Main Division

“Don’t look at me like this, I’m telling the truth.”

Yang Xuan raised his brows. The smile on his face is extremely brilliant.

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