“It’s strange to believe in you.”

Yuechan Fairy rolled her eyes, beautiful and moving.

She stared at Yang Xuan with a very angry look, “Don’t sell it, what’s going on inside?”

“It’s beautiful!”

Yang Xuan looked at him for a while, but for a moment he forgot to speak.

“What am I asking you, do you mean it?” Yuechan Fairy was angry and annoyed, and almost couldn’t hold back her hands.

“Don’t, let me explain honestly. The reason why I can refining the Tianyuanbao wheel is because of…”

Yang Xuan gave a wry smile and no longer concealed things. The whole story came out.

“so that’s how it is, didn’t expect that the owner of the Tianyuanbao wheel, and the former owner of the Dao of Heaven, is actually the Dao Companion relationship, but Brother Yang can be recognized by the Dao of Heaven, and it really makes people Shocked.”

When Xu Yang learned of the whole sequence of events, he was immediately surprised and envious.

On the side, the purple clothed Hou said solemnly: “The Heavenly Ingot Wheel is extraordinary. Brother Yang had better put it away. If it is watched by someone with a heart, it will inevitably cause big trouble, it is heavenly punishment. Brother Yang also had to guard against it.”

“Brother purple clothed said that, Brother Yang still needs to be careful.”

Sword Wuming said.

Faced with a rare Spirit Transformation device in the world, heavenly punishment may not be tempted. If it really attracts the prying eyes of heavenly punishment, it is hard to guarantee that you will not risk offending the big dream daoist. Yang Xuan does it.

Not to mention the heavenly punishment, just the Ancient Celestial Court. If you know that Yang Xuan is pregnant with the Heavenly Ingot Wheel, you will not let it go easily.

“Well, I will be careful.”

An innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime, Yang Xuan naturally understands that a single thought flashed in his mind, right The bracelet on the wrist immediately disappeared from reality.

The bracelet is transformed by the Tian Yuanbao wheel. It can not only be large and small, but also can be hidden within the body, so as to suppress all breath fluctuations. Unless the cultivation base is so high that it is against the sky, don’t even want to pry into it The presence.

“Divine Item psychic, what about the spirit of the Tianyuanbao wheel?”

Yuechan Fairy’s eyes are circulating, I really want to see the Artifact Spirit that made the Spirit Transformation device. What is so special the difference.

“Sleep, Fairy will have a chance to see it in the future.”

Yang Xuan laughed and said: “Let’s go, let’s go out now.”

” How to get out?”

Xu Yang slightly startled.

“The Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm is the backbone of the Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm. Since I have refined this round, the entire Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm will be under my control.”

Yang Xuan While speaking, he tore open the void with his bare hands, and walked in.

Xu Yang, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Yuechan Fairy and the others came back to his senses, also stepped into the void crack in front of him, followed by Yang Xuan and left Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm.


Besides Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm, Fu Tianyun and the others have not left for a long time. As time passed by, even Fu Tianyun couldn’t help but wrinkle Raised eyebrows.

Yang Xuan and the others have been in Secret Realm for so long, and they don’t know what they have encountered inside, whether there is any mortal danger.

“These people won’t die inside, right?”

Li Dashan’s eyes flickered. After all, it is Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm. Secret Realm is doomed to danger lurks on every side, No matter how powerful Yang Xuan and the others are, they may fall.

“Hey, someone has come out, it’s the young thief.”

At this moment, someone exclaimed and saw a silhouette, neither too fast nor too slow Walked out of the cave not far away.

He was a young man, white clothed like snow, with black hair all over his head, followed by Feng Feiyang, who is not Yang Xuan?

“There is no sign of injury at all, this child… really terrifying!”

Li Dashan was full of emotion, his eyes looking towards Yang Xuan were full of deep shock.

The young thief, really is name is not in vain, just because he can come out of Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm unharmed, it is enough to explain his out of the ordinary, no wonder the ancient emperor descendant Jiang Mingyue also lost in his hands.

“haha, Young Master Yang has good ability, old man knows a trifling Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm, but Young Master can’t beat you.”

Fu Tianyun laughed and stepped forward to welcome you. Up.

“Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm is not simple. It is a fluke that I can come out alive. It is said that Master Yuan’s Tian Yuanbao wheel that day almost cost me my life.”

Yang Xuan shook the head.

“Young Master saw the legendary Tianyuanbao wheel!?”

Fu Tianyun was surprised and happy. To say that the most precious treasure in the Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm, it is undoubtedly the Tianyuanbao wheel Unfortunately, the higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it is to get in. Otherwise, the Tianyuanbao wheel would have been taken away by the first person of their heavenly punishment.

“I saw it, but I couldn’t use it for my own use. I just got a Secret Art from it, which recorded many ancient inscriptions.”

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