Yang Xuan lightly sighed.

“An inscription Secret Art…is not bad too.”

Fu Tianyun hesitated and said: “I wonder if Young Master asked me to copy an inscription recorded on Secret Art?”

“It’s just a small matter, of course it’s okay.”

Yang Xuan readily agreed that Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm is heavenly punishment after all. Otherwise, Fu Tianyun would be the number one inscription, Secret Art. This will cause dissatisfaction.

Although Yang Xuan is not afraid of Fu Tianyun, let alone the heavenly punishment behind Fu Tianyun, he does not want to offend both the Great Heaven Realm Two Great Influences at the same time.

Forget about Ancient Celestial Court, the heavenly punishment that stands on the opposite side of it, it’s better to make friends with each other, and the trip with such a big Heaven Realm will be much smoother.

Furthermore, the ancient inscriptions on the inscription Secret Art are difficult to understand. How can it be so easy to understand?

Even if Yang Xuan lent Fu Tianyun’s transcript, it is difficult for a few people to truly grasp the inside of heavenly punishment.

“many thanks.”

Fu Tianyun’s face was full of gratitude, and he hurriedly reached out to take the old jade slip that Yang Xuan handed him and put it on his brow.

Sure enough, there are a lot of ancient inscriptions recorded in the jade slip, and Fu Tianyun just looked at it and felt excited.

At the same time, Li Dashan and the others were extremely excited.

They occupy the Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm, just want to master the ancient inscriptions, and with this inscription Secret Art, they will be able to learn at least one or two of the ancient inscriptions in the future.

In a short while, Fu Tianyun completed the transcription. Everything is very simple. Fu Tianyun just took out an empty white jade slip, rubbed the inscription on it with the spirit strength one after another.

“Young Master, I will never forget the heavenly punishment.”

Soon, Fu Tianyun thanked him again, and then returned the jade slip with the inscription Secret Art to Yang Xuan.

“Old Fu is polite.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand and put away the jade slip.

“Young Master, please, old man, this will take you to my heavenly punishment main department. When there, our leader will personally greet him and pick up the dust for Young Master.”

Fu Tianyun made an inviting gesture, and then took Yang Xuan and the others and the silent giant man flying out of the valley, all the way to Woshan Town.

There is Transmission Array in Woshan Town. Through Transmission Array, the entire group soon came to a huge wasteland.

wasteland is called the burial heaven, located in the extreme west of the Great Heaven Realm, and the main part of heavenly punishment is located deep in this burial land, a seemingly unremarkable, but there is heaven and earth inside. The secret place.

Chapter 1081: A little demonstrating skills

Heavenly punishment, also known as Heavenly Punishment League, has been established tens of thousands of years, and it is an awesome and awesome Assassin Organization.

In the entire organization, the staff is complex and the level is strict. It is divided into three levels of gold, silver and bronze. Every low-level killer who wants to upgrade his level and keep climbing up must experience countless blood and fire trials. .

It can be said that every silver medal and even gold medal killer has good skill and iron-blooded will.

On top of the gold medal killer are the Great Elders of heavenly punishment, and the leader of Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, which is the Alliance Leader of heavenly punishment.

Don’t talk about the Heavenly Punishment Alliance Leader, the Elders of the Heavenly Punishment, most of them retreat from cultivation all the year round, so that the cultivation base can do breakthrough again.

Martial Dao cultivation, cultivation base is the most important thing. Without a certain cultivation base, they will have to abdicate sooner or later.

Any killer in heavenly punishment will have the opportunity to challenge one of the above Elder once a year.

If you can beat it once, you can come from behind, become a high-ranking Elder, and enjoy more cultivation resources in the organization.

To put it bluntly, this is competition. It is very cruel competition, and it is exactly the same. Heavenly punishment can grow stronger day by day and confront Ancient Celestial Court.

“There are so many people, but they don’t seem to be very friendly to us.”

In a magnificent and atmospheric Earth Palace, Yang Xuan and the others follow Fu Tianyun all the way forward On the way, young people saluted Fu Tianyun from time to time on the way, and cast surprised eyes at Yang Xuan and them.

Many of these gazes are hostile, but because of Fu Tianyun’s presence, no one dares to come over and make trouble. They are just curious about where Yang Xuan and the others came from. Fu Tianyun will be attracted by Fu Tianyun himself. Come.

Heavenly punishment is the main part of heavenly punishment, and it is impossible for Outsider to come here.

Even if they came, they would be arrested as spies sent by Ancient Celestial Court and tortured and tortured.

“Fu Elder, who are these people?”

The more people go into the Earth Palace, the more people there will be. Soon the daring can’t help but ask about Yang Xuan and the others. origin.

“These are the distinguished guests of my heavenly punishment. This Young Master Yang is also a young thief who has gained fame recently.”

When Fu Tianyun said this, many young people around People are startled, one by one involuntarily looking at Yang Xuan, because now Fu Tianyun’s hand is pointing at Yang Xuan.

Obviously, Yang Xuan is the rumored young thief who defeated the descendant of the ancient emperor Jiang Mingyue with absolute strength in the lower realm.

As the descendant of the ancient emperor, the next Lord of the Ancient Celestial Court, Jiang Mingyue has been spotted by their heavenly punishment in recent years, but they went to assassinate Jiang Mingyue’s assassins, none The exceptions are all dead.

Even a few gold medal killers are not Jiang Mingyue’s opponent at all. This shows how strong Jiang Mingyue is.

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