Yang Xuan laughed out loud, with a hint of sarcasm in his words.

“Little devil, I think you are tired of living.”

“What nonsense with him, just do it directly, um, all the men are killed, and the women stay.”

“haha, good idea, these chicks are really beautiful. Motherfuckers are really beautiful, and the ladies in our tribe can’t compare with them.”

This kind of weird smile, the eyes are mostly on the flying snow, the falling moon, the tassels, and Yuechan Fairy, especially Yuechan Fairy, whose graceful posture, extraordinary and refined temperament makes them all swallow their saliva. .

The orc, within the body, is full of the blood of ordinary beasts. He has a lustful nature. Seeing such a beauty as Yuechan Fairy, how could he not be tempted and not greedy.

It was the big bearded man, and there was a light of lewd|evil in his eyes.

“courting death.”

At this moment, the indifferent Yuechan Fairy was angry, and a cold murderous intention faintly emitted from her body.

Yuechan Fairy has never liked killing people, but this is not to say that she will not kill people. She will never be soft when she meets people who harbor malicious intentions against her.

“The little ladies are very aggressive, but I don’t know if I can scream later.”

“ga ga, let’s say, we bear people, She is famous for her bravery. Any woman who gets under us will be made to cry her father and mother.”

There was another weird laugh, and the vulgar words completely angered Yuechan Fairy. But before Yuechan Fairy could do anything, Feixue and Luoyue, the three daughters of Tassel came out first.

The three women stood on the open space, and they all showed severe murderous intention.

Yang Xuan and the others saw all this in their eyes, and didn’t say anything. They looked like they were on the sidelines, with the three daughters of Feixue taking action, letting the guys and the others have many influences. It is difficult to take advantage of the public.

In this regard, the big bearded man is very disdainful, “You men are really unkind.”

“Don’t underestimate a woman, once a woman gets angry, she is no worse than any man in the world. “Feixue coldly said.

” bitch pretty confident, worth mentioning, I will come to you will.”

Han said that moving the bar to be on the move, straight rushed over.


Flying snow, falling moon, tassels are in trouble instantly, several people are ghosts, faster than lightning, each holding a sharp sword and stabs at the beard The big man’s throat, front chest, and belly are three key points.

“Three cruel ladies.”

The man with a beard remains unmoved, with a layer of blood light surging on his body, letting the swords of the three Feixue girls pierce him On the body, three muffled sounds of peng~ peng~ peng~.

“Really strong fleshy body.”

“The orc tribe, many people cultivated blood training, the blood light on the body of that guy, also known as the body guard blood gang, Ordinary weapons are difficult to break through their defenses.”

Xiao coldly said.

“Really, then I have to go up and try it.”

Yang Xuan hearing this can’t help but move, almost teleporting to the front of the big guy, fast Even the big guy with a beard didn’t react, and he completely lost consciousness.

In the eyes of outsiders, you can only vaguely see that Yang Xuan casually waved a sharp sword light, and then the man with the beard was in a different place, falling limp in a pool of blood.

“How is it possible that Xiongba is dead, and he can’t even take this child.”

“Come on, this kid is a monster. We will all die if we stay. “

A group of bear clan martial artists came back to his senses, all of them retreated in panic, and did not come up to avenge the bearded man, that is, the bear tyrant in his mouth.

Chapter 1086 Bear Clan High Priest

“really strong!”

Flying snow, falling moon, tassels are startled, this young man is too terrifying, so It is some elder expert who has been cultivation for many years and profound cultivation, and definitely will not be his opponent.

“You should be thankful that this child didn’t come with you for real that day, or you would have died a long time ago.”

Xiao Leng moved his mouth slightly and glanced at his side. Dong Chao was silent.

“I am indeed inferior to him, but it is not easy for him to kill me.”

Dong Chao gritted his teeth and said with an extremely ugly face. After witnessing Yang Xuan’s extraordinary sharp sword, apart from resentment towards Yang Xuan, there was also a trace of fear deep in his heart.

Yes, he was scared.

As for Yang Xuan’s sword just now, he is not absolutely sure that he can take it.

“It’s good to kill.”

Jian Wuming was nodded again and again, not surprised.

Similarly, Xu Yang, purple clothed Hou, Yuechan Fairy, and so on, several people have a lot of friendship with Yang Xuan, and they know that Yang Xuan battle strength is amazing. Killing a Supreme Realm martial artist is simply a breeze. .

“Little devil, you are dead, you are waiting to bear the anger of my bear people and the entire orc tribe.”

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