In the distance, dozens of bear clan martial artists roared while fleeing, with hatred.

“You can’t let these people just run away like this.”

Feixue’s face turned cold, he must chase after him.

“A bunch of rude savages, why not do Snow Maidens, let me deal with them.”

Yang Xuan casually’s words were full of fierce killings The meaning of, almost at the same time he was speaking, his whole person had already jumped out and chased him quickly.

“Stop it, do you still want to kill to the last one!?”

“Hurry up and report the matter to High Priest, so that High Priest will avenge the bear.”

A group of bear clan martial artists yelled and escaped faster. Some of them almost crawled around and just hated not having two more feet.

“Leave it all to me.”

Yang Xuan kept his speed, opened his mouth and let out a violent drink, and then he could clearly see the whole world in front of him. The ripple becomes very unstable.

This is his sonic mystery—dragon’s cry tiger’s roar. As soon as he shouted, the earth cracked, the vegetation broke, and pieces fell down. The scene was shocking.

A group of bear clan martial artists are powerless to resist. Under the indiscriminate sweep of the tyrannical sonic waves, like a leaf in a violent storm, the impact is swayed, and the people turn their backs on their backs.


With another scream, Yang Xuan rushed all the way. He held the Purgatory Sword, like a god of murder who crawled out of hell, constantly hunting.


The screams were endless, and countless martial artists of the bear clan couldn’t resist them. They were killed all over the place, and the blood burst out. The ground around several hundred zhang has been completely dyed red, and the pungent bloody smell assaults the senses.

At this moment, except for Xu Yang and the others face doesn’t change, Feixue, Luoyue, Tassel, Mo Li, Dong Chao, Xiao Leng, all were shocked.

Luoyue and Tassel are even trembling. This young man is more than terrifying, he is simply a devil, killing people is more cruel and cruel than their heavenly punishment assassins.

Soon, all the martial artists of the bear clan died and became Yang Xuan’s separated spirit under this sword, and Yang Xuan stood alone on a sea of ​​corpses and blood, his face from beginning to end All seemed very indifferent.

This is Martial Dao world, weak are prey to the strong, survival of the fittest, cruel to the extreme.

“Bastard, the old man wants you to a debt of blood must be paid in blood.”

At this moment, in the depths of the mountains and forests, there was a shock suddenly The roar of heaven and earth.

next moment, a majestic old man holding a scepter whizzed and came to the top of Yang Xuan’s head in an instant.

“Not good, this is…the High Priest of the bear clan.”

Feixue changed color and recognized the identity of the person at a glance.

The orc tribe is divided into countless small tribes, and these small tribes have a highly respected and powerful High Priest.

It can be said that High Priest is the leader of each small tribe, the most powerful person.

“The tone is not small, I’m afraid you old fogey doesn’t have the ability to kill me.”

Yang Xuan raised his head with a cold smile on his face, no matter who the old man is , Even if this person’s cultivation base reached 7 Heavenly Layer, he didn’t see the slightest fear in his eyes.

“You are very confident, but people who are confident tend to die the fastest and the worst.”

The old man has a stern voice and expression. It is the High Priest of the bear clan named Xiong Tianxing.

“Just do it, I have to hurry to solve you, but I don’t have the time to consume you.”

Yang Xuan said lightly.

“courting death.”

No matter how good the temper is, Xiong Tianxing couldn’t help being angry. He immediately dropped from the sky, waved his scepter, moved towards Yang Xuan and moved towards Yang Xuan. under.

“Be careful, the bear people’s High Priest is best at Spirit Attack, don’t be confused by his appearance.”

Feixue reminded loudly.

Yang Xuan didn’t speak, but he cut out a sword with all his strength to fight against Xiong Tianxing.

Faced with a strong man in the Heaven-sweeping Realm, he despised him, but he did not dare to underestimate him. As Purgatory Sword collided with the scepter, he felt an inexplicable force pouring into Sea. of Consciousness, I want to swallow my Divine Soul.


Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes and couldn’t help but step back a few steps.

“Brother Yang, do you want to help?”

Xu Yang said hurriedly, worried that Yang Xuan is not Xiong Tianxing’s opponent.

“Kill him, I am enough.”

Yang Xuan steadied his steps and responded casually.

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