Everyone has no objection. Even Dong Chao has only one goal left in his mind now, which is to climb the ladder, set foot on the road of the king, and seize the inheritance of the Immortal King of Zixiao.

As for the grudge with Yang Xuan, he has long forgotten it.

Chapter 1089 Hundred Ghosts at Night

The road of the king is set by the Immortal King of Zixiao. According to legend, at the end of this road, there are many inheritances of the Immortal King of Zixiao. , Every kind of immortal dao inheritance spread out, will make people in the world crazy.

It can be said that the inheritance of Immortal King has an irresistible temptation for anyone.

Unfortunately, since ancient times, there are very few people who can really get Immortal King inheritance.

Strong as the ancient emperor, the big dream daoist, but only embarked on the road of the king, from which he got a kind of immortal dao inheritance.

“This is our chance, an extremely rare opportunity. What did the two brothers dormant here for many years, not to one day be able to defying heaven changing fate and enter Immortal World in one fell swoop.”

“Ai, count the time, our life essence is very little left.”

“In that case, why not let it go? We can’t keep on doing this until we die. .”

“Let’s go, find two people, and borrow their bodies to break the road of the king.”

“haha, what we are waiting for is the words of the big brother, but we will pay You have to choose well, but you can’t just get a piece of waste.”

“Wang Zhelu is present, and the world gathers. Among them, there are many outstanding genius, some of them let us choose .”

In the depths of the mountain, a dark and gloomy underground Cave Mansion, one tall and one short, two black robed old men came out of the mansion together and came to the outside world.

“jié jié, we seem to have not come out for thousands of years. I am afraid that the world will only treat our two brothers as dead!”

The short old man grinned, Said with a smile gloomily.

“Even if the man is dead, the world will be scared to pee his pants when he mentions the name of our black wind and two evil spirits.”

The tall old man has a proud face. , Their brother two killed people like scything flax back then, they were called black wind shuangsha, black wind shuangsha, always even chicken and dog doesn’t remain, they are three-year-old children, they will not let go Over.

“Hey, someone is coming, maybe we can give it a try. If there are good seedlings, we don’t have to waste time and search around.”

“No Urgent, take a look first, don’t be sloppy.”

“Big brother, it’s really true. If we don’t look for brother, it’s okay. If we look for it, we have to find the best.”


During the conversation, the two old men moved.

The two of them have ghosts and charms, and they passed by in a blink of an eye, and fell firmly in front of a group of young people, forcibly cutting off their way.

“Go away, good dogs don’t stand in the way.”

These young people are the Yang Xuan entire group. When they see the black wind and double evil turn up without being invited, Jian Wuming’s face sank instantly, and his words were not very polite.

“The young man is crazy, I don’t know your skill. Is your mouth as powerful as yours?”

The short old man said sternly.

“You are…Black Wind Shuangsha, damn it, didn’t you die long ago!?”

Jian Wuming didn’t answer, Xiao Leng’s face showed a touch Shocked.

“Interesting, didn’t expect that after many years, there are still people in the world who recognize us.”

The tall old man raised his eyebrows, looked at Xiao Leng and asked: “Junior , Who are you? Where did your teacher come from? I know the names of our brother, but I am not an ordinary person.”

“Heavenly punishment disciple Xiao Leng.” Xiao Coldly said.

“No wonder, it turns out to be a killer from the Heavenly Punishment League.”

The tall old man suddenly found that the Heavenly Punishment League has been established for a long time and is very famous throughout the Great Heaven Realm. It is not surprising that there are introductions to his two brothers.

“No matter where the two Seniors came, please leave them here.”

Xiao Leng did not want to fight the black wind and the two evil spirits here, the black wind and the two evil spirits Thousands of years ago, there was a cultivation base of the Heaven-sweeping Realm. Heaven knows how much the cultivation base has reached now, and it is not wise to engage with it.

“haha, your heavenly punishment alliance has always been under the banner of enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven? Now facing us two brothers, such villains, don’t you think about taking action to eliminate the world’s people Harm?”

The tall old man laughed and was amused by Xiao Leng’s words. A little assassin from the Heavenly Punishment League went so far as to drive away two and a half emperors of them. courting death.

“The other party came to make trouble deliberately. Even if we kowtow for mercy, these two old bastards will never let it go.”

Jian Wuming coldly said.

“Do it, kill!”

Yang Xuan, who has not spoken all the time, is even more direct, almost at the same time that Jian Wuming tone barely fell, he rushed forward.

“Ignorant child, you are self-defeating.”

The short old man attacked in anger, unfolding an atlas with his bare hands, and rushing out dozens of hundreds from above The figure is huge and hideous, like an evil creature like a devil, whistling and violently attacking Yang Xuan.

“Not good, this is a picture of Hyakki Yexing!”

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