Flying Snow complexion greatly changed, Hundred Ghosts Night Walk is a ghost road Supreme Treasure, there are rumors that the Black Wind Shuangsha killed several big cities in a row in order to become this treasure.

“What is the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk?”

Yang Xuan paused and looked around the Evil Spirit around his body. These Evil Spirits are Three Heads Six Arms, with big fangs and big mouths. It was hard to deal with at first sight, and the evil aura that came out made him feel a little palpitating.

“This picture is left by a ghost and immortal, and a hundred ghosts come out. It can change the color of the world and the earth, which is beyond human power.”

Feixue quickly To say.

“Is it so powerful?”

Yang Xuan said indifferently, obviously a little unbelievable.

“Isn’t that great, you kid will know right away.”

The short old man is coldly snorted, and I don’t see how he does it. He surrounds the hundreds of heads around Yang Xuan. The Evil Spirit immediately made an extremely sharp roar sound.

This one after another roar sound is sharper than the ghost, making people’s eardrums and even Divine Soul seem to be pierced and shattered.

“Spirit Attack is useless to me, let me kill.”

Although Yang Xuan feels uncomfortable, but has no hands, he vigorously waved the Purgatory Sword towards countless Evil Spirits around him. Cut out a sword.

puff puff puff! ! !

Under one sword, all the Evil Spirits retreat. These Evil Spirits have not weak spiritual wisdom. Knowing that Yang Xuan cannot take this sword, they will only end up with the soul flew away and scattered The end.

“How is it possible, what kind of sword skill you have cultivated, so that the ghosts of my livestock dare not take it.”

The short old man blurted out, not dare I believe this scene is true.


Yang Xuan didn’t answer at all. He directly used the Free Spirit Step and swung his sword to kill the surrounding Evil Spirits. It was difficult for these Evil Spirits to dodge everywhere. Can keep up with his speed.

His every sword carries the Divine Sword aura. Any Evil Spirit swept by his Purgatory Sword will immediately turn into fly ash.

After a few breaths of effort, he killed most of the Hundred Evil Spirit.

“Little beast, the old man wants you to die.”

The short old man was furious.

“you think you can kill me, you are not qualified.”

Yang Xuan disdainfully abandoned the remaining Evil Spirit, and rushed straight to the short old man. , The target pointed directly to the huge Hundred Ghosts floating above the latter’s head.

The map of the night of a hundred ghosts is a collection of thousands of souls. As long as this map is still there, it can recondense the powerful Evil Spirit.

Chapter 1090 God’s Tribulation Light

“bastard, you are too arrogant. If the old man smashed you to pieces, cramped and peeled, it would be hard to vent his nasty heart.”

“Dogs that bite don’t bark.”

“Go to death.”

The short old man a violent roar, can’t bear it anymore The killing intent, like an angry lion, jumped towards Yang Xuan.

“A little half-step emperor, I can’t help it.”

Yang Xuan’s face is calm, the slightest remaining unmoved, his feet are shaking, the whole person is like a gust of wind, Swiftly moved out, the short old man was extremely fast, but also slightly slowed by half a beat.

“You, only have this ability?”

Yang Xuan spoke lightly, in a mocking tone, which made the short old man feel that his lungs were about to explode, and his killing intent , And then climbed to the extreme.

The murderous aura, which seemed like substance, escaped, making Xiao Leng, Dong Chao, Mo Li, Feixue, Luoyue, and Tassel all feel difficult to breathe and had to go back. Ten meters.

It’s the purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Xu Yang, Yuechan Fairy, and the few people who didn’t move, and the expressions of these people seemed very indifferent from beginning to end, as if they were not worried about Yang Xuan at all.

Yang Xuan is no one else, just staring at the short old man opposite with contemptuous eyes.

“Bastard, the old man wants you to destroy both body and soul.”

The short old man was completely angry, half-step the emperor’s might, and instantly Yang Xuan Shrouded in it.

Emperor prestige is emperor prestige, even if it is only a half-step emperor, its prestige is by no means what ordinary people can contend.

It is Yang Xuan, and he feels his body is heavy and his movements become very difficult.

“Under the emperor’s might, you have to kill me by all means. Even if the king of heaven comes, I can’t save you, you just wait to bear my anger!”


The short old man state seems crazy, almost roaring.

“This child, don’t kill.”

At this moment, a tall old man not far away suddenly said.

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