Of these dead immortals and demons, none of them are weak. Even though they have died for a long time, even though their souls have long been annihilated, their bodies have long been decayed, their fighting will remain intact. Forever, suppress all souls.

As long as all creatures, whether people or other existence, have their own will, how can they compete with the will of the fairy with their personal will?

Yang Xuan confronts him, just like facing countless aloof and remote, the invincible powerhouse, the heavy oppression force that penetrates into his heart and soul, making him deeply shocked and exhausted , And even pain.

Fighting intent alone is like horror. One can imagine how tyrannical those fairy powerhouses were.

This is the thickness of Yang Xuan’s base group, otherwise it would never be possible to achieve this level.

If the cultivation is a big mountain that requires a cultivator to climb continuously, then the fairy demon mountain is the first mountain that has soared to the sky. There is no grandeur, great perseverance, and Great Destiny, it is basically impossible to cross This difficulty.

“Under the immortal, it is a cultivator, above Immortal, it is a cultivation. Any immortal demon who succeeds in cultivation is an existence against the sky.”

Yang Xuan sighed with emotion. When I thought of it, I had a deeper understanding of the difference between immortals and common places.

The difference between Immortal and Mortal lies in the word “true”.

What is true?

Those who master Grand Dao Law and have Great Divine Ability are true.

For example, True Immortal, True Demon, True Buddha, True Demon, all have made achievements in the word “True” and comprehend their own truths.

The Dao is ruthless, and it is extremely difficult to find one’s own truth from it. Countless people are lost on this road, struggling, and eventually die.

Of course, the big road never ends. It is the Comprehended Truth and it becomes an Immortal Emperor-level existence. A careless person will also body dies and Dao disappears, consigned to eternal damnation.

“haha, it’s useless, it’s just mayfly shaking a tree. With your current cultivation base, it’s impossible to climb this mountain. If you act hard, you will only die miserably.”

The wild demon laughed wildly, with a sharp and hoarse voice, just like the beast in the cage, almost roaring.

“Are you scared?”

Yang Xuan responded with a sneer, and at the same time found a foothold on the mountain and performed a short breath adjustment.

Although the surrounding fairy fighting intents can’t help him for the time being, his mental consumption is not small. If he finds a place to rest from time to time, he will restore Essence, Qi, and Spirit to the Peak state. It is also impossible to climb to the top of Immortal Mountain and refining Immortal Emperor talisman in one fell swoop.

Climbing the Immortal Demon Mountain, there is absolutely no rush. Once the heart is in chaos, the final result will be failure, even death.

“Shut up, I and the others, how can you be afraid of a little bastard with hairs not even grown yet?”

The wild demon screamed, but his heart was always surging With a trace of fear, he is now firmly suppressed by Immortal Demon Mountain, and there is no more chance to attack Yang Xuan, so he can only watch Yang Xuan go up the mountain.

“Let you be majestic and unscrupulous during your lifetime, but today you are also a prisoner who only barks, I have the right to treat you as dying and howling.”

Yang Xuan meditated cross-legged while making mockery.

“The arrogant, you will not succeed, you will never succeed.”

The wild demon jumps like thunder, flustered and exasperated, and has never been so resentful as it is today A person.

He secretly swears that when the fighting intent of the immortal demon drops to the freezing point, he must break out of the mountain and smash the corpse of this cheap-mouthed little devil into pieces, thwarting his bones and ashes.

“open wide your dog eyes take a good look, see how Young Master climbs this mountain, refining Immortal Emperor runes, and wipe out your magical mind Remnant Soul.”

Leaving a sentence, Yang Xuan stood up straight, randomly chose a nearby mountain in front of him, and jumped up.

The fairy mountain stretches several thousands li. This huge mountain range of several thousands li is composed of various peaks. The deeper you go, the higher the height of the peaks. It’s like a layer of stairs, leading to the highest mountain step by step.

That mountain, shaped like a giant sword, rises into the sky, also known as the fairy peak, is the main peak of the fairy mountain, since ancient times, every cultivator who wants to enter the Immortal World has to go Go to the top and wait for the fighting intents to gather to open up a Domain Portal.

The so-called Domain Portal, which is the gate to Immortal World, can also be called Immortal Sect.

Immortal Sect opens, anyone can ascending to the skies with a single leap and enter Immortal World smoothly.

Immortal World is the beginning of all worlds and the starting point of everything. All the worlds other than Immortal World are formed by the day after tomorrow, and are far from Immortal World.

There, all living beings are born with “immortal” roots, whether it is cultivation, cultivating demons, cultivating Buddha, and cultivating demons all have the potential to be blessed by heaven.

Potential determines achievement and determines the speed of cultivation, which is far from comparable to other worlds other than Immortal World.

Yang Xuan never thought about going to Immortal World now. In fact, in the current situation, the fighting intent released by Immortal Mountain is not enough to develop Immortal Sect.

“Becoming a fairy is my goal, but there is no such thing as ascending to the skies with a single leap in the world. If you don’t step by step, you can understand your true way step by step and go too early. It will only be fascinating to the Immortal World.”

Yang Xuan thought so, he has come to a thousand zhang peaks in the depths of Immortal Mountain.

Count the peaks of thousands zhang, a martial artist with a certain cultivation base can easily surpass it, but this is the fairy mountain, and always have to contend with the fighting intent.

If you can’t resist it, it’s difficult not to climb, even to move.

“The fairy peak, I will definitely be able to go up.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes are firm, and he looks at the fairy peak in front of him, full of unyielding belief.

“How is it possible, it must be the damn Heavenspan old thief who helped you secretly, or how to get to this step based on your cultivation base.”

Seeing Yang Xuan almost He was about to board the Immortal Demon Peak and refining the Immortal Emperor Talisman that made him suffer. Huang Demon suddenly became anxious.

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