“Immortal Emperor also has a distinction between superior and inferior . You will end up in the same field as you are now. It can only be said that you are too weak.”

Yang Xuan snorted coldly.

“little bastard, I killed you.”

Huang Mo was angry and troubled. Regardless of the suppression of the fairy mountain, he forcibly released his magic thoughts and turned into a Heaven Covering Demon Hand, grabbed it towards Yang Xuan fiercely.

Unfortunately, everything was in vain. Before the Heaven Covering Demon Hand touched Yang Xuan, it was scattered by a strong light from the Immortal Emperor’s talisman on the fairy peak, and the wild demon also issued for this. There was a scream, as if he had been traumatized.

“Does the dog jump the wall in a hurry?”

Yang Xuan shook his head, his face was not afraid, and he stopped paying attention to the wild demons, and continued to stand up and head towards the fairy magic peak in the distance .

Chapter 1167 Under the Fairy Peak

The Fairy Peak, the mountain is steep and unattainable. From a distance, it looks like a giant sword, which is thrust into the earth. Above, immortal and majestic.

On the top of the peak, the lightning glow is intertwined all year round, and the wind roars, as if time and space are in a disorder.

That is a natural phenomenon of heaven and earth caused by the extreme richness of fairy fighting intent.

This kind of natural phenomenon is earth-shaking, chaotic and violent, enough to tear people to pieces, destroy both body and soul.

Just imagine, under this kind of power, who can survive inside?

“Fighting intent, really terrifying.”

On a peak, Yang Xuan stopped and stood with a severe facial expression.

Although he can finally reach the fairy magic peak, he dare not say whether he can withstand the screaming wind and the madly ravaging lightning glow.

One after another gust of wind, strands of lightning glow, all release immortal destruction aura.

The wind is invisible. The gust of wind is sometimes like a dragon, sometimes like a snake, and the attitude of Dragon Snake complements each other, breathtaking and extremely terrifying.

As for the lightning glow, it is the most violent and violent force in the world, and it cannot be countered by humans.

“I simply comprehended the Profound Truth of the wind, thunder’s deep meaning, and the Profound Truth of time and space. If not, I am afraid I would not even have the guts to try.”

Yang Xuan Thinking of this, the mountaineering heart is extremely determined, no matter how dangerous the road ahead, he is not afraid.

Marital Dao Path is full of difficulties and ups and downs. Without the fearless heart of bravery and diligence, it would be difficult to have any Great Accomplishment in this life.

“The test has just begun. Without the determination to die, without great perseverance and courage, it will be difficult to refining the Heavenspan Talisman left by my lord.”

Immortal Emperor Fu Zhao, also known as Heavenspan Fu Zhao.

This thing is the result of the countless efforts that Immortal Emperor Tong Tian spent in the past years. How can it be so easy to get?

Immortal Emperor Tong Tian left it on the occasion of the eradication and placed it on the top of the fairy demon peak, originally to test its descendants.

If it fails the test, the Immortal Emperor Talisman will perish forever and cease to exist, and its descendants will pay the price of their lives.

Let’s put it this way, refining Immortal Emperor talisman is actually not difficult. The difficult thing is to pass the endless wind and lightning glow. That is the key to the success or failure of life and death.

Although Yang Xuan is talented and possesses Great Destiny, Elderly Tian dare not say that he can really succeed.

“Treasure sword edge came out of sharpening, I hope this child can face up to difficulties, withstand the test, and truly become my new master.”

Don’t see through Elderly Tian’s call Yang Xuan Young Master, but that’s just a verbal talk about that’s all. After all, Yang Xuan passed the test of the Heavenspan monument and became the heir of the Immortal Emperor Tong Tian. After all, the heir is only the heir, only the refining Immortal Emperor talisman. Can truly be regarded as the Inheritor of Immortal Emperor Tong Tian.

Heir and Inheritor look similar, but there are essential differences. In fact, Immortal Emperor Tong Tian also has some inheritance lands in All Heavens Myriad Realms. Those who get those inheritance can call it his descendants.

If you want to be his Inheritor, you can only master the symbols left by each inheritance place.

A talisman represents a world. Whoever can be the first to refining one of the talisman can unite all of them into one and become the master of all worlds.

Of course, this is also a secret. Apart from Elderly Tian, ​​no one in the world knows. Elderly Tian also hopes that the Heavenspan realm where his body is located can usher in his first new master.

“haha, idiot, you are a idiot.”

The wild demon was hit hard, but still laughed wildly, and yelled at Yang Xuan for being stupid and daring to trifling the mortal body , And the Supreme fairy fighting intent confrontation.

“I am a fool, what are you? It is true that Immortal Emperor Tong Tian left such a test to be a bit embarrassing, but the so-called crisis and opportunity coexist, even if there is great danger in it, I will not hesitate. Never regret it.”

Yang Xuan indifferently said.

“ignorance is a bliss, if you know what the virtue of Heavenspan old thief was, you won’t be so decisive.”

The wild demon angrily roared.

“Regardless of whether Immortal Emperor Tong Tian is evil, what a person you are, it is worthy of the admiration of our cultivator, and you, the one who was suppressed by Immortal Emperor Tong Tian to struggling on whilst at death’s door, will only be in people Remnant Soul, who is chewing his tongue behind his back, can only make me feel scorn, contempt, and deep disdain.”

“Asshole, if I can get through this difficult time, I will search for you. Soul, kill all the relatives, friends, and all those related to you behind you, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain.”

“Dog is a dog, rescue will only bark there .”

“Ah, I am going to kill you, kill you…”

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