Yang Xuan is no one next to him, constantly trying to comprehend . In a trance, a ray of mind can not help sinking into the Immortal Emperor talisman, and he sees a large number of extremely mysterious and abstruse ancient scriptures.

The scriptures are like a Taoist book. For Yang Xuan, simply is the Heavenly Book. No matter how high his perception and talent are, it is difficult to comprehend it.

Yang Xuan doesn’t care, just wave a finger casually, using this to outline the in the sky with the pen in front of him.

He is fast, brushing a little bit, the whole action is in one go, without a moment’s pause.

For a time, one by one ancient character appeared in the sky, and the sky sound like Yellow Bell Great Sound came out.

Hundreds of ancient characters were outlined in one breath, but only less than 10% of the entire scripture was completed. Yang Xuan was at the limit, no matter how hard he gritted his teeth, it would be difficult Sketch a word.

This is so, the hundreds of ancient characters in front of him still benefit him a lot. He can clearly feel the changes in his body, as if his mind has been sublimated and refreshed indescribably. It’s like there is a mysterious power that is branding in his heart, so that his soul has been tempered.

At the same time, the hundreds of ancient characters in front of them slowly dissipated. No, it is not so much dissipated, but rather integrated into the body of Yang Xuan.

Looking at this scene from a distance through Elderly Tian, ​​my heart couldn’t help but be shocked.

This kind of thing is unprecedented, and it makes people feel very incredible. After a long time, he murmured, “My lord did not choose the wrong person. This child is definitely a legendary person, otherwise it is impossible. It’s so easy to comprehended the Profound Truth contained in the Talisman.”

Originally, Elderly Tian thought that Yang Xuan refining Immortal Emperor Talisman would take a lot of effort, but now it seems that even if it hasn’t really climbed Shangxian Demon Peak, he can also echo each other with Fu Zhao.

“Impossible, is it…Heaven is going to kill me!?”

The wild demon is crazy, but also helpless, can only hope that Yang Xuan can’t reach the fairy peak, or It was killed by the thunder and lightning on the fairy peak.

But will this be the case?

“Go up, only when you climb the fairy magic peak, can Young Master have the opportunity to comprehend the morality of the whole talisman.”

Through Elderly Tian came back to his senses, Chong Said Yang Xuan sound transmission.

Yang Xuan did not move, bowed his head in deep thought. He just sketched and copied, every ancient character is condense indifferently said rhyme, with vast and unpredictable power.

Just imitating, sketching, and portraying, they all get a powerful addition. It is conceivable that if he can master all the scriptures, he will definitely be able to get great luck .

However, due to the limited distance and his own cultivation base is not high enough, he is still far from reaching that level now. Perhaps as Elderly Tian said, he has to climb the fairy peak to get all the Morality, thereby refining Immortal Emperor talisman.

Thinking of this, Yang Xuan finally moved. He jumped up, grabbing the bumps on the rock wall with both hands, and climbing up like a spirit ape.

The entire Immortal Mountain is forbidden to fly. This is due to the pressure of the Immortal Demon’s fighting intent. No one is here for a spatial flight, even True Immortal.

boom~ boom~ ……

At this moment, the entire fairy magic peak was violently shaken, and from time to time there would be thunder and lightning descending with the gust of wind, all falling on Yang On Xuan, Yang Xuan is like a flat boat in the storm, which may capsize at any time.

The kind of pain is beyond the description of pen and ink. If it weren’t for his fleshy body, his mind was as firm as a rock, if it wasn’t for his body with great life technique and star swallowing technique, as well as the reincarnation bone that he had trained. Can bear it.

Even so, he received a serious injury, although it was not fatal, but it also made him unhappy.

It can be said that the pain gets deeper every time you go up.

“haha, you are impossible to succeed. This fairy peak is transformed by Pangu Axe, and is covered by powerful fairy fighting intents. It can be called a Death Forbidden Area. Anyone who tries to go up will die. , There is no possibility of survival.”

The wild demon laughed wildly.

Yang Xuan is indifferent, what about Pangu Axe? What about the fighting intent? It was just a stepping stone for him to become stronger, he just stepped up to meet the difficulties, step by step the entire fairy magic peak under his feet.

Holding this belief, he used his hands and feet together and kept going up, even if the torn skin and gaping flesh dries up, he does not stop.

About 5 minutes of effort, just when he was exhausted and about to fall, he finally arrived tenaciously on the fairy peak.

Chapter 1169 Transforming Dragon Pill!

“It is the time, but it is also the most dangerous time. Without strong faith and strong physique, it is really difficult to survive that violent fairy fighting intent.”

The immortal demon’s will to kill will be immortal forever, covering the immortal demon mountain all year round, and the strongest place in the entire immortal demon mountain’s fighting intent is the peak of the immortal demon peak.

There, the immortal fighting intent, if it has substance, surging like a tide, has completely changed into the form of wind and thunder.

The formidable power produced by the blending of wind and thunder is terrifying, enough to destroy all living things in the world.

“Ai, success or failure depends on this, I hope this child can survive this tribulation, defying heaven changing fate.”

Through the Elderly Tian expression grave, let out a faint sigh.

Yang Xuan was able to surpass countless predecessors at a young age. Although it is a bit powerful to climb the fairy peak, he will also face a real test of life and death.

This is the passage of time, the coercion of the fighting intent of the immortal demon has weakened a lot, otherwise Yang Xuan would have died out.

Even so, I don’t know how much time he can hold on with his cultivation base.

The refining Immortal Emperor Talisman requires a super-high perception and a certain amount of time. If it cannot succeed in a short period of time, it will have to pay for it.

“cough cough…”

On the fairy peak, Yang Xuan collapsed to the ground, vomiting blood again and again. It really couldn’t be described in a tragic word.

Even, in this brief moment, he has to continue to bear the impact and ravages of thunder and wind.

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