one after another thunder and lightning, whistled past like raging waves, with immortal destruction aura, the stool is a Supreme True Immortal, and it won’t last long, so you have scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, No longer exists.

“The fighting intent of the immortal demon turned into a wind thunder. It really is not something I can contend.”

Yang Xuan’s face is distorted, and the pain he suffers continuously makes him feel unbearable.

Along the way, he has not encountered any danger, but compared with the current situation, the difficulties and pains in the past are not worth mentioning.

This kind of pain, from the outside to the inside, constantly tortured him, making him almost crazy.

“haha, you don’t believe you are stupid. Now you know the fearful right of Immortal Demon Peak? You must know that even the Demon Emperor at the peak period does not dare to set foot on this peak easily. Simply is courting death.”

The wild demon laughed wildly, as if he believed that Yang Xuan would definitely die.

The main reason why the fighting intent on the fairy peak is so terrifying is that the fairy peak is transformed by Pangu Axe.

According to legend, Pangu Axe is the battle axe of the Great God Pangu. It inherits the Supreme will to kill. Under this will, the fighting intent, which is as strong as a fairy, has to bow to its head.

In fact, a large number of immortal fighting intents gather on the fairy peak, which invisibly nourishes the axe spirit of Pangu Axe, perhaps hundreds of countless years, until the immortal fighting intent disappears. At that time, Pangu Axe will awaken from it.

“Stop struggling, Heavenspan old thief left this talisman. I didn’t think it would be easy for people to get it. If you want to refining, you will only lose your life in vain. It’s better to just go down the mountain. Join hands with this Demon Emperor to destroy this talisman.”

The desolate demon is guided by it, with an imperceptible confusion in the voice, “Come on, this Demon Emperor is a living Immortal Emperor anyway, as long as Can you wish me out of trouble, I swear to protect you straight to the Supreme Path.

Information, Marital Dao Path slows down from all kinds of dangers. Without the protection of powerhouse, you will be exceptionally talented, and in the end there is also the danger of death. “

“You have so many words, but it is a pity that if your tongue is blooming, it will hardly affect me.”

Yang Xuan sneered, his eyes were unusually firm, even if the moment was deep. He was in danger, and his fate was not long, and he didn’t see the slightest fear in his eyes.

Fear is weak, and it is even more unable to contend with the fighting intent.

No matter how violent and violent the thunder and lightning, the wind, he is fearless, bracing his body hard, not being destroyed or defeated on the spot.

“The top priority is to improve one’s physique. Only when the physique is strong can you have the opportunity to calm down and refining the Immortal Emperor Talisman.”

Thinking about this in his heart, Yang Xuan is difficult. Take out a fist sized, crystal clear and near-transparent ball.

This bead is not something else, it is the Immortal Emperor Dragon Pill from Bei Gong Wu, the inner core of the origin left by a Dragon Race Immortal Emperor after his death.

Life and death Eight Sects, Yang Xuan has so far opened up the same sect of life, injury, opening, surprise, scene, and rest. Only the two doors of Dumen and Death Gate have not been opened yet.

Not to mention Death Gate, but Dumen can use the power of the Immortal Emperor Dragon Pill to try to make an impact at this dangerous juncture.

It is true that the Immortal Emperor Dragon Pill is very powerful, but Dumen, also known as Dragon Sect, is located just at the end of the keel, which is the spine. Immortal Emperor Dragon Pill is appropriate to initiate the impact.

Originally, Yang Xuan didn’t hold any hope. After all, his current cultivation base is too low to withstand the power of the Immortal Emperor Dragon Pill. If this pill is forced to serve, the whole person will burst in an instant. Body died.

Even if you are not dead, the entire spine must be shattered.

However, that was him in the past, and now he has trained the legendary reincarnation body, his body is indestructible, and the strength of his spine has become more than tens of times stronger. It is completely possible. Withstand the power of Immortal Emperor Dragon Pill.

“Damn, you actually got the dragon pill of the dragon tyrant that child!”

The wild demon startedled and recognized the origin of the Immortal Emperor dragon pill at a glance. Long Ba has dealt with.

Although the strength of the dragon tyrant is far inferior to him, in the past it was also a famous Dragon Race Immortal Emperor in Immortal World. Its original inner core contains amazing energy. If anyone can refining, the fleshy body Can be greatly improved.

However, refining this pill is not an easy task. Without a True Immortal-level cultivation base, it is absolutely impossible to succeed.

Looking at Yang Xuan’s decisive expression, it is obvious that he has to swallow it directly and forcefully absorb it.

This is undoubtedly crazy. With his small fleshy body, it is almost equivalent to suicide, and the body will never be able to withstand the terrifying energy of the Immortal Emperor Dragon Pill.

“Little devil, you are really crazy, you think you can digest this pill with your current cultivation base!?”

That’s what I said, but Huang Demon didn’t know why. There was a hint of anxiety.

This anxiety made him uneasy, sitting on pins and needles, helplessly suppressed at the moment, and unable to stop him.

“If you don’t be mad, you won’t be a demon, let alone I am a demon, so why should I be afraid?”

Although Yang Xuan’s voice is weak, it reveals a fearless and dauntless determination, almost Without thinking about it, he threw the Immortal Emperor Dragon Pill in his hand into his mouth and swallowed it fiercely.

If you don’t succeed, you will be benevolent. If you don’t go crazy and gamble once, he will never refining Immortal Emperor Talisman.

In order to master the Immortal Emperor talisman and gain the power of the entire Heavenspan world, so as to protect the relatives, friends, and many lovers behind him, he can’t take care of that many.

“Demon Race is inherently domineering. This child is even an outstanding figure in Demon Race. If this child can refining Immortal Emperor Dragon Pill, he will be able to surpass my lord in the future and become the Immortal World Demon God Buddha. He must be worshipped first.”

Heavenspan thought with emotion, but stared at Yang Xuan without blinking. Yang Xuan’s obsession to become stronger deeply moved him, once Yang Xuan The situation is not good, he can go up and rescue him even if he tries his best.

Nothing else, just don’t want Yang Xuan to die.

Chapter 1170 Dumen! open!

Eight Sects of life and death, also known as the eight states of life and death, are divided into life, injury, open, rest, scene, startle, du, and death.

Open any door, the fleshy body will be transformed qualitatively. If the Eight Sects are opened, it will eventually reach the realm of impervious to sword and spear, Undying and Inextinguishable.

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