“Why, don’t you want to kill me? You know I killed your discipline, did you never expect to avenge him?”

Yang Xuan Laughed contemptuously, and then pretended to say with emotion: “Ai, I am really worthless for Jiang Mingyue. The enemy who killed him is right in front of him, and his nominal Master has withdrawn.”

” A low-mouthed beast, you’d better not force me to do it. If I really do it to you, this little Black Lotus Dao-seed may not be able to protect you.”

Gu Hengkong has terrifying eyes. Never been so angry as it is today. An ant-like existence dares to humiliate him one after another, and is still in front of the world. This is simply extraordinary shame and humiliation, the stain of a lifetime.

“Look at you, are you excited again? Well, you must know how to cultivate your body when you are old. If you accidentally get angry and vomit blood, it will not look good.”

Yang Xuan’s mouth is not poisonous, and a casually sentence made it difficult for Gu Hengkong to remain calm.

“Well, well, I originally wanted to let you go for a while, but you wanted to die with all your heart. That’s all, today is to abandon the hope of becoming an immortal, and to kill you completely, in order to eliminate future troubles. “

Gu Hengkong was furious and took out an ancient token.

“That was the order of Immortal King from Ancient Celestial Court.”

The lunatic eyes shrank, according to legend, when the Immortal King created Ancient Celestial Court, he left one The token, this order is the Immortal King Order, also known as the Order of Immortality, which has mysterious power that makes people fly into immortals.

In addition, for those who hold this order, the speed of cultivation will be incredible. Only by cultivation base reach a certain realm, they can forcibly stimulate the power in the token, smashing void, and become immortal. .

The power of very terrifying, it seems that you are determined to kill me! “

Yang Xuan complexion slightly changed. With Martial Dao Heavenly Eye alone, he can feel that this ancient token contains a terrifying power.

The power has exceeded the limit that this world can withstand. Once it bursts out, heaven falls and earth rends will surely happen.

“Junior, if you can force me to use the Immortal King order, there is no regret in death. “

Gu Hengkong’s gnashing teeth are authentic. He originally wanted to retreat for a period of time and then use the Immortal King to make the remaining power soar to Immortal World.

But now, with the creation of the world With the emergence of Black Lotus, with the strong sense of crisis in his heart, he can no longer control that many.

Whether it is immortal or not to become immortal, it is not as good as the immediate threat. Xuan has enough time, when the time comes, not only was he hopeless, the ancient emperor had to turn around and be killed by him.

Furthermore, he Gu Hengkong is now an expert of Transcendent Realm, even if Without the help of external forces, he is also confident that he can go to Immortal World by his own strength within ten thousand years.

“Do you have your hole card, don’t I have it? Nine Realms origin, help me kill the enemy. “

Yang Xuan was surprised, but not afraid. In this brief moment, he resolutely urged the original power of Nine Realms. Under the shocking gaze of everyone, nine appeared out of thin air behind him. A huge starlight.

Nine starlights are the origin of Nine Realms. Among them, the starlight representing the Heavenspan realm is the largest and brightest, while the starlights of the remaining eight realms are relatively small, each surrounding Yang Xuan. Stop spinning, let Yang Xuan look like a divine residence bathed in endless starlight, sacred and inviolable.

Chapter 1180 Fighting the ancient emperor!

“Junior, do you need me to act , Remove this person for you? “

A vicissitudes of life sounded in the Black Lotus of the creation, and it rang in Yang Xuan’s mind.

“Junior can deal with this person, so it’s not necessary for Senior to do it himself. , Senior only cares about closed-door cultivation. “

Yang Xuan said, Pangu Axe promised him three life-saving chances, he didn’t want to use it once here.

“This person has a high cultivation base, and he has refined Thunder. Dao Profound Truth is not so easy to deal with. Even if you use Nine Realms, you will only have a 50% chance of winning this battle. “

Pangu Axe Ling paused, saying: “Well, I will give you a drop of my lord’s blood essence to help your fleshy body bring it up a level. “

“Senior is saying to give me a drop of Great God Pangu’s Life Source Blood Essence! ? “Yang Xuan was surprised and delighted.

“Yes, this is also the only drop of Life Source Blood Essence that our Lord Pangu has left in the world. “

The voice was still there, Yang Xuan felt that something had entered the body, and it was rushing back and forth in the bloodline of his body.

“My lord Pangu, belongs to the Heavenly God family. The originator of the Heavenly God, but the Heavenly God clan is jealous of heaven, and the clan has been extinct for a long time. If you can comprehend reincarnation and awaken me, it is a predestined relationship with our Lord. “

At the moment when the sound disappeared, Yang Xuan’s bloodline concentration skyrocketed. With the gift of this drop of Pangu Life Source Blood Essence, his body was only several times stronger than before.

Yang Xuan even has a feeling that now that he hits with all his strength, even the strongman of Paradise Realm has to be injured.

“Unexpectedly, the Life Source Blood Essence of Great God Pangu is so good, it’s only It is a drop. If the Great God Pangu is still alive, the fleshy body alone will be invincible in the world. “

While sighing, he muttered silently: “This time, with the blood from Senior, Junior will be rewarded in the future. “

“I’m going to sleep, you only need to cultivation, and strive to refining the fairy peak as soon as possible, so that I can return to the body, it is the greatest return to me. “

“Junior will definitely live up to Senior’s expectations. “

In a brief conversation, no one knows what happened, only Gu Hengkong faintly noticed it, and the expression in his eyes looking towards Yang Xuan became more solemn.

This As a teenager, I really couldn’t stay. If I let him grow up, the consequences would be disastrous.

“old thief, you don’t want to come today, don’t want to leave when you come. ”

Yang Xuan looked up towards Gu Hengkong, his voice was sonorous and resounding through the sky.

Nine Realms is not just in name only, but also in reality’s Nine Realms The lord, with gestures, can attract the essence of Nine Realms, so that oneself becomes no stronghold one cannot overcome, and the strength rises to the extreme in an instant.

One Great World is all one The big stars, which are surrounded by countless small stars, all Power of Stars converge together, which is the so-called origin of the world, which can also be called the origin of stars.

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