“It is worthy of the fame of Immortal Emperor Tong Tian. Without the blessing of swallowing stars, my current cultivation base is not enough to motivate the origin of Nine Realms.”

Yang Xuan secretly thought that he only felt that at this moment, under the blessing of Nine Realms and Pangu Life Source Blood Essence, he had become extremely powerful. Just like the Heavenspan giant, he could crush World’s All Living Things with bare hands.

Of course, after all, he has only practiced the star swallowing technique not long after all. The understanding of this magical power can only be regarded as initial understanding, and the cultivation base is not high, so the origin of Nine Realms cannot exist for too long. Will disperse on its own.

But it doesn’t matter, he is confident that before the origin of Nine Realms is dissipated, he will kill the ancient Emperor Gu Hengkong.

“Damn it, with this trifling Supreme Realm’s cultivation base, how can I master this kind of power!”

Gu Hengkong complexion changed again, very ugly.

“Oh my God, what is this method!?”

“Good terrifying aura, what kind of supernatural power is this child cultivated to burst out such terrifying power!”

The crowd is more shocked. No one knows what kind of secret technique Yang Xuan has performed. It turned the situation around completely, at least not inferior to Gu Hengkong in the imposing manner. , And the Immortal King order in the hands of Gu Hengkong.

This result is incredible. Even the crazy Taoist, Gu Daochen, and Bei Gong Wu could not help but grow their mouths. They looked at Yang Xuan incredible, this is really a little monster. Ah, rare in the world.

“Martial artist cultivation pursues power. This infinite and immense power is really fascinating.”

Although it is an external force, it will not last long. , But Yang Xuan still feels happy right now, and there is a faint feeling of unhappiness in his heart.

“Junior died.”

Gu Hengkong knew well that he couldn’t give Yang Xuan time to continue to accumulate his power. Once this power reaches its limit, I’m afraid he will even have this one in his hand. Immortal King Ling will not help him.

Together with the killing heart, it was out of control. The Immortal King order in Gu Hengkong’s hands rose to the sky in vain, and in a blink of an eye it turned into an ancient order as big as a mountain.

The ancient order was purple-golden, surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the violent thunder and lightning burst into the room, making the surrounding world appear a strip of black and light void cracks.

Tearing Space, distorting time and space, at this moment Time and Space seem to have stopped, only the huge ancient order of aloof and remote remains.

“Not good, we are all locked.”

“This is an innocent disaster. Let’s just look at the excitement that’s all, who knows it will cause misfortune for no reason.”

The crowd was inexplicably frightened, but found that they were unable to move.

There are only crazy Taoists, Gu Daochen, and Kitamiya Takeshi, who can barely move their bodies, but that’s all. With their current situation, it is absolutely impossible to get this Immortal from the top of their heads. King ordered to break free.

Once the power of the Immortal King order comes out, the world and all souls will have to be suppressed. I am afraid that only if the cultivation base reaches the True Immortal level can it escape this killing.

Yang Xuan could not move either. The breath of the Immortal King order locked him firmly. Even if the Nine Realms originated forcibly moved, this ancient order will be followed by it, and it will kill him. hit.

“If you can’t hide, then fight. I don’t believe that a small token can beat the power of Nine Realms.”

The token is a token after all, I’m afraid It is that even the 1/10000th power of the Zixiao Immortal King before his death can not be exerted.

Yang Xuan couldn’t help but let the nine stars unite into one, and all of them blended into his body, and the whole trance seemed to become a star giant.

His arms shook, and thousands of starlights circulated, forming a pair of Heavenly God wings behind him, trying to rise above the sky.

This is the ultimate change of the origin of Nine Realms. A pair of divine wings are completely condensed by Power of Stars, which can completely burst out Nine Realms Strength of Source in an instant, Chaotic Heaven Earth Shattering.


Gu Hengkong saw that the situation was wrong, he had a big hand with the Immortal King order, and the Immortal King order suddenly descended like Mount Tai, fiercely moved towards Yang Xuan and suppressed it.

“break for me!”

Yang Xuan remain unmoved, his wings slammed on his back, his figure soaring into the sky, the whole person turned into a beam of stars, straight to welcome Order to Immortal King.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the Immortal King, which was as big as a mountain, was swept away by a single blow. At the same time, Yang Xuan was castrated unabated. A pair of divine wings flapped, like The two peerless divine blades are the same, with extremely sharp edges, they are the first to cut towards Gu Hengkong.

Chapter 1181 desperate situation! nirvana! Flesh regeneration!

“The emperor I was famous and invincible, how could he die by your hands? No matter what you Three Heads Six Arms, you must die today!”

Gu Hengkong looked cold and severe, the breath grows wildly, causing the world to change color.

“Just use any means, Young Master will follow.”

Yang Xuan black hair flies up, dashing eyebrows into the temples, full of heroism, like a star god descending into the world, The whole body is blooming with immeasurable light, which makes people unable to look directly.

“Come to fight, today there is only one person between you and me who can leave alive.”

He loudly shouted, showing his invincible qualities, and adding the origin of Nine Realms, let him battle strength Soaring hundreds of times, not afraid of anyone below True Immortal.

above heaven under earth, countless people looked up at him and felt deeply shocked.

A young man who dared to be called Ban Gu Di Gu Hengkong, his courage alone made his mind convulsed and he was willing to go downhill.

“courting death!”

Gu Hengkong shot angrily and instantly detonated the Immortal King order. He only heard a loud bang, and the entire Immortal King order instantly all split up and in pieces, shoot countless purple thunder and lightning from it.

One after another purple thunder and lightning are rising against the storm, and the wind and thunder are violent, like a baring fangs and brandishing claws, a roaring purple dragon heads up, rushing towards Yang Xuan from all directions.

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