“Treasure in this world, where the able lives, this cauldron will be mine from now on.”

Yang Xuan whispered, and changed his hands to sacrifice the black magic cauldron with Nine Realms original blessing, his divine sense is extremely powerful, not inferior to Gu Hengkong, so it is easy to refining this cauldron.

“haha, good tripod, really good tripod!”

He was playing with the rapidly shrinking black magic cauldron, feeling the heaviness of this cauldron, and he couldn’t help but let out a big laugh.

“You deserve to die.”

Gu Hengkong was furious. This is a treasure that he finally got, but it was forcibly taken away under the full view of everyone. This is simply Killing him will make him uncomfortable.

Shame is definitely a shame for a lifetime!

Gu Hengkong has never been so angry since he became famous.

Yang Xuan was indifferent, didn’t care about Gu Hengkong’s cannibalistic eyes, each minding their own business put away the black magic cauldron, and said: “from start to finish, you are aloof and remote, A posture of taking my hold on me, but the result is that you can do everything you can to kill me.”


Gu Hengkong’s murderous intention is revealed, let The sky and the earth are trembling, and the substantive killing intent is like a tornado violently sweeping away, making everyone discolored.

The crowd was panicking, and they all understood that Gu Hengkong moved True Fire, and a Mortal Realm powerhouse went mad. It was definitely a huge killing.

To bring disaster to innocent people, countless people have chosen to retreat, and only the insane Taoist, Gu Daochen, and the great expert of Takeshi Kitamiya did not move.

“You and the other three want to die, the emperor doesn’t mind giving you a ride for free, let’s go together.”

Gu Hengkong glanced at the three crazy Taoists, his voice was cold ruthless.

“The three Seniors don’t have to intervene. I can deal with this person alone.”

Leaving a sentence, Yang Xuan moved, and he was bathed in immeasurable starlight, like a star The giant beast usually kills to Gu Hengkong.

“Evil creature, you are too mad.”

Gu Hengkong burst into trouble and greeted him with his fist.

“Come here well, you also take my fist.”

Yang Xuan is not angry and rejoices, smiles very brightly, and instantly fights with Gu Hengkong.

“bang bang bang!!!!”

The two figures punched one after another, sometimes colliding and sometimes separating, making one after another crack in the void.

The huge mountains collapsed, shattered, and soot skyrocketed under the violent force.

“The cultivation base of Mortal Realm Peak, no wonder your old thief is so confident.”

Yang Xuan the more fights the more brave is, his face is unemotional, he can only attack Defending, punching constantly, launched a fierce attack on Gu Hengkong.

“hmph, the external force is always the external force, how long can you maintain it?”

Gu Hengkong used to attack against each other, tirelessly, he did not believe that he dignified Mortal Realm’s A great expert is no match for a junior who relies on external forces.

“After today, there will be no more ancient emperors and no Ancient Celestial Court in the world.”

Yang Xuan remain unmoved, fully urges the origin of Nine Realms and turns into a star on top of the head Dayue.

Da Yue Hengtian, imposing manner is majestic and majestic, violently suppressing Gu Hengkong, making the world tremble.

“Five thunder fingers, break!”

Gu Hengkong raised his hand, his five fingers are like a thunderbolt, shooting five lightning beams as thick as a dragon body, intercepting them to the sky, fiercely welcoming them Xiang Xingchen Dayue.

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

Five lightning beams speed to the pinnacle, unparalleled in power and breathtaking, all of a sudden piercing the stars and great mountains, destructive power is terrifying.

“It’s useless.”

Yang Xuan shook his head and sneered. Unless Gu Hengkong can defeat the stars and Dayue with a single blow, he will not be able to shake the root of Nine Realms.

“Nine stars are broken, all souls are extinct, old thief, your time to die is here.”

Yang Xuan shouted, divine sense completely detonated the stars of Da Yue, turning it into a huge nine-stranded mountain Star River rushed down, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Gu Hengkong complexion greatly changed, waved thunder fingers one after another, trying to break the Star Fragmentation River and reverse the crisis.

However, everything was in vain. The vast Nine Star River ignored the one after another finger thunder, crushed it down crazily and hit him heavily.


Gu Hengkong screamed, because his cultivation base is outstanding, and the fleshy body is far from reaching the realm of Undying and Inextinguishable.

Under the impact of one after another Star River, his flesh and blood turned into nothingness on the spot, leaving only a broken bone, which was shaken to the ground.

“Black Magic Tripod!”

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