When he was sick and killing him, Yang Xuan couldn’t help but summoned the Black Demon Cauldron, and Yiding smashed it down with all his strength.


The black magic cauldron faced the storm and when it came to Gu Hengkong, it had already become several hundred zhang.


Gu Hengkong wailed in despair, but couldn’t escape this mortal blow. He was covered with bones and even the traumatized Divine Soul, and was hacked in an instant The magic cauldron is crushed, destroy both body and soul.

Chapter 1183 Annihilation!

“The ancient emperor… is dead!”

“Oh my god, is this true!? That’s the ancient emperor, who was so powerful that he died in this battle. “

The crowd was in an uproar, and they couldn’t believe their eyes. Even though Gu Hengkong lost his two major trump cards, Immortal King and Black Magic Ding, his strength was greatly reduced. Transcendent Realm’s cultivation base is still beyond the reach of ordinary people. Shaking, let alone being killed.

Xu Yang, Yue Wuyin, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Han Shixiong, Shen Changfeng, Cao Family siblings, Liao Junjie, Wei Lihui, Tan Fei, Lin Zhengying and the others, are equally stunned.

They are used to seeing big scenes, but they still feel a little unreal. The cultivation base is Yang Xuan of Supreme Realm, who actually crushed the ancient emperor of aloof and remote in the eyes of the world like a flies. It really made them shake.

Yuechan Fairy is also beautiful eyes wide, full of incredible expression.

She looked at the ancient Hengkong that turned into flying ashes under the black magic cauldron, and stared at Yang Xuan standing in the sky in the distance, her heart could not be calm for a long time.

It is the mad Taoist, Gu Daochen, and Bei Gong Wu, who were also shocked by this scene.

Gu Hengkong, the Heavenspan world number one expert, has been unrivaled beneath the heavens, even if it is a legendary big dream daoist, it’s only 50-50 against the odds, no one dare to say who. Better than anyone else.

But now, a young man of unknown origin has killed the ancient emperor singlehandedly. If this is not seen with his own eyes, outsiders will probably treat it as a joke.

Using the Supreme Realm cultivation base to fight against the strongman of Transcendent Realm, and even kill the latter in one fell swoop, this was originally an impossible feat, enough to be recorded in history.

“Impossible, how could the emperor die!”

“When the emperor dies, where should we go? With this child’s behavior, maybe he will soon kill Ancient Celestial Court, when the time comes, who is his opponent in the entire Kunlun Mountains?”

“Come on, taking advantage of the crowded eyes, let’s evacuate from here, how far and how far away, Anyway, don’t go back to Ancient Celestial Court.”

Far away, many Ancient Celestial Court martial artists felt that the sky was falling, and left one after another. A powerful divine sense shrouded, and all of them were impossible to move even a little bit in an instant.

Nine Realms has its origin everywhere, not to mention that it is still in Heavenspan now. Within the realm, Yang Xuan is the absolute master. A single thought can make people lose control of the body.

His eyes are like electricity, standing in midair, faintly opened the mouth and said: “No one can go, but you can’t go, but everyone in the Ancient Celestial Court will never want to live today. Get out of here.”

The sound didn’t seem loud, but it resounded through the world, full of fierce murderous intention, and scared many Ancient Celestial Court martial artists to their horror.

“It’s cruel!”

Someone gu lu swallowed his mouth, secretly glad that he was not from the Ancient Celestial Court.

The Ancient Celestial Court has tyrannically abused power and plundered countless cultivation resources over the years, and deserves to suffer such a disaster.

Many people who have been bullied by the Ancient Celestial Court even felt a sense of revenge in their hearts, hoping that the Ancient Celestial Court would be completely destroyed.

“For mercy, although we are from the Ancient Celestial Court, we are lacking hatred and enmity with you, please show mercy.”

One by one, the ancient Celestial Court martial artist face pale. The fainthearted can’t take care of the face even when he is afraid, busy moving towards Yang Xuan begging for mercy.

Martial Dao cultivation is not easy. They used to be proud of the Ancient Celestial Court martial artist, but now they only have endless fear left in their hearts, and they just want to separate themselves from the Ancient Celestial Court. .

“God has a good life, so the little friends will let them go.”

The lunatic man persuaded that the ancient emperor and the ancient died, and the Ancient Celestial Court is already In name Only, sooner or later, it will fall apart, why should Yang Xuan go to kill more.

Cultivation is walking the heavens-defying road. The more people you kill, the more sins you will have, which is extremely unfavorable for your future cultivation.

“Many thanks to Senior.”

There are so many Ancient Celestial Court martial artists deeply grateful, just before they kneel and kowtow to the lunatic.

Good people, although it is just a casually sentence, it is possible for them to avoid death.

Who can live and want to die?

Everyone secretly swears that if they can or leave today, they will definitely change their past.

“Since Senior has spoken, Junior will no longer kill people, but one of these people must die.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes are from the Ancient Celestial Court martial. The artist swept over, and finally stayed on a middle-aged man whose appearance was similar to Jiang Mingyue has several points of. Each minding their own business said: “I saw deep hatred in his eyes. After him, he will look for opportunities to trouble me in the future. Instead of doing this, he should kill him to avoid the trouble.”

“This person is?”

Follow the crazy Taoist Yang Xuan looked towards the middle-aged man.

“Reporting back to Senior, this person is our Great Elder Jiang Zhenxiong of Ancient Celestial Court, and is also Jiang Mingyue’s biological father.”

There is Ancient Celestial Court martial artist loudly said.

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