The Demon Emperor, named after the tyrant, to whom he wants to acknowledge allegiance is simply impossible.

“A descendant of Great Demonic God!?”

“True or false, although he is a Demon Race, it does not mean that he is a descendant of Great Demonic God. According to legend, Great Demonic God until Before disappearing, they were all alone, and I have never heard of any heirs of Great Demonic God.”

Others were also uneasy. They originally thought that Yang Xuan would definitely fight the four Great Demon Emperors in a bloody battle. , Until the separation of life and death, who knows that such a bizarre scene appeared not long after the battle began.

A Demon Emperor, known as the Demon Emperor who was born in war and died for war, actually bowed down at the feet of Yang Xuan on the spot, praising it as keep on saying.

At this moment, let alone people who are not familiar with Yang Xuan, even those familiar with him such as Xu Yang, Yue Wuyin, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Yuechan Fairy, Lin Zhengying and the others were also shocked. Speechless.

Who is Great Demonic God? Could it be true that Yang Xuan has something to do with it? This is simply a mystery, and no one can tell it clearly.

“For my whole life, I will only serve Great Demonic God, and you, as a descendant of Great Demonic God, are worthy of me to follow.”

The crazy ape said, it seems Yang Xuan does not agree, he will always kneel does not raise.

“Sorry, I don’t really know any Great Demonic God, so you don’t need to acknowledge allegiance to me.”

Yang Xuan spoke lightly.

“Regardless of the facts, you are on the same lineage as the Great Demonic God, and more importantly, your bloodline is almost exactly the same as the Great Demonic God, both perfect and without blemish.”

The Demon Emperor is respectful and authentic.

“Interesting, can you see my bloodline?”

“Lord Demon, when he was a little demon ape in the past, he was lucky enough to get the Great Demonic Lord God’s Good Fortune.”

“Good Fortune?”

“That’s it, Lord Great Demonic God once gave me a drop of Life Source Blood Essence, let me be within the body The demon blood became purer. If it weren’t for this, I would also be impossible cultivation success Demon Emperor, and even more impossible to have a strong physique.”

The Demon Emperor paused and said: “Great Demonic God Life Source Blood Essence is so honorable, and my subordinates are still grateful to this day. Unfortunately, Master Great Demonic God has been missing for a long time. I just want to repay and I don’t have that chance.”

“so that’s how it is, This should be the so-called bloodline resonance.”

Suddenly, Yang Xuan has never seen Great Demonic God. Even in his previous life, he has not had any intersection with Great Demonic God, but the two There is one thing in common, that is, within the body, the bloodline of Demon Race Sovereign flows.

Demon Race Sovereign bloodline is one of the most powerful bloodline in the world. Even if the Demon Emperor only got a drop of Life Source Blood Essence from Great Demonic God, he can now be sensed within the body through the bloodline The strong and domineering Sovereign bloodline.

“Great Demonic God is a Demon Race with a bloodline of Demon Race Sovereign…”

Yang Xuan felt in his heart, he thought he was the last Demon Race Sovereign in the world, unexpectedly In this isolated dark Demon Realm, a Demon Race Sovereign has appeared.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he asked again: “Where is Great Demonic God now?”

“I don’t know, Great Demonic God disappeared mysteriously in millions of years. Some people speculated that it might be Transcending Tribulation has soared to the legendary Immortal World.”

Said the mad ape Demon Emperor, he once again expressed his acknowledge allegiance to Yang Xuan, “Please also Demon Lord to accept his subordinates.”

“Well, you will follow me next. If there is a chance in the future, I will find Great Demonic God for you, of course, provided that he is still alive.”

Yang Xuan nodded, simply accepted the madness For the ape Demon Emperor, it is not difficult to kill a Demon Emperor, but it is extremely difficult and almost impossible to make a Demon Emperor return.

“Many thanks Demon Lord, if the Demon Lord can really find the Great Demonic God, I will be able to reshape the past glory of Demon Race in the future.”

The Demon Emperor is excited. Extremely, outsiders only said that he was a Fiend, but in private he has always been proud of Demon Race.

There is no other reason. He got the Fiend of Great Demonic God Good Fortune, and the many lower Fiends of Demon Realm, even Moyou, Hei Ming, Ancestral Dragon and the three Great Demon Emperors, all of which are essentially the difference.

“Crazy Ape, don’t you even want the dignity of being a Demon Emperor? You really want to acknowledge allegiance to this human imp.”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor has an ugly face To the extreme.

“Shut up, the identity of my lord is respected, and no one is allowed to speak profanity.”

The mad ape Demon Emperor roared, trying to fight the Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor desperately.

“Crazy, this guy is crazy, the two quickly joined hands with me to kill him and this human kid.”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor shouted again and again, but Without seeing Moyou, the two Demon Emperor Hei Ming had the slightest intention of doing it.

Only a Yang Xuan, they are not sure of victory. What’s more, the Demon Emperor is now on Yang Xuan’s side?

It is their three Great Demon Emperor teaming up, and this battle is definitely bode ill rather than well.

“What are you waiting for, as long as you kill this child and refining his blood of Demon God, we may not be able to become a new Demon God in the future.”

Ancestral The words of the Dragon Demon Emperor were alluring and deceiving, which made the imperial capital of Moyou and Hei Ming move somewhat.

Yes, no matter where Yang Xuan comes from or what it has to do with Great Demonic God, his bloodline is undoubtedly the most powerful in Demon Race. If they can really devour Yang Xuan’s monster Blood will certainly be of great benefit to their future cultivation.

“Ancestral Dragon, you damn it.”

The Demon Emperor was so angry.

“The damn it is you, you are not worthy of being a Demon Emperor. When you are killed, the drop of Great Demonic God Life Source Blood Essence you within the body will be completely owned by me.”

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