Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor coldly said.

“You dare to be rampant when you die, do you really think Young Master doesn’t exist?” Yang Xuan couldn’t help laughing, his voice full of murderous intention.

“Look at the mad ape, I will kill this child.”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor is facing the Demon You, Hei Ming shouting loudly, and then kills Yang Xuan alone, He doesn’t believe in a Demon Race boy, he really has the strength to match him.


Yang Xuan looked cold, urging the source of Nine Realms, and slapped with all his strength.

“Turn the demon dragon, kill!”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor was prepared for a long time, and instantly turned into a huge monster of a vicious god. This is his deity, After he is a magic dragon, his fleshy body will become impervious to sword and spear, indestructible.

At the same time, strength will be doubled.

“overestimate one’s capabilities!”

Yang Xuan shook his head, eyes full of contempt. His seemingly light palm, but hidden incomparable terrifying power, a palm and Ancestral Dragon The dragon claw of the Demon Emperor collided, and the huge dragon claw was smashed on the spot.


Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor screamed, and the entire huge dragon body was flew out many zhang away by the town. Under absolute power, he was all alone The hard dragon scales have been cracked in large areas, drenched with blood.

Yang Xuan’s blow was too terrifying, such as the Great Demonic God’s visit, it was unstoppable, and he was severely injured all at once…

Chapter 1193 Dark Night Sky Screen

“Ancestral Dragon has been defeated, can you still fight with me?”

The Demon Emperor is known as the Battle Saint Demon. He is a standard fighting madman, but he is crazy. I don’t think I can beat Moyou, Hei Ming and the Great Demon Emperor alone.

The two have been famous for a long time, and their strength is almost on par. One against two makes him only able to resist, and he will lose in a long battle.


Moyou and Heiming retreated one after another. Before Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor could kill Yang Xuan, they all had to save their energy.

“Oh my God, is this true!?”

“Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor is injured and can’t even take this child’s move.”

The crowd exclaimed, and the Fiends were silent for a while. Is this young man really a descendant of Great Demonic God, the strong one is too terrifying, as strong as the Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor, he was knocked down by his face.

For a while, everyone’s eyes looking towards Yang Xuan were full of weirdness. Even Xu Yang and others who knew Yang Xuan had to marvel at Yang Xuan’s powerful strength.

At this age, this battle strength is the only one in the world. Who is his opponent under Immortal World today?

“What Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor, but Er, that’s all, even pretending to kill me, with your strength, can you kill me?”

Yang Xuan is no one beside him, full Looking at Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor with disdain, he said.

“Unforgivable, I want you to die without a burial site!”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor soared into the sky, irritable and mad. As the Demon Emperor, he was The Demon Race boy was seriously injured by one move. This is simply a great shame, whether it is tolerable or unbearable.

“You can’t kill me, but if you are willing to bow your head and admit it, I might be able to promise you a whole body.”

Yang Xuan indifferently said, not him Conceit, but with absolute confidence, confident within three moves, you can suppress and kill Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor.

No matter how strong Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor is, it is far less powerful than Gu Hengkong. With his current strength, he won’t waste much Nine Realms when he kills him.

The origin of Nine Realms is not endless. Each activation will consume a certain amount of energy, and it will take some time to recover.

This is like the vitality of a person. Fighting with people will deplete one’s vitality, and when vitality decays, people will become weak.

Similarly, the reduction of the source of Nine Realms will also cause the collapse of Nine Realms Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth. If it cannot be recovered for a long time, it will also shake the foundation of Nine Realms, so it will not be as a last resort. Yang Xuan will not easily use the source of Nine Realms.

Even if you really want to use it, it won’t last long. Moreover, with his current cultivation base, the body cannot withstand a force far beyond his own for a long time.

“Funatic, you succeeded in angering me, with my blood essence, burning my Divine Soul, so that everything in the world will be dark.”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor roars , His breath became crazily weak, but this was not a good thing. As his voice fell, a mysterious and huge rune appeared out of thin air.

This rune is completely black, and constantly shoots out infinite black light, making the whole world seem to be covered with a thick black curtain.

At this moment, there is no light in the world and no life, only a pair of scarlet and huge dragons flicker in the boundless darkness, breathtaking.

“What happened!?”

“Life Source Divine Ability, this is the Life Source Divine Ability of Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor-Dark Night Sky Curtain!”

The Fiends were in an uproar, and the crowd was shocked, feeling like they were about to die.

The night came so fast that it instantly enveloped them all, making them dizzy and unable to distinguish East, South, West, and North.

Gradually, many people even find that Fleshy Body and Divine Soul are being attacked by a mysterious power, which may disintegrate at any time and be completely annihilated in this endless darkness.

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