This is not the night in the general sense, but the extreme darkness summoned by a certain evil mystery, which makes people feel as if they are about to fall into it, forever unable to reincarnate.

“It’s weird Divine Ability.”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, clear as a flame, always staring at Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor, no matter what hole Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor has, he is completely fearless .

“Beast, I want you to die!”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor killing intent overflowing heaven, under the dark night sky, he is Lord of Heaven and Earth, but whatever The creatures in the darkness will become his prey, and whoever wants to die will have to die.

“nonsense, I’m waiting for you to kill me.”

Yang Xuan stood in the sky, Samsara Power filled his body, making him glow with a faint glow, like in the middle of the night A small pearl, shining brightly there, has never been extinguished.

Reincarnation is the strongest power of heaven and earth. No matter how powerful this pure Power of Darkness is, it will be difficult to break through this halo of reincarnation. Darkness is not just when it touches, it is involved in reincarnation. Re-exist.

“What kind of power is this!?”

The Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor changed color, even if he was far away, he also faintly felt a certain fatal threat.

“Samsara Power, you should have heard of it?”

“The cultivation base determines everything, even if you master the legendary Samsara Power, you have to die today! Devoured by the night!”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor roared, and a huge black vortex appeared above Yang Xuan. The black vortex had a radius of ten thousand zhang, pitch-black as ink, which revealed a strange and terrifying atmosphere. , Seems to be able to swallow everything.

“Demon Lord, get away quickly.”

The Demon Emperor complexion greatly changed, this black vortex, also known as the Dark Night Swallowing, was made by Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor at the expense of his life. The ultimate move, formidable power is terrible.

“It’s okay, I’ll be fine.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand, and did not choose to avoid him. This black vortex has locked him firmly, no matter where he goes, It will follow until it falls on his head.

“haha, as long as you possess great magical power, there is only one dead end now.”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor laughed wildly, and saw the black vortex suddenly descend, and Yang Xuan was completely People are overwhelmed.

Yang Xuan shocked all over, feeling as if he had entered a hot pot of oil, which was terribly uncomfortable.

But, that’s all, Samsara Power and Nine Realms are guarded by the origins of the whole body, so that he has no worries. It is nothing but a little pain from the body that can not really hurt his body.

“Impossible, who the hell are you!? How can you stay in it for so long!”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor was moved, his eyes were full of horror, this Demon Race boy also Strong is too outrageous, you must know that even he dare not use his body to compete against black vortex.

Black vortex can smash everything and cannot be resisted by humans. Even if the Great Demonic God comes in person, I’m afraid I have to avoid its edge.

But Yang Xuan, with a small body, forcibly withstood the swallowing of black vortex.

“Is there any other means, if not, then you can go to death next.” Yang Xuan opened the mouth and said, with a cold voice like a sword, clearly through the black vortex , Passed to the ears of Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor.

“This is by no means a simple Samsara Power. Even if it is Samsara Power, it shouldn’t be so powerful.”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor was shocked, and I felt great in my heart. It wasn’t good, and he was immediately ready to flee. Since the most powerful killer can’t kill Yang Xuan, there is no chance of victory in this battle. Staying here will eventually even pay for it.

Chapter 1194 kills Ancestral Dragon to frighten the demons!

“I want to go now, don’t you think it’s too late?”

Yang Xuan is gushing and radiant. The origin of Nine Realms merges with Samsara Power. With a boom, it turns into stars and speed. It spreads out, disperses the sky and night, and brightens the sky and the earth.

The night turns into daylight, which is truly shocking.

“Oh my God, is this true? The dark sky of Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor was so easily broken by him.”

“Great Demonic God, He is definitely a descendant of Great Demonic God. If it weren’t for this, how could he have such an anti-theft method!?”

The Fiends are full of horror on their faces, and they don’t dare anymore. I looked down at this Demon Race as a boy.

This child is talented and powerful. Even if it is not a descendant of Great Demonic God, within the body is flowing a strong bloodline exactly similar to Great Demonic God. Unless something happens, come Ri is bound to become Lord of Demon Realm-a newly-rising young Demon God.

“The power of Star Core, this is the power of Star Core!”

The Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor was so frightened, he screamed out loud, and finally recognized Yang Xuan’s possession What kind of power.

One Great World is actually a huge star floating in the endless sky, and the bigger the star, the more vigorous the star, most of which contains a Star Core, which can also be called It is the origin of the stars.

“What, he actually refining the power of Star Core!”

The two Demon Emperors, Moyou and Hei Ming, were shocked and their faces were shocked.

Under their dark Demon Realm, under the abyss, since ancient times, they also have a Star Core. Although they want to take it as their own all the time, their strength is limited and simply refining is impossible.

Don’t talk about refining, the Star Core has a certain spirituality. Once a creature approaches, it will burst out immeasurable starlight instantly. Without True Immortal level strength, trying to get involved with Star Core is simply courting death. .

“You’re not too stupid, yes, I do have the power of a few Star Cores.”

Yang Xuan sneered at Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor with no eyes With the slightest emotional touch, he is now in a state of enchantment, in the bones is extremely murderous, even if Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor asks for mercy, he will never stop there.

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