“He is not an ordinary person, and he has a relationship with our Lord, Great God Pangu.”

Pangu Axe spiritually.

“So, you are determined to kill me?”

“No, I will not kill you, your Primordial Spirit is of great use to me, and you too I see, I am still very weak and need to use your Primordial Spirit to recover.”

“haha, I want to devour my Primordial Spirit, can you do it?”

“You have to try everything before you know it.”

Pangu Axe flashed, and instantly came to the Primordial Spirit of the Netherworld God and smashed it violently.

It is not a simple thing to devour a Primordial Spirit of True God, even if it is only Avatar Primordial Spirit.

What Pangu Axe spirit has to do now is to slowly decompose the opponent’s Primordial Spirit, bit by bit to cannibalize and digest.


Netherworld God’s Primordial Spirit roared and rolled up the monstrous Nether-River Water, facing the Pangu Axe spirit without dodge or dodge.

One spirit and one Primordial Spirit, the two are in strong confrontation, fighting murky heavens dark earth, Sun and Moon lost radiance, the power of Netherworld God does not lie in the fleshy body, but in the Primordial Spirit.

Every time he hit, the void collapsed, hitting the Primordial Spirit of Pangu Axe.

Yang Xuan retreats, this kind of battle is no longer possible to intervene, too close will be affected and injured.

For a long time, the battle finally stopped. However, the destruction caused by this battle made the entire dark Demon Realm nearly one in two. The dark Demon Realm also seemed to have experienced a catastrophe, with countless deaths and injuries, blood flowing Into a river, there is a terrifying scene everywhere.

This is heart palpitating, and everyone who is still alive feels scared.

“What happened?”

“Gosh, if this continues, the entire world will be destroyed!”

“It’s dead, let’s It’s all dead, and the kid doesn’t know what’s causing something extraordinary.” Just when people were about to despair, the mountains and rivers no longer collapsed, the world no longer turned over, and everything gradually calmed down.

At the same time, under Dark Abyss, Pangu Axe and Netherworld God are facing each other across the river, and they are not continuing to take action. The two have fought a battle, and no one can do anything about it.

The previous destruction of Netherworld God’s Avatar was nothing but a surprise. Now Pangu Axe has no advantage over the Netherworld God’s Primordial Spirit.

The difference between Axe and Primordial Spirit is fundamentally not at all. They all belong to the existence of spirit. The two fight against each other and rely on spirit strength, whether it is Pangu Axe Spirit or Netherworld God’s. Primordial Spirit is almost the same at the level of spirit strength, so it is difficult to really tell the winner.

“Do you need Junior’s help?”

“Also, let me use your body.”

“No problem.”


In a brief exchange, Pangu Axe turned into an aura, submerged in the center of Yang Xuan’s eyebrows.

Yang Xuan was shocked all over, and immediately lost control of his body, and his body was completely handed over to the Pangu Axe spirit.

“You are so young!”

Pangu Axe moved her body flexibly and said with emotion.

“hmph, do you think that if you hide in this child within the body, I can’t help you?”

Netherworld God’s Primordial Spirit expanded rapidly, and then a violent blast came from the mouth drink.


A terrifying amount of mental ability, with boundless Nether-River Water, rushed out like a devastating storm, and immediately swallowed Yang Xuan’s whole person.

Yang Xuan was surprised, this Netherworld God really terrifying, even if only Primordial Spirit is left, it can burst out with such terrifying power.

This kind of power reaches Divine Soul, if it hadn’t been for Pangu Axe’s secret help, he would have already the soul flew away and scattered.

Know that this is just an Avatar Primordial Spirit of the opponent. If the deity descends and all the Primordial Spirits become one, wouldn’t it be that this blow caused him to destroy both body and soul and cease to exist.


Pangu Axe has a big mouth, controlling Yang Xuan’s body, waving Pangu Axe’s illusory shadow in his hand, splitting the storm in front of him with a single axe, and then rushing straight To Netherworld God.

With Fleshy body, Pan Fu Xuan can use Yang Xuan’s Nine Realms origin and many powers. These powers fuse together, far from what Yang Xuan can match today.

“Open the world with one axe, slash!”

Only hearing a loud bang, the Netherworld God has not had time to react in the future, the Primordial Spirit was split in half with one axe , Although soon healed again, but the entire Primordial Spirit became very weak.

“Damn, you dare to hurt me one after another!”

Netherworld God ran away and started desperately. He kept attacking Yang Xuan and wanted to destroy Yang Xuan’s fleshy first Body, then kill Pangu Axe spirit. This is the benefit of Fleshy body. The unity of Pangu Axe spirit and Yang Xuan also puts heavy pressure on the Primordial Spirit of Netherworld God.

Chapter 1199 refining Divine Spark

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