PS; I’m sorry, but I don’t have much time to write a book during the New Year. I will finish writing this book quietly without leaving any regrets. As for the update, I can’t guarantee What? Write something when you have time. I don’t rely on this to make money to support my family.

“Divine Crystal armor! Manifestation!”

Netherworld God roared, and the breath grew wildly. This is the primal power of Primordial Spirit. When this power reaches a certain extreme, amazing changes begin appear.

“really strong!”

Yang Xuan was secretly shocked, Netherworld God originally only had Primordial Spirit left, and his body was between the real and the virtual, but now his body surface appeared A layer of crystal clear and near-transparent heavy armor.

“I am an ancient god, Divine Spark is immortal. No matter it is this child or your little axe, don’t even want to kill me.”

Netherworld God wears a god A, holding Divine Sword in his hand, like a real divine mansion resurrected, invincible.

“The power of ancient Divine Spark is really amazing!”

Pangu Axe whispers, but is not afraid. Divine Spark is the exclusive object of ancient Spiritual God, Condensing Divine Spark The method has long been lost, even if it is not lost, it is difficult for anyone to successfully cohesive.

Even the Immortal King Immortal Emperor and even the sage of the immortals, I dare not say that everyone has Divine Spark.

“What is Divine Spark?”

Yang Xuan asked.

“Kill him and plunder his Divine Spark, and you will understand what Divine Spark is.”

Pangu Axe Paused, and said: “Although you have cultivated a body refinement magical power , But the fleshy body is still not strong enough, so I’m here to help you bring it up a level.”

“What will the Senior do?”

“Don’t be nervous, to you This is a great advantage. Your fleshy body does not seem weak, but it is not perfect. There are still many impurities in the body. This kind of impurities is very unfavorable for your future cultivation.”

“Is there a perfect body in the world!?”

“Yes, such as the chaotic body, this kind of physique has experienced the tempering of chaotic ancestors, and is inherently perfect and without blemish, and I happen to have a drop here Chaotic divide liquid can help you become a legendary chaotic body.”

After a short conversation, Yang Xuan felt that some liquid had entered his mouth, and then quickly passed through the esophagus, dispersed in the body, and transformed into one after another Surging and amazing energy.

Pain, pain!

Yang Xuan has not had time to refining this kind of energy, the whole body then trembles constantly, the whole body is crackling, and a little bit of cracking.

This is not collapse, but like a cicada shed its shell, like a snake shed its skin, destroy the old self, reshape the new self, and completely reborn.

What washes the pulp and cuts the hair, compared to this kind of destruction and rebirth, it is not worth mentioning.

“Without destruction there can be no construction, and only chaotic divine liquid, can you have such anti-sky effects and let your fleshy body undergo a deep transformation.”

Yang Xuan was so painful that he couldn’t speak, his skin, skeleton, veins, internal organs, etc., all rattled like a knife, but after a while, another mysterious power was born to repair the body.

All this happened very quickly, but within a few breaths, the blood cocoon that appeared on Yang Xuan’s body began to fall off, revealing a body like a jade stone.

Perfect, absolutely perfect, no flaws can be found.

“How do you feel?”

Pangu Axe asked with a smile.

“Good! Excellent! I have never been so good. I feel like I have experienced baptism, my body has become lighter and more powerful.”

If not The body was given to the Pangu Axe spirit, and Yang Xuan couldn’t help but want to roar towards the sky now.

“Waste, waste, such as this treasure and expensive divine liquid, you actually gave it to this Demon Race kid without the slightest hesitation!”

Netherworld God witnessed Yang Xuan’s body Change, the envy of my eyes are almost angry.


Pangu Axe Ling shouted.


The Netherworld God murderous intention was revealed, and the Primordial Spirit quickly expanded to a hundred zhang high, and it was culled in an instant.


Yang Xuan rushed up and shook his fist directly to fight him.

bang bang bang!! !

The two sides only attacked but not defended, and there were continuous void cracks in the surrounding area, causing the entire Underground World to vibrate violently, as if it might collapse at any time.

Only the Netherworld River is always stable, and the like a point is not affected.

Netherworld River is made up of rich Yin Qi. Even if it is cut off by the river of destiny, it cannot be destroyed by ordinary forces.

Even Netherworld God can only control a part of the power of Netherworld River.

“Power, this is the perfect control of power.”

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